
Three Heart's

"Why do I do this to myself?" Elijah Stein, after getting into the school he wanted, has to traverse through this unknown world of High School. Three Hearts tells the story of courage, struggle, and answers the questions teenagers ask themselves every day. In Three Hearts, Elijah Stein is embarking on a journey through high school as he begins his journey through puberty. High school presents many challenges, such as high school romance, bullying, and dreaded tests. Will Elijah and his friends be able to overcome these challenges, or will they fail? Elijah starts his first year at Cape Coast High, a prestigious school. The experience causes him to feel new emotions, experience a variety of things, and begin to question his own identity. When romance is introduced into the equation, the situation becomes even more bizarre. Has he gotten more than he bargained for?

EthanSkinner08 · Adolescente
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20 Chs

Chapter Six: Sex Education

Elijah started his morning off, as usual, making breakfast and waiting for his driver. He couldn't stop thinking about the upcoming Saturday. While he didn't want to admit it, he knew his feelings for Matthew were more than what they seemed. However, Elijah was a bit scared and nervous that night. "What if I mess up? Will we still be friends? Why am I overreacting?"

While Elijah had a mini breakdown, he felt his phone vibrate. It was a message from Matthew.

Matthew: I need your help to carry some equipment to the auditorium.

Just as Elijah read the message, he heard the horn of his driver.

Elijah: I'll be right there.

Elijah and Luke went to school, where Elijah found Matthew sitting on a bench with a bunch of boxes. "I did not expect to see so many boxes."

"Inga asked me for all of this, I just need to take it to the auditorium," he explained.

"Is all of this necessary?" asked Elijah, looking into one of the boxes.

"I think so, come let's put it in the auditorium," he replied.

Box by box, they packed all the equipment into the auditorium. "I'm going to go fetch the last box," Elijah said.

"Let me help."

"No, I can do it myself," Elijah responded, stopping him. Elijah walked out, picking up the box and heading to the auditorium. This box was bigger than the rest, containing speakers and a DJ set. Elijah carefully set the box down before shortly resting on one of the seats. "You could've just let me help you. You seem exhausted," Matthew said, sitting next to him.

"I underestimated how heavy the box was, but I still managed."

"Have you been taking care of yourself?" asked Matthew.

"What do you mean?"

"Have you been sleeping? Have you been eating? Last time you couldn't even open your eyes," Matthew replied.

"I'm fine. I don't need you to worry about me," Elijah responded.

"As your friend, I have to. With this whole Dustin thing, you have been busy with a lot of things. I want to make it easier for you because stress is a serious thing."

"Matthew, calm down. I will do okay, it's not like the world is going to end if I die or something. Now, let's wrap this up and go to class before we're late," Elijah enthusiastically said, standing up.

Matthew got up and the two were about to walk out before he turned to Elijah. "I'm not going to let this go, y'know?"

"Okay Matthew, let's just go to class," said Elijah pulling him. Elijah walked with Matthew, before tripping over a cord, falling on the floor, and pulling Matthew with him. He opened his eyes, and the scent of Matthew's cologne hit his nose, as their gaze met. Beginning to hyperventilate, Elijah tried to lift himself and Matthew, resulting in an awkward situation. "I'm so sorry, I should've looked where I was going and I—"

"It's no biggy. Come, let's go to class."

Elijah swallowed his saliva and his instinct was to follow Matthew. He didn't know why, but he did, and the two went to their classes. Sitting in place, Elijah saw Dustin enter. He waved, only to be avoided by him. Elijah knew why this was happening and didn't know whether he should try to make up with him or not. The class started filling up before Mr. Johnson entered. "Good Morning Students, I hope you've had a great week. Today's announcements contain a sex education class that will be held in your life orientation class. Our first football match will be held this Friday so please support us. That is all for now, please get ready for your first class," he announced.

The class got their books and went to their first class which was Life Orientation, held by Ms. Jill.

