
Three Hundred and Sixty-five Days

a three hundred and sixty-five days of love, adventure, heart ache, experience, lessons.

BlackQueeniiee · Adolescente
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Day 000

December 31, 11:50 PM

It's 10 minutes away from new year. 10 minutes away before my life start anew. 10 minutes away before I turn into legal age, yes, it's my birthday on New Year's day. It's a double celebration for me and my family, every new year's eve, because for me it's literally a new year.

"Hey Zanaiah, come on! Let's have some fun!" my sister Yvonne told me. She's 2 years younger than me. I am the eldest.

"Hey! Dianne!" my aunt greet me and hug me.

"Hi Aunt Lisa. How's life?" and she roll her eyes.

"Ah! Stress. Too much stress! When you have a son who always play his mobile phone and video games instead of dating someone! Gosh!" I laughed at her reaction.

"Tita, isn't it better that your son doesn't have any girlfriend by now?" I asked.

"Dianne, my dear, I'm not aging backwards, I need to make sure that my family especially my son has a good future. If I die, and my son won't find a good wife then I won't be resting in peace!" and we both laugh.

More guests came, most are my relatives and some are my friends. It's 11:55 when my best friend, Krystal came.

"Hi ugly!" and I rolled my eyes. I wanna slap her hard but she's my best friend though.

"Hey, let's have some fun. Zanaiah Dianne! Don't just sit there in just 3 minutes it's your birthday!" Yuri said, also my best friend.

"Yeah, Yuri is right. You shouldn't be just sitting in that stupid couch! Go and make fun! In any minute, you'll be legalize! Gosh." they shouted at my face

They're right it's 11:59 and in just a minute I am going to be 18. A legal adult? New life, new year, but will my life change?

What's waiting for me in this new year?

What did life or destiny prepare for me this time? Will anything change for me? Or just another year to spend?

