
Three Body Problem: I Am The Prophet!

I will be translating a novel, the novel is called 第五位面壁者:预言师 I will post on discord the link to novel: https://discord.gg/URJGV4uNyQ Novel Translated Synopsis: Qi Ning had a very long dream. In his dream, the earth, which was the same world as in reality, was finally destroyed in the dimensional reduction strike. Is it the ability to predict the future or the interlacing of parallel universes at place? When all the prophecies came true, Qi Ning decided to save human civilization. See how he campaigns to become a wall-facer and the sword-wielder step by step, leading human civilization to prosperity in the universe!

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Perhaps history is always so strikingly similar, and Qi Ning finally encountered an unexpected car accident carefully arranged by ETO. If Qi Ning hadn't been careful, maybe Qi Ning would have gone to see Tathagata long ago.

Fortunately, Qi Ning only had a fractured left leg, and suffered some concussion injuries to his internal organs. He will be fine after going home to recuperate for a few months.

But Qi Ning breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Evans added the execution condition of "don't draw anyone's attention" to the order just like in his dream, so Qi Ning was not murdered openly.

Otherwise, Qi Ning would already be a dead body at this moment.

Both Qi Ning and Evans understood the reason for adding that sentence. If Qi Ning was directly assassinated by ETO after writing the Dark Forest theoretical system, it would be easy to connect PIA (Strategic Intelligence Agency of the Planetary Defense Council) with the Dark Forest law, and then conduct in-depth research in this direction.

This is what Trisolarans ordered ETO not wanting to see.

Sure enough, not long after.

The police finally found Qi Ning, and it was a police officer named Geng Qiu who handed over to Qi Ning.

Geng Qiu said seriously to Qi Ning: "I have been ordered to inform you that you are about to attend an important meeting. I am your person in charge of docking security. My name is Geng Qiu."

Then he took out a piece of clothing from the bag in the hand of the police officer next to him and said, "This is a body armor, for your safety, put it on."

Qi Ning's hanging heart was finally relieved. Since the car accident, Qi Ning lived in fear every day, for fear that the people from ETO would directly kill him.

Qi Ning put on the body armor and followed Geng Qiu out of the building where he lived, only to find that the entire community was under martial law.

The aisles around the complex were filled with heavily armed soldiers, and five specially-made cars were parked right under Jining's building.

And when Qi Ning followed Geng Qiu into a car, through the car window, he saw the soldiers standing guard next to him nervously picking up the walkie-talkie and talking, as if they were handing over.

It was only when the car drove out of the community that Qi Ning realized that he was going out through the normally closed fire exit door, no wonder the car was able to drive downstairs.

Then the car drove for more than half an hour, got on the plane and sat for more than ten hours before arriving at the destination, and was escorted by fighter jets all the way.

This made Qi Ning feel safer in his heart.

Qi Ning got off the plane with Geng Qiu, and was surrounded by circles of military vehicles and soldiers, who were all facing outside for vigilance.

The human wall in front of Qi Ning suddenly parted, and an officer with a European face walked up.

"Is it Mr. Qi Ning?" The officer looked at Qi Ning and asked.

"This is Mr. Robert, here to welcome you." Geng Qiu introduced to Qi Ning.

"When will the meeting start?" Geng Qiu asked.

"In an hour and a half."

"Have the candidates for the meeting arrived?"

"The last one is ready to arrive."

"Then prepare for the handover of security work."

Qi Ning was listening to the conversation between Robert and Gengqiu. He guessed that Luo Ji was the last one to arrive.

The three of Qi Ning and the others sat in the bulletproof and reinforced special vehicle formation, and drove for more than 40 minutes before arriving at the meeting site.

When Qi Ning got out of the car, he saw the huge revolver at a glance, and the barrel was knotted.

As expected by Qi Ning, this is the headquarters of the United Nations.

Robert looked at Qi Ning, and said to Qi Ning with a solemn expression: "Mr. Qi, I am officially notifying you. You are about to attend an important meeting, and a very important thing is announced at the meeting; besides, you don't need to do anything at the meeting. "

At this time, Geng Qiu also looked at Qi Ning solemnly.

Although Qi Ning already knew what would happen next, he still felt nervous and excited.

Then Qi Ning walked into the United Nations General Assembly Hall surrounded by soldiers. The hall was full of people, talking to each other in low voices.

Robert led Qi Ning all the way forward along the aisle, and finally sat down in the third row.

There was still some time before the conference started, and like Luo Ji, Qi Ning looked at the hall that he had seen countless times on TV.

The high yellow wall inlaid with the United Nations emblem directly in front of Qi Ning, as the background of the rostrum, leans forward at an angle of less than ninety degrees, like a cliff that may fall at any time; look up , the dome of the synagogue is built like a starry sky, but the structure is separated from the yellow wall below, which does not increase the latter's sense of stability at all. Instead, a huge pressure is generated from the height, which intensifies the instability of the big wall. The environment gives people a sense of oppression that may be overturned at any time.

Qi Ning looked away, closed his eyes and meditated. The two foreigners sitting behind Qining were still talking.

Qi Ning knew nothing of English and couldn't understand what they were talking about.

But Qi Ning can easily imagine from the plot in the dream that at this moment they should be discussing whether the individual in the wall-facing project will have an actual impact on history.

Is the hero making the times or the times that make the heroes? Qi Ning himself is not sure which side is right, maybe it is both.

The cosmic environment makes the conscious body evolve and adapt to the environment, and the conscious body turns around and changes the universe beyond recognition.

The latitude of the universe has been lowered level by level by the law of the universe, and the conscious body has transformed itself into a low-dimensional creature to adapt to the environment, but it is just running from one dark forest to another.

While Qi Ning was meditating in his thoughts, Luo Ji had already walked into the venue and found a seat to sit down.

PDC Chairman Sai slowly walked towards the rostrum, and the venue gradually became calm.

Sai looked around, paused for a while on Luo Ji and Qi Ning, then turned her eyes away, and said: "The nineteenth meeting of the Planetary Defense Council is now entering the final agenda: announce the list of the final selected Wallfacers, and announce the Wallfacer plan begins."

Then Say began to review the background of the birth of the Wallfacer Project, which made Qi Ning listen with gusto.

"Next, in the name of the United Nations, I will announce the five Wallfacers finally selected by the United Nations Planetary Defense Council." Qi Ning knew that this historic moment was coming.

Sure enough, as it happened in the dream, the first Wallfacer was Frederick Taylor; the second Wallfacer was Manuel Rey Diaz; the third Wallfacer was Bill Hines; the fourth Wallfacer, It's Luo Ji.

"The last Wallfacer is~" the PDC Chairman of the United Nations Sai said after a pause.

Qi Ning's hanging heart was finally relieved, he was finally elected as the Wallfacer.

People in the audience whispered, because the first three Wallfacers were the result of a political balance and compromise between the United States, the Third World, and Europe, while the choices of the last two Wallfacers were thought-provoking.

Someone please help me translate her name? I forgot because translating directly from chinese to english, I get sayidon

Here is the chinese mandarin: 萨伊

Here is Pinyin: sàyī

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