"Good Morning 8-A, please sit down. As you've heard, we are now allowed to teach you about sex," said Ms. Jill as the class giggled at the word 'Sex'. Elijah didn't really understand the laughs but he was very intrigued.

That morning...

"What the hell?" he thought as he looked between his legs. Elijah has had his first wet dream, another effect of puberty. Elijah panicked, not knowing what is happening before running to the bathroom. He examined the situation, seeing a sticky white substance in his underwear. "This came out of me?!" he thought before hearing a loud knock on the door.

"Oy, can you get done in there?" said Luke.

"Almost done," he panicked.

Elijah took his underwear and threw it away, getting ready for school.

Back in class...

"Let's start at the beginning. Puberty is the start of everyone's journey into adulthood. When Puberty starts, your brain starts to release hormones that signal specific functions in the body. Today we will focus on testosterone and estrogen. Testosterone is the sex hormone in males, while estrogen is the sex hormone for females. Testosterone plays a role in your sex drive, bone mass, and even in the making of sperm. Estrogen plays a role in developing your sexual and reproductive systems, this comes with ovulation and menstruation. Pads will be given to the females as part of the campaign to help. Any questions?" she asked.

"What is ovulation?"

"It is the process by which a mature egg is released from the ovary. This is a process in order to become pregnant, which we will get into," she explained.

"What is sperm?" asked a learner, giggling.

"Sperm is a reproductive cell that helps with making a baby. Males start producing sperm when puberty begins and one sign of this is a wet dream. In a wet dream, you experience something erotic causing an ejaculation of sperm."

This clicked with Elijah, he finally knew what he experienced. A wet dream. The lesson went on for a bit longer before they moved onto their next class. Elijah had the urge to do more research, maybe this could help him figure more out about his ever-changing body. The next class was Chemistry and the class took down some long and boring notes. Writing his notes, Elijah noticed something in his pants, something stiff. Looking down, he noticed he was erect. "Are you kidding me? Why now of all times?!" he panicked. He looked around to see if anyone had noticed.

"This information will be coming in—"

"I'm sorry Sir, but can I use the bathroom, it's urgent?" he asked, impatiently waiting for an answer.

"Fine Mr. Stein, don't take too long," Mr. Wilson replied, continuing his lesson.

With haste, he ran to the toilet and slammed the door shut with a loud bang. Elijah sat down, not knowing what to do in such a weird situation, but he did know that he couldn't enter the class if he was still like this. "Maybe if I wait a bit, it will go down," he thought. He did just that, and after about a few minutes, it didn't lower. "I hate my life."

He stayed in the bathroom stalls until it was lunch, luckily by then, he became flaccid. Elijah walked quickly to his Chemistry class trying to get his backpack, but it wasn't there. "Did someone steal it?"

Elijah walked to the cafeteria and was greeted by Matthew, who surprisingly had it by him.

"How did you get my bag?" he asked, surprised and curious.

"Dustin gave it to me and then left. He looked a bit under the weather so I didn't question it. Here," he said, handing him the backpack.

"That's weird since he's been ignoring me the entire day, and I don't know what I should do."

"Just wait, the time will come when you know when to involve yourself. That is not now, so be patient," he advised.

"So wise," Elijah joked.

"Ha, I have to go. My friends are waiting for me. I'll see you after school," he said before walking away.


Elijah fetched his food and sat down by his friends. "Hey, how has the day been going?" he asked.

"Not good. Dustin has been ignoring my calls and my texts," said Thandi.

"Same here," Ally added.

"I waved at him today but he just acted like he didn't see," Elijah replied.

"Rohan, what about you?" Ally asked.

"He refuses to say anything to me, even when we have dinner, he is silent," Rohan informed.

"He is working on my last nerve. We want to help him because we can see he is going through some heavy things. What if he's getting bullied, what if he's depressed, what if he's both?" Ally said, angrily playing with her food.

"Calm down, Ally. We can't force him to talk he will come to us when he feels like it," Thandi responded.

