
Chapter 23 – Caravan.

You could say that my life in another world has finally started.

I left the forest where I was reincarnated as a mouth plant and began running through the man made road.

My goal is to find a new hunting ground my self and get away from my birthplace since humans found out my existence.

It would be good idea to find a place where its bit away from any human settlement, since I don't think I'm ready to face humans.

Fuking around with humans while I still don't know how on powerful, is just straight up a death sentence.

The forest I was born in was filled with weak monsters and weak humans.

I even saw some humans who were worse at fighting that me killing monsters that almost killed me with ease while I was the plant beast.

However, I did saw humans getting at fighting in the deeper parts of the forest.

My conclusion was that the forest I was in was something like starting area with very weak monsters that even a newbie adventure could hunt down.

I was originally one of those extremely weak monsters and I saw other very weak monsters and considering how those armatures adventures were fighting, my theory about that place being a starting location maybe right.

That means the humans I may encounter outside the forest may be more powerful.

I got to be extremely careful.

I may have become stronger in more than one way, but I don't know how strong the average being in this world is.

I maybe still at the bottom of the food chair even with my current power.

Anyway, the reason why I took a take a road instead of grass field is because of a food.

I don't see any animals or anything on the grass fields, it maybe bit farther away from the road, but I don't have any means of confirming this. My mana detection may have gotten better and I finally was able to develop the direction method where I use mana detection in specific direction as well as range detection where I can increased my detection range.

Direction method still can only detection in one direction and it makes direction in all other directions much shorted, meaning that something could sneak up on me from behind.

As for the distance method, it makes detecting things bit harder like beings with low amount of mana.

I did tried it on some monsters and found out that they are invisible to me if their mana is too low if I use distance method.

Still, this proves to me that skills are not all about levels but also learning and understating.

By understanding skills, you may discover new ways of using the skill if not gain completely new skill like with those leaves' skills.

On top of that-



The deerwolf quickly jumped away from the road and hit its horn with its tail, making it look like weird looking random pile of leaves.


(Caravan…. A merchant?)


(I'm getting bit hungry.)


(Hm… Should I do it?)

(I don't know if the caravan has escort or something hiding inside, since they are out of mana detection range….)

(But the humans that I spotted so far were weak…..)

(Fuck it. Let's do it.)

(Humans already know about my existence and if things goes sour I can always run away thanks to my speed.)

(On top of that, human flesh was quiet tasty!)

The deerwolf got up and began moving towards the caravan before then running at full.



From the distance, a person driving the caravan noticed the deerwolf running straight towards it.



(Somebody just get off the caravan?! And they seem to have weapons!)


(Still…. Fuck it!)

(Maybe I can do this!)

Deerwolf didn't stopped charging and before long the deerwolf ended up encountering a group of 5 young people that stood in the deerwolf way.

One of the young man raised its shield up in order to block the deerwolf attack, but when deerwolf tried slashing the man with its claw, the man defense broke and his shield was moved out of the way.

The young man stared in shock before moments later he got bitten in the neck and throwed away to the side by deerwolf.

The rest of young adventures stared in fear at the monster.


One of young adventures that was using a spear charged at the deerwolf and stabbed it in the mane, however, the blade did not sinked at all.

(Huh. Interesting.)

(That mane reduced a lot of that guy attack power to the point where my body was able to block the attack without even trying.)

The young man stared at deerwolf in fear before then getting slashed with the monster claw across the face.


(I think I pealed off part of his face.)

(Damn. I accidently made it very brutal death.)

(Still, two down.)


(Oh. The other 3 seem to be paralyzed in fear.)


(Oh. One of them is running away.)

Deerwolf quickly catched up to the young man that was trying to run away bit him in the neck before throwing him to the side.

The two remaining young adventures tried to make a desperate attempt and launch and attack from behind, but the deerwolf hit one of the young adventures with its hind legs and the other one got slashed with the root limb that had a sharp leaves attached to it.

The men that was kicked had his chest destroyed and was barely breathing while the other one that was slashed with the root limb had his face slashed.

However, the young adventure who survived the deerwolf slash attack wasn't very lucky and was crushed beneath deerwolf feet when he tried running away.

Two adventures are dead while three remaining are slowly dying thanks to their injuries.

