
Chapter 62: Missile Launch_1

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Could the combination of NZT-48, an enhanced C virus, and bat genes create a highly intelligent species with a long lifespan?

Like vampires?

In the C virus laboratory, there was plenty of Jack's blood samples; Qin Ming began attempting to create an enhanced C virus, and at the same time, he was developing an antiviral serum based on Jack's blood.

Meanwhile, as Jack drove past the dock containers, Sherry unexpectedly saw a familiar figure.

Was that Leon?

After confirming the person's appearance, she turned her head towards Jack and shouted,

"Jack, stop the car!"

"What's wrong?"

"Stop the car, quick!"


Jack slammed on the brakes, and the Hummer slid forward a dozen meters before finally coming to a stop. When he glanced at the passenger seat next to him, it was already empty.

She's really hard to handle!

Jack thought helplessly, took his hands off the steering wheel, got out of the car, and followed after her in a hurry.

Leon and Helena's team officially met with Jack and Sherry.

Jack caught up with Sherry, and before them were a man and a woman with neatly parted hair.

"Who are they?"

Sherry took her eyes off Leon and looked at him,

"This is Leon, a national security agent. He once saved my life."

"Sherry, what are you doing here?" Leon asked.

"I'm on a protection mission."

"It's not quite clear yet who is protecting whom," Jack said with a grin.

"Right, I heard you've become an agent now."

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm tracking someone behind the scenes, the chief national security advisor, Simmons."

Upon hearing Leon's words, Sherry stepped back, visibly unsettled, and said,

"There must be some mistake. Simmons is my superior."

"We are on our way to meet him now?"

"Where is he?"

Leon took a step forward, wanting to know Simmons's exact location, when suddenly, a roar erupted not far away.


"Watch out!!!"

Helena, who had been silent, cried out in alarm.

A metallic cylinder, two meters high, whooshed through the air toward the group like a gust of wind!

The distance of a dozen meters vanished in an instant.

With Sherry unable to react in time and about to be hit, Jack's pupils dilated, and with a flying tackle, he pushed her out of the way, narrowly avoiding the deadly blow.


The metal cylinder grazed over their heads, smashing into the containers behind them with a huge impact and causing a violent explosion.

After rolling on the ground, Jack quickly got up.

A three-meter-tall, burly bio-organic monster leapt up, crossing the distance of several meters from atop the containers, and landed heavily in front of them.

Jack was all too familiar with it; six months earlier in Eastern Europe, he had been captured by this bio-organic monster known as "Ustanak." Previously, facing this superhumanly strong creature, he could only flee in desperation, but not this time.

"Sherry! Go!"

The two of them sprinted toward the Hummer parked by the roadside, leaving Leon and Helena with baffled expressions on their faces.

"Did they just run off?"

"We've got big trouble!"

Leon stared intently at what was in front of him and with a whoosh, drew his pistol and began firing.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

However, the pistol bullets were nothing more than an itch to Ustanak, who let out a roar and charged towards the two with large strides.

At the same time, two ferocious Mechas burst out from behind the shipping containers, their weaponry systems locking onto the giant boss. The barrels of the Gatling Fire God Gun began to spin, emitting a terrifying roar.

Dada dada...

A powerful barrage of metal bullets pummeled the enemy before them.

Casings poured down like dumplings, clattering to the ground, and the smell of gunpowder permeated the air.

Dum-Dum Bullets pierced into Ustanak's flesh with each shot, blooms of blood exploding from its body. In just two seconds, the towering figure, three meters tall and robust, collapsed powerlessly to the ground.

Under the concentrated firepower of the two Fire God cannons, the strong monster didn't even have time to dodge and was turned into a heap of mangled flesh.

"Still feeling mighty now?"

Jack exhaled a breath of malice, stopped shooting, and fired a White Phosphorus Bomb from his shoulder cannon.

With Xiao Ai's electronic-assisted aiming, the White Phosphorus Bomb hit Ustanak's mangled body precisely, and hellfire began to burn like maggots on bones. Ustanak, not yet completely dead, let out a muffled roar of pain and turned to char amid the flames.

At this point, Leon's and Helena's mouths could have fit a pigeon egg.

This world was too crazy!

First, they encountered an old acquaintance who could beat up bio-organic monsters, and now, two Mechas straight out of a sci-fi movie had appeared.

Sherry's Mecha mask lifted: "Leon."

"How is this possible? You guys? Is this a new weapon from the U.S. military?" in the moment, Leon was at a loss for words.

"No, these are weapons our uncle made for us."


"It's a long story; let's go find Simmons first!"


Together, they went to the location they had arranged to meet with Simmons.


Chris and Piers fought their way through, killing countless mutants trying to block their path, and traced the blue-dressed Ada to a military ship in Tokyo Bay.

In an anti-biochemical campaign in Eastern Europe six months prior, all of Chris's team, except for Piers, had been wiped out because of her.

She lured Chris and the others into a trap, then tossed out a sphere that burst open, releasing countless C-virus syringes, turning his teammates into bio-organic monsters.

This made him deeply loathe the woman named Ada Wong. Guilt-ridden by the death of his teammates, and after being inactive for half a year, he was awakened by Piers and rejoined the team to carry out a rescue mission in Tokyo, Japan.

UN personnel had been taken hostage by a mysterious person and were being held in a building. He led his team to easily eliminate the mutants and rescue the hostages. The mission was accomplished, but then he heard that Ada had been sighted frequently in the city.

He then began to track the mastermind behind the new Umbrella.

The two of them shot the mutants on the ship and followed her to the spacious second deck. Chris was ready to jump out, catch her off guard, but then saw two Ada Wongs who looked exactly the same.

The only difference was that one wore a red cheongsam with black high heels, and the other was dressed in a blue shirt with a red necktie.

How could there be two Ada Wongs?

"Captain, what should we do?" Piers was confused, not understanding why there were two Ada Wongs.

"Wait a bit longer!" Chris watched the two silently.

At this moment, the two Adas were talking about something. After a few words, the blue-dressed Ada became agitated, pulled out a syringe containing a red liquid from a case, and was just about to inject it when the cheongsam-dressed Ada knocked the syringe down with a shot from her pistol, causing it to fall onto the deck below.

"It's already too late, my plan has never failed!"

The blue-dressed Ada let out a loud laugh, her shrill laughter piercing Chris and Piers's ears.

As she laughed, the ship's missile launch system activated, and two missiles loaded with the C-virus shot out a blaze, rising from the launch tower and piercing the sky. In the dark night, they flew towards the central district of Tokyo, dragging long trails of fire behind them.