
Those Precious Ten Seconds: Need to Level Up

A power to manipulate Time... How great would that be?? Horace had one such super power to manipulate time. He can rewind the time by a whole ten seconds..... Pfft... Horace would laugh whenever those ten seconds are mentioned as he thinks it is not helpful to him in anyway with a mere ten seconds but instead it is a curse to his life... This 'curse' made him want to be nothing but a simple passerby in the lives of everyone... But would fate accept his hope? Never. Once he slowly meets other people with various other weird powers he had no other choice but to use his powers and improve himself. He would have never expected that one fine day his life along with many others' are in the hands of those precious ten seconds of his. *** Read the book to find how the uninterested skinny Horace starts his journey to strengthen himself to become the 'Hero' that he never wanted to be.

Leorote · Fantasía
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17 Chs


Horace walked along a street and noticed a man bullying a girl in a hidden alley. He started thinking if he should help the girl or just ignore this.

It is not like he would meddle himself in every little issue he was faced with. He is not strong to begin with. All he had is just a mere ten seconds to play with. What could he do within those mere seconds?

He doesn't even know if he could even save this girl if he rewinded those ten seconds. He can't do something that he is unsure of.

As he was still immersed in his thoughts, a hand went forward to grab the hand of the man that was about to reach that girl.

Before Horace could blink, a woman just shoulder threw the man onto the ground within a moment. She then kicked him on his hand that was about to touch the other girl.

Horace liked that scene he just watched and couldn't control himself but snapped his fingers after closing his eyes.

Once again he saw the scene of the woman throwing the man on the ground and kicking his arm using her sharp heels. The man screamed as the sharp point of her shoes pierced through his flesh.

Being a man, Horace liked watching such action scenes and he once again snapped his fingers. He repeated this action until he was satisfied.

This is just like rewinding a favorite scene in a movie that anyone watches. But Horace was lucky enough to have this facility in his real life.

Once he was done rewinding, he subconsciously laughed looking at the man on the ground. But this laughter attracted the attention of the woman that just kicked that man.

She turned her head to glare at Horace with her beautiful eyes that just shone as she 'punished' a rogue. The combination of the shine from that satisfaction and the glint from the anger looking at Horace made her eyes look more beautiful that en captured Horace within them.

He gulped his saliva unconsciously looking at her. He doesn't know if that action of his was due to his minute attraction towards the woman or due to the fright that she gave him with that glare of hers.

The woman scoffed as she clicked her tongue in disapproval, "Tch, Are you really a man standing there like a statue while looking at a girl who is in need of help? You good-for-nothing."

She showed her contempt and disgust towards Horace as she turned around and left while kicking the man on the ground once again in her back.

Horace touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment as he too turned around and left the area without taking another glance at the man on the ground or the frightened girl who just felt relief at being saved.

'Good-for-nothing?' Well a strong woman like her may think that a skinny man like Horace, who did not stand up for a girl, is a good-for-nothing. There is no wonder about that.

Would he really leave the girl alone if he could really save her? Just a simple thief was not left alone by him a few moments back. But that was because he was sure that he could save that woman in the shopping mall if he used his powers.

But this girl? Is it the same case? He knew for sure that he could do nothing even if he re-winded the time for ten seconds. The girl will once again meet the girl and once again be bullied.

Then what about him? He would just look on once again as the bullying took place. It is not like he would win if he went forward and fight head on with that man.

Just because that woman had dealt with him in a single move doesn't mean that the man is a weak chicken. It is just that the woman is a bit too strong.

Horace may be a real weak chicken. But he is a man of great intelligence. He checked the pros and cons of every possibility that he could make and decided to stay out of this incident.

If he had gone forward to fight, he would also be lying down on the ground just like that man. Instead of being beaten by that woman, Horace would have been beaten by that man. There is still a need for some other person like the previous woman to enter the scene.

Horace knew that he could not be a variable in this incident no matter how he had decided to act.

In the previous incident in the mall he made himself a variable by changing the direction of the woman's destination. But in this case, how could he make himself into another variable?

Instead he would just be dead beat on the ground. Only cons without any pros in sight. This is the best outcome he could get.

Hence Horace doesn't care about what that woman thought of him or about any others opinion on himself. He himself knew that this is the best outcome one could get. That is enough for him.