"She is not wrong. Dustin isn't going to just come up to us and tell us his problems. When he wants to, he will. Let's just forget about this and try to focus on something else," Elijah advised as everyone agreed.

"So, what is everyone doing this weekend because I was wondering if we could go shopping or eat out?" Ally asked.

"I have plans already with Matthew. He was going to a concert this Saturday but his friends couldn't come so he invited me instead," Elijah said.

"Oh, what concert are you guys attending?" asked Thandi.

"I think it's called Anti-Romantics or something like that. I've never heard of them but they seem popular," he replied.

"NO FRICKING WAY!" Thandi exclaimed.


"I didn't know they were performing in our town. They make some of my favorite songs ever. Like 'Rejection' or 'Daddy Issues'. Not to mention the band members are so damn hot."

Thandi started fangirling about the boy band while Rohan ate his food, seemingly angry, and the rest listened. "You seem so passionate about this group. Weird that you didn't know they were performing here," Ally said.

"I've been studying so hard for these upcoming examinations that I haven't been on any type of social media in such a long time. My parents have been pushing me to spend more time on my books even though my average is one of the highest in our grade," Thandi expressed.

"Maybe you could still come."

"I doubt it, my parents would never allow me to go out to a concert especially so close to exams," she added.

"Do you want to study together?" Rohan asked.

"We would love to, how considerate of you," Ally answered.

"I was actually just asking Thandi, I guess you could come to," he replied, annoyed.

Meanwhile, in the backroom of the Library, Dustin sat eating his packed lunch, reading an e-book. Glad to be alone, he sighed in relief before sensing a familiar presence. The smell of his body crept up on him and straight away, he knew who was behind him. "I knew I'd find you in this place. So weird," said Luther.

"I've done what you told me to do, if you, I'd like to finish your next set of homework as fast as possible— if that's okay with you," Dustin replied with hesitation.

"No need to be so formal."

"What do you expect when I—"

Dustin's eyes widened as Luther's lips touched him, but Dustin angrily pushed him away. "What are you doing? Why did you kiss me?" he asked, shocked.

"What? I thought I'd throw you a bone since you're gay and stuff."

"Firstly, I'm not gay. Why would I want a kiss from you?" he answered, trying to get Luther off his lips.

"Don't tell me you didn't like it," he mocked, walking towards him before forcingly kissing him.

Dustin tried to remove Luther from him, but he wasn't strong enough against a member of the football team. Luther pushed him against the wall, smothering him against his will. He took this further when he slithered his hand up his shirt, slowing pulling down his pants. He lifted him on the table before Dustin kicked him away with as much strength as he could muster. Dustin breathed heavily as Luther brushed himself off. "You little—"


The school bell started going off, leaving both of them speechless at the moment. "You're lucky," he said before dropping his homework and leaving. Dustin took a sigh of relief as tears rolled down his eyes, before breaking down on the floor. His whole life flashed before his eyes and all he could think about was the chance of Luther succeeding in his action. He felt alone, vulnerable, and weak, but he knew he needed to continue, even though something traumatic happened, couldn't fall. Not now. He tucked his shirt, pulled his pants straight, and tied his shoe laces before wiping away the dust and getting ready for his next class.

Back with Elijah, lunch continued until it was time to go back to class. In Class 9-B however, Ally began panicking about her feelings. "Girl, I am telling you to go for it. You guys have been best friends for the longest time. Surely he feels something towards you," Thandi encouraged.

"What if he doesn't, and I get rejected?" she asked, worried.

"Look at it on the bright side, at least if he rejects you, you guys could still be friends and you wouldn't have to be so clingy and awkward with him," Thandi suggested.

"I guess you're right but I can't help but feel worried."


On the field, Rohan and the rest of the football team practiced for their upcoming match. "This is our first match again those Crows, don't be afraid or intimidated because, with enough practice, we can win. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

"YES COACH!" they shouted.

"Great, let's start. I want to see all of you giving it your all even if it's just practice, especially you Ross," said Coach, looking at Rohan as he nodded.

