

When a guy died by a truck, he was meet by R.O.B and he gets wishes from R.O.B, he want to be reincarnated as thor. DESCRIPTION: I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING

david_vazcano · Cómic
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59 Chs

Chapter 33

The three factions and two heavenly dragons are shocked and jawdrop to see a massive golden army and unknown flying ships across the battlefield.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me..." one fo the human mage said, their eyes wide in fear at the sight of the golden army that seemed to have come from the multicolor energy.

"Holy father... who are they?" A young archangel Michael asked their father, who trembling as he felt the power this sudden golden army.

"I don't know! I have never seen this people before..." God of the bible said as he narrowed his eyes at the golden army who makes their appareance from the energy from the sky.

The two heavenly dragons watched with interest feeling the power of this golden army especially the man with an eye path, another man with a hammer and a woman wielding a sowrd and a shield.

"Well... seems we got their attention now." Frandral see all them are stop attacking each other and look at them.

"It seems they are wary of our arrival." Thor see they have their eyes on the asgardians.

"Hm? Those two dragons are looking at me, thor and diana." Odin is amused to see the two dragons looking at the three of them. It's funny because the two of them are no match against the three of them let alone one of us.

He may be strong and wise but that doesn't mean he will refuse from someone challenging him so he will fight the two of the dragons.

He pointed his spear gungnir at albion and launch a powerful energy blast to albion from the tip of his spear.

Albion wide eyed see the attack coming to him but before he react he got blasted far back by the energy and create an explosion. Albion is taking great damage from the energy attack. 'Shit! That energy attack is strong.' He got bruises all over his body and feels a great pain from getting hit by that energy attack.

"Albion!" Ddraig looked back is surprised to see his rival being pushed far back.

Ddraig suddenly feel hurt on his cheek and got thrown far back until he is besides albion. The one who punch him is odin, who suddenly appear besides ddraig and punched him on his left cheeck.

"Come on, you two dragons. Show me a real fight!" Odin pointed his spear at the two dragons.

Ddraig and albion look at each other nod their heads. They know what each other thinking and agree both of them are going to work together to fight this man with an eye patch. They can feel the power and energy of this old man is so strong that both of them are going to die If they fight him.

But If both of them working together and cast aside their rivalry to defeat this old man, they might stood a chance.

"You dare to challenge the red dragon emperor?" Ddraig said, as he stood tall spread his wings to assert dominance.

"And the white dragon emperor?" Albion said as he alsp spread his wings.

"Lovely titles... but stipl what is an emperor or two... compared to a god?!" Odin said as he spread his powerful divinity and power to show the two dragons and the three factions how might he is compare to them.

"A god? Hah, this old man seems delusional..." Ddraig said while albion nodded before a smirk came to albion's face.

"If I defeat him first, then I shall have the uppwr hand." Albion suddenly said before he spread his wings and took flight towards odin.

"Not If I defeat him first." Ddraig said as he chased after his rival, refusing to be outdone in any way by albion.

'Foolish creatures.' Odin use his flight ability and attack both dragons.

Thor pointed his hammer at the three factions. "Asgardians, Attack!" He shouts as the asgardians began to charge towards the three factions.

"Something is weird about them... destroy them at once." God of the bible said glaring at the incoming asgardian army and prepare his holy magic. He feels unfamiliar and alien energy from the golden army that does not belong to his world.

"Yes, holy father! All angels attack those unknown army." Michael ordered, the angels and seraphs staying close to god to protect him while the angels went to engage the new arrival unknown forces.

"Who the fuck are they?" Asmodues see the golden army and the flying golden ships are charging towards them.

"What the hell are those?" Beelzebub see many golden ships flying towards them. "I never seen or heard ships like that can fly before."

"I highly doubt they are here because of us or they are here was probably drawn by the red dragon and white dragon." Leviathan see the incoming golden army towards them.

"Regardless, they are an obstacle in our war, have the devils kill them!" Lucifer said with his arrogant voice and he was only thinking of continuing the war to wipe out their enemies.

"Yes lord lucifer!" The devil nobles that were standing with them said before they sent orders to their soldiers to kill the golden army.

"Another unknwom forces has joined the war... but the question is, what is their objective?" Said leader of the fallen angels, Azazel.

"Who cares? This just made this fight far more interesting, follow me, to glorious war!!" A fallen angel said, kokabiel shouted before he took off flying towards the golden army and flying ships followed by his bloodthirsty followers.

"Ah that idiot... come on, we don't want him to get all the fun, perhaps I could get a specimen for my tests?" Azazel said to his trusted second in command, Shemhazai.

"I suppose so... come Baraqiel, your lightning maybe useful!" Shemhazai said as he followed azazel with baraqiel and their fellow fallen following.

All the three armies rushed to the incoming golden army, once both sides were near approaching each other, both sides finally make a contact with each other and begin kill each other.

The fallen angels and angels begin to materialize a light spear to throw at them or using to them for close combat meanwhile the devils cast their own demonic magic to the asgardians.

The asgardians firing golden laser from their spears and magicians cast their spells and runes killing the three faction armies. The flying golden ships firing their missiles and laser machineguns on the left and right of the ships killing the three faction armies those on the sky and ground.

The three factions began to cast their defensive magic but their defensive magic got destroyed and failed when making contact with the lasers and missiles from flying golden ships and spears make them die.

"What?! O-Our defensive spells failed?" A devil said in shock, the three armies see their factions who used defensive magic failed and die.

Sound of thunder coming from the sky and strike them from above killing a portion army from the three factions. Thor use his lightning powers killing them that is flying on the sky while diana use her superspeed and slice them quickly that is on the ground.

The valkyries are riding their own pegasus also joins the battlefield killing the three factions who is flying on the sky.

