
Three Kingdoms: Live as Lu Bu

What if you were to reborn as the strongest warrior in the world? Serve the warlord or be your own lord? Crossing the end of the Han Dynasty, reborn as Lu Bu. More valiant and fearless, no longer lacking in strategy. Recruiting renowned generals, gathering accomplished women. Not just a loyal subject, but a righteous father. Sweeping across the world, unifying the chaotic era. After Lu Bu, there is no more Three Kingdoms

Robert_Peterson_1945 · Famosos
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41 Chs

Promoting Subordinate

Yuan Wei felt somewhat disheartened and pressed further, "Whom does the Empress Dowager favor?"

Empress Dowager He, at a loss, turned to Lu Zhi and asked, "Lord Lu, do you have any good candidates?"

After a brief consideration, Lu Zhi recommended his close friend Zhu Jun, "The former Grand Commandant Zhu Jun is currently in mourning for his mother. He is about to complete his mourning period. We can summon him back to the capital to assume the role of Grand Commandant. In the meantime, I have been temporarily handling the duties of the Grand Commandant as per the decree from the Empress Dowager. When Zhu Jun returns, I will hand over the responsibilities to him."

Upon hearing that the renowned general Zhu Jun, who had eradicated the Yellow Turbans, would take over as the Grand Commandant, Yuan Wei had nothing more to say and returned to his position.

Now it was Lu Bu's turn to recommend someone.

Lu Bu stepped forward and presented his proposal, "Lord Ding has recently passed away, leaving the position of Cavalry Commandant vacant. Under Lord Ding's command, Generals Gao Shun and Gao Zhongping have made significant contributions in suppressing the eunuchs and rescuing the Emperor and Prince of Chenliu. They deserve commendation. Among them, Gao Shun, known for his integrity and valor, is wise, brave, and loyal. He is well-suited for the role of Cavalry Commandant."

Without waiting for objections from the ministers, Empress Dowager He quickly nodded, "What you propose is approved. Appoint Gao Shun as the Cavalry Commandant."

Lu Bu continued, "As Gao Shun is promoted from General of the Tiger's Elite to Cavalry Commandant, the position of General of the Tiger's Elite is now vacant. I recommend Wang Yue and Wang Rui to take on this responsibility. Wang Yue, renowned as the top swordsman in the realm, earned the title of Grand Swordsman ten years ago when he infiltrated Helan Mountain alone and assassinated the leader of the Qiang tribe, leading to the victory of our Great Han forces without a battle. Despite his achievements, Wang Yue's recognition was obstructed by the Ten Attendants upon his return to the capital. I hope the Empress Dowager will consider this and not let deserving individuals be disheartened."

Empress Dowager He instructed Wang Yue to step forward for his appointment, saying, "The late Emperor had long heard of your name and intended to employ you. However, due to your humble background, some ministers convinced the late Emperor that your wild and unruly nature made you unfit for significant responsibilities. Therefore, he reluctantly refrained from using your talents. Fortunately, I, on behalf of the late Emperor, remedy this regret. Following Lord Lu's recommendation, I appoint you as General of the Tiger's Elite."

When mentioning "some ministers," Empress Dowager He cast a faint glance at Yuan Wei. Wang Yue, with keen insight, observed this scene and vowed silently to settle the score for this humiliation someday.

Yuan Wei took a step forward, his face turning red, and accused loudly, "What crime has Yuan Shu committed? Why does the Empress Dowager unreasonably remove Yuan Shu from the position of General of the Tiger's Elite?"

Empress Dowager He, displeased with Yuan Wei's arrogance, cleared her throat and turned her face away, refusing to respond.

Yuan Wei, originally thinking that the Yuan family had enough influence to control the court, realized that he was far from having absolute authority. Empress Dowager He had firmly seized control of the Imperial Guards and the Secretariat, thwarting his original plans. Feeling frustrated, he lost his composure and displayed a lack of courtesy in front of Empress Dowager He.

Yuan Wei turned to blame Lu Zhi, "What is the Secretariat for? How can it allow a crude warrior to replace the esteemed minister's position? How can such an edict be issued?"

Wang Yue, hearing Yuan Wei's accusations against himself, couldn't help but be infuriated. If it weren't for Lu Bu's restraining gaze, he might have drawn his precious sword to behead Yuan Wei.

Also provoked by Yuan Wei's impolite words, Lu Zhi, with his already thunderous voice, resonated throughout the Chongde Hall, "As the head of the Secretariat, I am devoted to serving the imperial decrees, and I dare not follow the erroneous commands of powerful ministers. Lord Grand Tutor, you should also adhere to the imperial decrees and refrain from bullying the Empress Dowager and the Emperor, especially at a time when the late Emperor's body is not yet cold."

Lu Zhi, besides being a prominent scholar and military strategist, was also a seasoned politician with extensive experience in the political arena. He firmly pressed down the hat he wore, intimidating Yuan Wei, who had relied on his family and enjoyed a smooth career path. Yuan Wei's face turned pale, uncertain about how to respond. In the end, he could only kneel down, bowing deeply, and request forgiveness from the Empress Dowager.