They got into their positions and they began practicing while the cheer team practiced their routine for that night. After a few attempts, the team took a break when Rohan was visited by Thandi. "How's football?" she asked.

"Great. Although I'm nervous for this Friday. I'm in the starting line, what if I don't deliver?" he asked.

"I wouldn't worry about that if I were you," she replied.

"Why not?"

"Because you have your friends to come and cheer for you. I know you will win, I'm sure of it," she said. Rohan's face glowed before smiling at her. "How is it that you always know what to say and when to say it?"

"Just because..." she said, giggling. Rohan looked at her and he felt like now was the right time.

"Thandi, I want to tell you something, and it's really important but just hear me out," he asked.

"Okay, you're being weird. Spill." His heartbeat accelerated as the words were about to crawl out of his mouth.

"I like you."

There was silence in the air between the two. The wind blew against them, creating an awkward space. Rohan looked at her, awaiting her response. "You like me?"

"I do. Ever since we were in seventh grade, I've been trying to tell you but I didn't know how. What do you think?" he asked. Thandi looked puzzled before smiling at him.

"We have been friends for such a long time, but you've always had these feelings for me. I don't know what to think now?" she said as she dramatically turned around, quietly giggling again.

"What do you think about the thought of us? Do you like me too?"

Thandi turned around and looked right at him. The eye contact was overwhelming for Rohan, causing him to blush and look away. "Rohan, I like you too," she said, holding his hand. His face glowed again and he smiled before standing up from excitement. "Does this mean we are a couple?" he asked, excitement.

"About that..." He calmly sat down and he was no longer smiling.

"What's wrong?" he asked concerned.

"The thing is, I don't know if I'm ready to have a boyfriend, I mean I'm only fourteen. How would my parents react to that?"

"So, we aren't a couple?"

"At least not for now. I want you to know that I really do like you, that's why I'm asking you to wait," she asked. He thought quietly before giving his response. "I will wait for you. Whenever you're ready, tell me," he replied. She smiled at him before the coach called him to the field. Both of them stood up and blushed at the sight of each other. "Then I'll see you around. Good luck on your game," she said.

"I see you too," he said as she walked away. Just as he was about to turn around, Thandi kissed him on the cheek. This caught him off guard before she ran back. His eyes grew bigger and his heart started beating faster. Has he just caught the girl of his dreams?

"ROSS! Get your behind back here, NOW!' shouted Coach Swarts. Rohan ran back before being reprimanded by the coach. "Sorry sir, I was just talking to my friend," he replied as the team cheered.

"Good luck son. Romance is a very hard time in life. Now back to practice."

Meanwhile, in the drama club, Inga was busy scolding and yelling at the other members. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU?" she yelled.

On the stage, "What's going on with her?" Elijah asked.

"This time, I don't really know. Maybe it's because examinations are coming up and rehearsals aren't done yet," Matthew replied.

"Makes sense. Have you studied yet or are you going to do it last minute?" he asked.

"I have a schedule for when and what I need to study, I can help you if you want," he offered.

"No, it's fine. I also have a schedule for studying, I'm trying to get into the top ten, maybe even top five," he announced.

"Good luck, it's hard to do when the lowest average is 85%, but it wouldn't hurt to try. If anyone can do it, it's you."

"I wouldn't really say that but thanks for the encouragement. Don't you think we should go help the other before Inga goes on a killing spree?" he asked.

"Yeah, you're right."

The two walked up to Inga was still angry and looked stressed. "What's wrong?" Matthew asked.

"The play is in a few weeks and we still need to get our final rehearsal done before the last football match. The props need to be complete and I need to practice with the actors, then on the other hand. I have to study for my exams or else I'm going to fail," she said, worried.

"I'm sure it doesn't have to be that way," Elijah replied.

"What other way is there? Otherwise, we could say goodbye to our trip," she said, dropping her head on the table.

"We can help you manage. I can practice the lines with the actor while Matthew helps with the props and costumes. You can supervise us and tell us if we do anything wrong," Elijah suggested.

