
Chapter 205: Negotiation_1

The image of that burly figure with a pockmarked face, dressed in a dirty leather jacket, reeking of cigarette smoke, and speaking in a loud, gruff voice suddenly appeared in Jiang Yu's mind.

Thinking about it, Shi Qiang had been in hibernation for over a decade!

A smile instantly showed on Jiang Yu's face as he recalled his reliable comrade, "Hurry and let him in."

Soon, Number Three brought in Shi Xiaoming, who was in his thirties.

There was a slight resemblance between Shi Xiaoming's eyebrows and eyes to Shi Qiang's, but he lacked Shi Qiang's bulky frame, appearing much more refined.

He politely said, "Hello, Teacher Jiang Yu, sorry for intruding."

"Sit," Jiang Yu said, and then to Number Three, "Go brew some good tea."

Smiling at Shi Xiaoming, Jiang Yu said, "No need to be so formal, your dad and I go way back. I even saw him off before he went into hibernation."

The twenty-something-year-old Jiang Yu speaking to Shi Xiaoming, who was more than a decade older, felt somewhat strange, but with the advent of Hibernation Technology, such situations were set to become more common.

Shi Xiaoming responded with a 'yes,' though he still sat somewhat stiffly.

Jiang Yu asked, "When did you come out?"

"Last year," Shi Xiaoming replied, scratching his head sheepishly. "I did a lot of foolish things when I was young."

Jiang Yu laughed and said, "We've all been young."

After chatting for a while, Shi Xiaoming finally stated his purpose.

He had recently established a funeral company called "Gao Shen," primarily dealing with "mine burials" and "space burials."

Lots of wealthy people were preparing for their posthumous affairs to avoid Trisolarans excavating their graves, and as such, Shi Xiaoming's new company's business was booming.

What he didn't expect was that, to prevent microbes from Earth from mutating or going out of control in the space station environment, possibly causing an ecological imbalance in the space station or Moon City, or producing new contagious diseases,

the domestic Star Defense Department prohibited Shi Xiaoming from launching remains of those who died on Earth using the space elevator, and they wouldn't even allow him to transport cremated ashes.

The reason given by the Star Defense Department was quite down-to-earth, they said that transporting ashes by space elevator was too inauspicious.

Shi Xiaoming expressed his dilemma, "I don't know where I got stuck, or which deity I failed to worship, but after asking several of my dad's colleagues, they all said they couldn't help. That's why I came to you."

After a brief consideration, Jiang Yu said to Number Three standing by, "Take a trip to the Star Defense Department, ask Minister Cheng about it.

"How can the Star Defense Department be so short of funds that they would reject such a private enterprise project?"

Jiang Yu sending Number Three on this errand meant the matter was almost certain to be resolved; just a few days earlier, Jiang Yu had informed Minister Cheng about Rediaz's circumstances, and now Minister Cheng owed Jiang Yu a favor.

He would probably be quite happy to repay that favor with such a trivial matter.

Jiang Yu invited Shi Xiaoming to stay for lunch, and Shi Xiaoming, eager to make the connection, happily accepted.

But what Shi Xiaoming hadn't anticipated was that the illustrious Wallfacer would don an apron and help in the kitchen with a young man named Thirty-Six.

Thirty-Six had some talent when it came to cooking; the four dishes and one soup he made were delicious in both color and flavor.

Just as Jiang Yu and his two companions were about to have their meal, Number Three had already rushed back: "It's settled."

He said to Shi Xiaoming, "Just take your business license and ID card to the Star Defense Department tomorrow to complete the procedures."

Shi Xiaoming repeatedly thanked them, raising toast after toast to Jiang Yu and the other diners at the table.

Jiang Yu asked Shi Xiaoming about his plans?

Shi Xiaoming told Jiang Yu that he had previously promised his father he would repay the money he had swindled, and he had already started making payments.

In the future, he wanted to go into hibernation to meet his father; however, with his mother still alive, he wasn't ready to hibernate just yet.