The merchant who saw the whole action happening tried getting away with his caravan.

The merchant tried to get away, but the deerwolf was faster that his horse that was still attached to the caravan.

Deerwolf tackled the horse to the side, making the horse fall and detach from the caravan.

The caravan itself lost its balance and fell, making the merchant ridding it fall off.

The merchant ended up falling on the grass and tried getting up, but as soon as he tried to, he began hearing his horse dying screams.

The man tried looking towards the direction of the screams, only to see the deerwolf already killing his horse.

The man tried to sneak away, but suddenly the deerwolf stopped ripping off the horse flesh and turned around towards the merchant.

The man face turned pale.

He tried to run away, but deerwolf catched up to it no time and quickly and brutally killed the man without the mercy.

After both the merchant and horse were killed, the deerwolf walked towards the young man that had his chest destroyed before then finish him off by crushing the man head with its hove claw.


(The two guys I tossed aside had already died.)

(No one is left alive.)



(I thought I would feel something, since I just brutally murdered a bunch of people, but nothing?)

(Huh. Its just like last time… But this time I didn't felt anything when killing them. It felt like I was hunting for my food like usual.)

(I guess I have become a real monster now?)


(But holy shit… I was going easy on them since I wanted to find out how strong they were, but I made a whole thing into a freaking genocide!)

(Blood is everywhere and everything!)

(I mean when I was killing monsters in the forest, it did ended up leading to some gore, but nothing like this!)


(Well, it can't be helped.)

(Anyway, I'm hungry. So let's eat already.)

Deerwolf approached one of the young adventures body and began eating like an savage animal.



(1 entire human is enough for me, huh?)

(Well, that person was quite young and wasn't that big.)

(Well, before I could only eat less than half of a hobgoblin body before I evolved.)

(But now I ate the entire human….)

(Bigger body needs to eat more, huh? Bit annoying if I'm being honest.)


(Anyway, I made a giant mess.)

(I don't know what was the deal of this people…. Hm?)

Deerwolf approached the caravan and began inspecting its inside.

(Wait….Oh. I see. It wasn't a merchant caravan.)

(It was some sort of transport caravan.)

(Shame. I was wondering if it was a merchant caravan that had some food.)

(I honestly want to taste some different things beside meat. Maybe fruits or vegetables.)


(Wait. Would eating things like fruits and vegetables be consider cannibalism?)

(I mean, I'm a plant and all….)



(Yea… Let's not think much about that for now.)

(Anyway… Does any of them have a map or something.)

Deerwolf sprouted a pair of root limbs from its mane and used them to inspect the merchant body.


(Its piece of paper?!)

(By any chance!)


(Yes! It's a map!)


(I don't understand the words written on it, but I think I understand some things.)

(This map is quite simple and it seems to describe things about the terrain here.)





(I see…. Where the heck am I?)

(I mean, where the heck am on this map?)

(There are few weird spots on the map, I guess there are some sort of terrains? Maybe forests?)

(There are also symbols of houses with names… Maybe they are settlements?)

(This maybe a road and it's right next to the weird spot on the map, but it's in several places.)


(Yeb. I still don't know where I'm.)

(This map isn't an country map, but instead a map about the area I'm in.)

(But I still don't know where the heck I'm!)

(I guess I was expecting too much that getting a map would make things way easier.)

(Still, it maybe good idea to keep it.)

(I can hide it in my mane for now and maybe I will find an location that has a specific land mark or something that matched spot on the map that would finally allows me to find out where the heck I'm on the map.)

(Anyway, what now?)

(Should I go down the road again? Or should I head instead through the grass fields instead?)

(I had filled my stomach just now, but I still don't have a blood idea where I'm.)

(There is a chance that this road that I'm currently on is often used by people.)

(If so, I would encounter humans again if I were to continue going down the path, but I would also make a lost of mess again and again.)

(But if I want to eat food regularly, I must hunt humans until I find another hunting grounds like that forest I was born in.)

(There is also the fact that I will need to run away from the road sooner or later, or the humans will dispatch some extermination part and it would a game over for me.)

(Ah… What a pain in the ass…)


(Well… It's nothing I can do about.)

(All I can do is to survive in my own way.)

(Lets go already.)