"Elijah's right. We can help you," Matthew added.

Inga slowly lifted her head, wiping her tears, and asked, "Are you sure you're up to the task?"

They looked at each other before nodding, "Yes, we are."

"Okay. Elijah, please make sure they know their lines by next week Monday. Matthew, I need you to make sure all props and costumes are done by next week Friday. Can you do that?" she asked.

"Yes," they both said.

"Then I'll go. Please don't fail me," she said before leaving.

"Okay, let's do this."

Elijah talked with the cast of the play, asking them if they could learn their lines by the following week. "Inga is dealing with a lot of stress so I need you all to cooperate. Can you do that?" he asked before they all nodded.

"Great, if you can. Try to practice with each other in your free time if you have any."

On the other hand, Matthew tried negotiating with the production team if they could finish the props faster. "Look, I don't know if you know this but the play is in about three weeks and we need all of this to be done by next week. All I'm asking is if you can take this home and finish it there. Think of it as a project," he asked. The members looked at each other before one of them spoke up.

"We are trying our best to get these things done. We know when the deadline is but we can't guarantee you will get it by then," they said.

Another member, "Examinations start next week, we need to prepare for that too."

Matthew didn't know what else he could say before he remember a little word called Persuasion. "It's fine. I guess we might as well forget about our trip to New York. I thought we were all looking forward to it but I guess not," he said before slowly strolling off. The team gasped before someone spoke up. "What do you mean? People already paid for tickets."

"Well, if we don't get everything done according to the schedule, we're going to have to cancel the play and refund everything. Don't you guys want to go to New York and see the statue of liberty?" he asked. The members remained quiet as they thought about what he had just said.

"You're right. We have been working so hard for that trip, we can't just throw it down the drain," they said.

"Plus, the faster you finish, the more time you get to study. It's a win-win situation," Matthew added.

With enough thought, the members agreed. "Fine, we will."


At the end of the period, Elijah and Matthew stayed behind to lock up. "So how did it go on your side?" Matthew asked, locking the door.

"Easier than I thought. We agreed that we would study our lines every day and even in our free time. You?"

"Harder than expected, the production team were so hesitant and didn't want to agree so I had to act like they did all of this for nothing. No biggie,' he replied.

"Ahh. I see, maybe we can all take a break on Friday since it's the football match," Elijah suggested.

"We should first check if everything is going to plan but that wouldn't be bad," Mathew replied.

"Look at us being leaders. High five?"

"High five," Matthew replied, doing just that.

Soon, the two parted ways, each going their separate ways. Meanwhile, in the bathroom.

"This seems to be the only place I can find peace. Without having to worry about Luther or the rest of my problems. I could simply just chill," Dustin thought. He closed his eyes and tried resting for a bit before the flashbacks appeared in his mind, scaring him while his heartbeat started pacing. He breathed in and out, trying to calm down. He started thinking about that moment. That moment that he'd never forget. He put his thumb on his lip, lightly rubbing it, remembering the feeling of their lips touching. "Why did he do that? Is he gay or is he just trying to mess with me?"

Suddenly, the door banged open as the voices of some football members talked, one of them being Luther. Dustin knew his voice so he quietly locked the door, and covered his mouth and nose before eavesdropping on them. "We are going to destroy those crows," said one of the members.

"Have you found a way for us to cheat on the exams because I'm sure as hell not going to study," said another member.

Hearing this, Dustin took out his phone and began recording.

"Bro, I already got you covered. I've been blackmailing this kid into doing my work for me," said Luther.

"Nah bro you're wrong for that," they said before laughing.

Soon, they left the bathroom and Dustin recorded their entire conversation. While he was on his phone, he was shocked by the loud banging on his toilet door. "Dustin, I know you're in there."

He put his phone away and went out to face the bully, Luther. "Hello, Luther."

"I know you heard what I said, so you probably know what's going to happen?" he said, leaning against the wall.

"You can't expect me to learn all new things that aren't in my curriculum, we aren't in the same grade," Dustin said.