Jiang Yu said with a smile, "I'll be hibernating for a while myself, so perhaps we'll meet again in the future."

After seeing off Shi Xiaoming, Jiang Yu went home to live that very afternoon.

His parents had aged, and before going into hibernation, he planned to stay at home for a year or maybe two.

A few days after settling in at home, Jiang Yu's sister and brother-in-law came to visit him.

Jiang Yu's nephew was 27 this year, which was the same age as Jiang Yu if we go by the years.

Jiang Yu felt speechless, not daring to recognize his nephew when he saw him outside.

During the meal, Jiang Ying asked Jiang Yu to arrange a job for Lele.

Lele was unwilling, "Mom, I'm already in my twenties, stop calling me by my childhood nickname. My name is Tao Jingxing!"

Jiang Ying glanced at him, "No matter how old you grow, you are still the younger generation!"

Lele pursed his lips, entirely displeased.

Jiang Yu said, "Since my sister has spoken, there's no problem! Tomorrow I will arrange for Lele to go to Guanghan City."

Jiang Ying expressed her concern, "Is the Moon safe for him?"

The senior Mr. Jiang Wenhuan disapproved, "If you ask me, I'd say it's about time for Lele to go out and experience more. You all spoil him too much!"

Jiang Yu agreed, "The future of humanity in space is going to be better and better, while life on Earth will get worse and worse.

"The most important thing is, there are many great opportunities in Guanghan City."

After exchanging a look with her husband, Jiang Ying said, "Alright, if you all say so, we won't hold him back."

Jiang Yu chuckled, "Where to go still depends on Lele's choice."

Tao Jingxing, whose main name no one used, sighed, "I'll listen to my uncle!"

Jiang Yu laughed, "You still know just what to say."


Jiang Yu had been idling at home for over a month, feeling somewhat restless. The last time he was this idle was during his honeymoon in Europe with Yang Dong.

Back then, he had someone by his side and beautiful scenery to enjoy; he hadn't felt bored at all.

But at home, it was different; after playing computer games once or twice, he was fed up and didn't want to try new games.

He had nothing much to talk about with his parents either. His high school and university classmates were all around forty this year and had clearly drifted apart, not being able to find common interests anymore.

The only thing Jiang Yu could do for his family, and his sole pleasure, was to go to the supermarket every day.

Just wandering aimlessly, in addition to the things his mother reminded him to buy, which were mandatory, he would also pick up some snacks and novelties during his leisurely stroll.

That day, as usual, Jiang Yu took his mother's cloth grocery bag and sauntered off to the supermarket at the same time.

Just as he stepped out of the residential complex, a foreigner was walking towards him.

Jiang Yu couldn't help but give the foreigner a few extra glances; his hometown wasn't Beijing where foreigners were a dime a dozen, so it was rare to see them.

After looking twice, Jiang Yu realized the foreigner seemed somewhat familiar.

The foreigner approached Jiang Yu, "Wallfacer Jiang Yu, hello."

Jiang Yu finally remembered, "You are Tyler's Wallbreaker!"

The other man smiled, "Correct, you can call me Anthony."

Jiang Yu invited him to sit down on a wooden bench by the road, "So, breaking Tyler's wall wasn't enough for you, and now you want to be my Wallbreaker?"

He laughed and shook his head, "Since you're here to offer your head on a platter, I'll accept it as offered."

Anthony replied politely, "Please don't misunderstand, I'm here today as a representative of ETO to negotiate with you."

"What's there to negotiate? ETO can't recruit people and wants Star Defense Department's help? Or are you prepared to surrender to the Star Defense Department?"

Anthony seemed not to notice the sarcasm in Jiang Yu's tone and continued to smile, "I am not here to speak with you as the Wallfacer, but as a 'Black Square Person.'"

It was the time for work, and the road was almost empty, so they could speak freely.

Jiang Yu was startled, then remembered that he indeed held the title of "Black Square Person," "It's not ETO that wants to talk, but the Trisolarans, right?"