Empress Dowager He sneered, "Grand Tutor, please rise. Previously, I appointed Yuan Shu as the Prefect of Nanyang. Nanyang is the land of prosperity, the number one commandery in the empire with a population of one million households. Serving as its prefect can rival the power of a regional governor. Even more so than becoming a General of the Tiger's Elite. However, I don't understand why Yuan Shu declined this position. Such behavior truly puts me in a difficult position."

Seeing that his faction had achieved nothing, Yuan Wei couldn't allow Yuan Shu to end up with nothing. He signaled Yuan Shu to submit.

Yuan Shu had no choice but to step forward and kneel, "I am willing to take on the role of Prefect of Nanyang."

Empress Dowager He didn't want to offend the entire Yuan family and was reluctant to alter the decree again. She was already aware that the repeated refusals by Yuan Shu's faction had significantly damaged the authority of the imperial power. She signaled to Lu Bu with her eyes, asking for advice.

Responding to Empress Dowager He's silent signal, Lu Bu stepped forward respectfully and advised, "Grand Tutor Yuan holds a crucial role in assisting the Emperor. It's inappropriate for him to be distracted. The additional position of Rear General can be bestowed upon Yuan Shu. Allowing the nephew to share the burden with his uncle demonstrates filial piety, which is sufficient to move heaven and earth. I hope the Empress Dowager will consider this."

Empress Dowager He, almost unable to contain her laughter, found Lu Bu amusing. Clearly, Lu Bu had thwarted the Yuan family's expectations, yet he presented himself with a righteous demeanor.

Understanding the Empress Dowager's amusement, Lu Bu continued, "Grand Tutor Yuan is a talented individual. The role of Rear General will surely be well within his capabilities. I recommend him to be appointed Prefect of Nanyang."

Although Empress Dowager He hesitated for a moment, she eventually nodded in agreement. She realized that Lu Bu had some clever considerations and approved the proposal.

Lu Bu continued with his suggestions, "Considering their significant achievements in eliminating the eunuchs, it is imperative to bestow titles upon Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, and Wang Yun. I fear that without proper rewards, there might be discontent among the people. I propose to confer the title of Jiangting Marquis upon Yuan Shao, Daoting Marquis upon Yuan Shu, and Shenting Marquis upon Wang Yun, to appease the hearts of these loyal subjects."

Yuan Wei, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Wang Yun, and others were left dumbfounded. They never expected that Lu Bu, who had been opposing them, would suddenly change his stance and request titles for them.

Unaware of Lu Bu's calculations, they didn't know that Lu Bu wanted to use them to deal with the looming threat of Dong Zhuo.

Empress Dowager He, recognizing Lu Bu's thoughtful intentions, considered the proposal. She then instructed Lu Zhi to draft the decree, granting all the requested titles.

After the decree took effect, individuals like Zhang Yang, Zhang Liao, Wei Xu, Song Xian, and Cheng Lian were appointed as Commanders, while others like Xue Lan, Li Feng, Qin Yi, Chen Wei, and Li Hei were appointed as Captains.

Lu Bu successfully secured a position as a Prefect for his close friend Zhang Yang, serving as a form of restraint on Lu Zhi, his ally.

Empress Dowager He, having witnessed the twists and turns in Lu Bu's recommendations, delayed conferring the title of Duke for Lu Bu. It seemed that the title of Marquis would only take effect later.

Despite being appointed as General-in-Chief, Lu Bu felt that the position of General-in-Chief was too low. According to the Eastern Han system, only those with titles equal to Duke could establish a regional government, and only through regional government could one independently appoint subordinates. The Han Dynasty had four ranks above the rank of Marquis: Grand General, Cavalry General, Chariots and Cavalry General, and Guard General. Below these were the four Expedition Generals (Front, Rear, Left, and Right), followed by Generals guarding the East, West, and South. Lu Bu's position as General of the Northern Army was only a step in this hierarchy. It was only a matter of time before he could establish a regional government and be conferred the title of Duke.

Lu Bu handed over the prepared memorial to Huangmen Shilang Xu Yun, who then handed it to Empress Dowager He.

Empress Dowager He glanced over the memorial, which was Lu Bu's application to confer titles on his deserving subordinates. Considering that she would rely on Lu Bu to counter figures like Yuan Shao and Dong Zhuo, she decided not to be stingy with rewards. She instructed Lu Zhi to draft the decree and granted all the recommended titles.

After signing the decree, Empress Dowager He handed it over to Lu Zhi. The decree took effect, and Zhang Yang, Zhang Liao, Wei Xu, Song Xian, and Cheng Lian became Commanders, while Xue Lan, Li Feng, Qin Yi, Chen Wei, Li Hei, and others became Captains.

Lu Bu secured the position of Prefect for his close friend Zhang Yang, serving as a form of restraint on Lu Zhi, his ally.

Huang Zhong's position as Captain of the Imperial Guard was officially recognized with a formal decree, allowing him to continue his service.

The positions of Xia Mou, Zhao Rong, and Feng Fang as Captains of the Western Garden remained unchanged for now. Adjustments would be made later upon their arrival in Jizhou.

With the recommendations made by Lu Bu, individuals like Yuan Shao were granted noble titles, and for the time being, they found it difficult to oppose the appointments within Lu Bu's ranks. Thus, Lu Bu smoothly strengthened his position among the generals and soldiers in Bingzhou by obtaining the Empress Dowager's approval for these titles.

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