"What's stopping you?" he replied, pushing him against the wall. Luther moved in and Dustin turned his face before Luther pulled his face into his sight. He looked down at Dustin's lips before going in for a kiss. Dustin didn't enjoy it but endured it to prevent any violence. "That's a good boy."


"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Why are you doing this? Why do you kiss me? Why— me?" he asked, wiping his lips. Luther walked up to him, once again pulling his face.

"Because I can, and there's nothing you could do about it."

"Is it because you're closeted?"

"What?" he asked, confused,

"You bully me because I'm not straight, you blackmail me because I'm not straight. Now you're kissing me. Doesn't that seem a bit weird to you," he asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"Maybe you're doing this because you can't stand the fact that you might not be straight so you take it out on someone who isn't straight," he said before Luther pushed him hard against the wall.

"You don't know what you're talking about?" he said.

"It's fine. I don't need to say anything, I already have everything for your demise. All right here, ha-ha," he laughed, showing his phone. On the floor, Luther stomped on his hand and braking the phone.

"There goes your plan," he said as he kept stomping on Dustin.

Soon, he left and Dustin gathered himself and his now broken phone. He tidied himself before heading out and meeting with his brother. "Are you going to speak to me now?"

"Let's just go home, okay," Dustin replied.

"Wait, you can't just speak out of the blue without telling me what happened. Care to explain?" Rohan asked, but to no response. "UGH!"

At the Ross Residence, Dustin opened his laptop to find the recording saved on the cloud. This was the solution to his problem but was it the right solution? "If I do this, then he would just get suspended, and continue to torment me. Shit!" he thought before Rohan entered the room.

"They just delayed the damn game without any reason. I should be happy but I really wanted to play," he complained.

"Cool,' he coldly replied.

"In other news, I told Thandi I liked her," he added.

"What did she say?" Dustin asked.

"Turns out she likes me too," Rohan replied.

"So I'm guessing you two are a couple now."

"Not quite. She said she didn't know if she was ready for a relationship and that we should wait when we are older which I'm totally up for."

"I mean she's not wrong. Usually, relationships don't last in high school. Someone either cheats or falls out of love. Good on her for taking precautions," he said.

"You don't think that'll happen to us."

"I'm not going to lie to you because you seem to be very popular around the girls and you can't guarantee that your feelings for her will always stay the same," Dustin answered.

"I know that I will always love her and I will wait as long as it takes to win her heart," he said.

"Okay Romeo, shut up before I throw up," he said before Rohan laughed.

While that was going on, Thandi informed Ally about Rohan's confession over a video call. "I was checking up on him after school when he just told me. Of course, I knew that he liked me, it's pretty obvious."

"Good for you, if only I knew if he liked me," Ally replied.

"If I were you, I wouldn't focus on him because I heard there are new foreign exchange students coming next semester," Thandi said.

"I can't just give up, there is still hope. Plus, you just got into a relationship. I don't think you should be talking about some foreign exchange students," Ally responded.

"Hey, I am serious about Rohan but we aren't in a relationship. I'm not ready for a relationship. I still have my studies and my family to worry about."

"Did he agree?" Ally asked.

"Yep," she answered.

"I really didn't expect that, especially from him."

"Why would you say that?" Thandi asked.

"Well, he seems to be so popular around the school, now he's a part of the football team. He's bound to get a girlfriend which is why you need to claim him as soon as possible. Not to make you scared," Ally replied.

"Job well done."

A few days after, it was the day of the concert and Matthew and Elijah went to the Bay, where the concert was being held. "The event doesn't start until 6 PM, you wanna go fetch some food," Matthew asked.


By Cape Coast Bay, there are many different restaurants and markets so you can shop to your heart's desire. Buying a few snacks, the two settled down by the benches looking over the ocean. "You know I researched Anti-Romantics and I have to say, I didn't expect you to like this kind of music," Elijah said.

"What do you mean by that?"

"You know, the kinda Rock-style music. Kinda cool," he replied.

"They don't just make those types of music, they also do other kinds like their latest song True Love."

"So you're into love songs?"

"I guess you could say that," he replied as he giggled.

Soon, the Bay filled up and the stage was set for the band. The sky also became darker so multi-colored lights were put on. "Are you guys ready?" they shouted as the crowd cheered.

"Great. One. Two. Three."

The band started with the hit song TNT before going on to a quieter song, Forget Me. Elijah found himself liking the music more than he thought, and so did Matthew. The band started playing their instruments louder and louder as the crowd started jumping up and down to the beat. The two joined in before Matthew picked up Elijah on his back. "What are you doing?" he shouted as the loud music played in the background.

"I'm giving you a better view," he said, lifting him.

Elijah looked over the crowd, seeing all the beautiful lights and the dark ocean, as well as the cool breeze. "You're right, this is amazing."

After a few songs, the band ended the night with their latest song. "This is for all you lovebirds out there tonight, True Love by the Anti-Romantics." The song played off with a soft melody as the main singer began singing. The crowd started waving their hands to the melody.

The night ended on a great note as the two walked home. "That has to be the best event I've been to in my entire life. I haven't been out much so this is definitely a step-up," Elijah said.

"Maybe I should take you out more," Matthew suggested.

"That wouldn't be so bad."

"After this play is finished, I want to take you to this restaurant that serves the best food, I have to take you there," he said.

"So you've been to New York?"

"My father travels a lot and sometimes he takes us overseas with him. Maybe we could go there, but only if you want to," he proposed.

"That would be amazing."

Soon, the two arrived at the Stein Residence. "I guess this is when we part, I'll see you next week."

"Wait," he said, keeping his arm, catching him off guard.

"What is it?"

"There was this shop that was selling different merch and I wanted to give you this bracelet I found," said Matthew, showing him a black crisscross bracelet with a half heart on it. In his other hand, the same bracelet with the other peace of the heart. Elijah was stunned as Matthew put it around his wrist. "What about the other piece?" Elijah asked.

"I will keep onto this. Think of it as another great memory," he said.

"Okay, um, thanks."

"Bye Eli," he replied before walking off. Elijah's face lit up and he walked inside to find his mother standing next to the front window. "What are you doing?" he asked, hanging his jacket.

"You know, just witnessing a cute moment. He likes you," she said, closing the blinds.

"Mom?! I'm not gay."

"Fine but he might be. Just letting you know I'm a shipper."

"I'm going to sleep, goodnight," he said, running to his room.

He laid on his bed and rubbed the heart on his new bracelet, smiling at the ceiling. "He called me Eli," he thought, turning to his side.

"You should tell him your true feelings," said the angel on his right shoulder.

"But what if he's homophobic and doesn't really like you in that way," said the devil on the left.

"Devil, how could you say something like that?!"

"I don't think Matthew is like that. He's kind and understandable," Elijah replied.

"You never truly know a person. I'm just saying, listen to me and you'll never go wrong."

"Don't listen to him, he'll lead you astray. Let to your heart."

"No, listen to your mind."

"I'm not going to tell him anything because this is a phase. From my understanding, this is happening because of puberty. I'm pretty sure that my feelings for him aren't true," Elijah said, hugging his pillow.

"Are we just going to forget the whole 'Eli' thing?" asked the devil.

"You're still smiling. Don't lie to yourself."

"I'm going to sleep."

And so, he did, falling asleep happily with Matthew on his mind. However, while he was sleeping, his mother managed to sneak into his room, trying to take all the dirty clothes. She looked over him, kissing him on the forehead and covering him with a blanket. Just as she was about to leave the room, she realized his laptop was still on. Before she could press the power off button, she was tempted to browse through his history. "No Monique, don't do it," she thought, "a little peak wouldn't hurt."

She scrolled through his history, before finding some surprising results. She walked back over to his bed and kneeled, holding his hand. "Whenever you're ready, I'll accept you."


"Rohan, I have to tell you something."