The asgardians are killing th three factions using spears, swords and some of them are using two swords blocking their attacks and killing them. Kate and theo are doing pretty good job on their side, both sisters are working together as a team and watch each other backs.

Ddraig and albion on the other side of the battlefield are fighting odin, both of the dragons are struggling against him. Ddraig opened his mouth and blasted fire at odin, who stretch out his left hand fire his energy projection making both of their attacks collide each other.

Unfortunately Ddraig's fire is overpowered by odin's energy projection sending Ddraig flying back, the red dragon spread his wings to stop the momentum of his flight. Albion attack odin with his dragon's claw combine with his divide power but odin block the attack using his spear and punch albion sending him flying back.

Ddraig roared and unleashed a wave of his powerful fire at odin, odin see the fire began to make shield around him blocked the fire. Odin make his shield dissapear, he shot a powerful energy laser from gungnir at the two dragons.

Ddraig and albion avoided the lader attack, flying away and allowing the faction soldier to be caught in the devastating laser beam.

"Argh! You insolent, mortal! I shall crush you beneath my power." Ddraig roared angrily before he blasted more of his powerful fire at odin, who use telekinesis to throw back the fire to the battelfield.

"I am not a mortal, you lizards!" Odin glare at the dragon with anger.

"I shall make sure you are suffering!" Odin put his spear in his pocket dimension and blasted energy projections to the two dragons. The blast sending both albion and Ddraig into the ground hard. He let out his divinity to show them how strong he is.

"Ddraig, this man is too strong!" Albion said as he pulled himself up to the ground, looking between Ddraig and odin.

"Yes, I have never felt such power!" Ddraig said in shock and pain. Did they just fight a mortal that can rival them.

Both of them began to feel strong divinity and great pressure from this man. "Yo-You're a god?!" Albion is surprised to see a god can fight both of them.

"Wh-What kind of god are you?" Ddraig and albion never seen or heard such a powerful god that can fight and hurt both of them. They can feel the pressure from this god is so strong that make both of them kneel and sweating.

"The strong one!" Odin grinned at them with his two hands glow golden.

Rain started to pour from the darkened clouds, soaking the supernatural factions as they are at battle with the golden army. Lightning strikes to the three factions armies from the sky and winds began to pick up, forcing the three faction armies to hold their ground or else they will be thrown out by the storm!

"The fight between us against this unknown golden army is decimating our forces!" Azszel said, as he killed an asgardian, the winds and the ground were littered with bat wings, black feathers, and white feathers, as well as blood and burnt of any unlucky enought to be caught in those lightning attacks from the sky.

"At this rate, all three of our armies will be wiped out!" A devil said, as he knelt low to the ground, While the four devil kings are struggling their fight against diana and sif. The four devil kings have sword wounds everywhere on their body.

Thor is fighting a high ranking devil swing his hammer combine with thunder killing the high rank devil with the devil's head exploded.

"I don't care If you are a god, I have fought and killed gods before." Albion said, he is trying to get from his kneeling position. He, albion one of the heavenly dragons got scared even worse worse kneel before a god.

He begin to get up slowly and steady, after he gets up he spread his wings and fly his way to odin but his body is trembling because the pressure odin gave. 'Shit! What are you doing, albion? Move, move your body.' He slowly spread hig wings and fly to odin.

"I shall divide your power and added it on my own." Albion roared as he lunged through the winds and bit down on odin's right hand.

"Nice try dragon but the question is, can you handle my power?" Odin look at the dragon who bit his right arm, calmly and didn't feel pain.

"Hmph! We'll see If you can still be arrogant After I divide your power." Albion began to use his ability divide on odin to add odin's halved power to add to his own.

Suddenly albion feel odin's power surge through him and he became more powerful. 'This power... It's magnificent, I feel like I Can beat Ddraig with this power.' He keep divide odin's power because he never got to taste such power but suddenly... his body feels pain and going to explode.

'No, wait... this is too much. My body can't handle all of this power.' Albion immedeatly let go of odin and odin blasted albion with his spear gungnir.

"Albion!" Ddraig approach albion who landed on the ground, albion tried to get up but he can't because he is exhausted and heavily injured.

"Albion, what did you do?" Ddraig said, he demand to know what is albion doing approaching odin.

"I-I tried to divide his power, when I divide his halved power, I can feel an immense large energy coursing in me but... his power is far too great, I feel like I'm going to get explode, If I keep dividing his power. So I have to let go of him." Albion said in shock, although he is delighted with odin's power so he can use the divide power to beat Ddraig but he will explode himself of immense energy he can't stored and handle, so he let go of odin because the risk is not worth it.

"What?!" Ddraig is shocked, he looked at odin before him and look back at his rival.

"Ddraig... his power is far too great, we need to retreat." Albion see there is no winning chance against odin, but Ddraig didn't retreat because of his pride as a dragon.

'What kind of god is he? He has immense power that make albion going explode, I have never heard or seen such a powerful god. The gods I have fought before never are never been this powerful... who are you?' Ddraig is curious and want to know the identiry of this powerful god.

"Then, I shall stop him! Boost!" Ddraig said, as he boosted his power, thinking to use his boosting capabilities to gain the power to face him or destroy him!

"So he is powering up himself!" Odin glaring at the red dragon as his body started to glow red and he felt his power began to rise.

Ddraig boost himself a fee more times and engage strong fire to odin, leaving a large cloud of smoke and ash. Ddraig looked tired and stood proudly, thinking he may have won or wounded his adversary.

Only for golden energy launch out of the smoke hitting Ddraig and launching him back.

"Ddraig!" Albion said in shock, as odin began to come out from the smoke. He looks completly fine without a scratch and look at both of the heavenly dragons with a calm face.

"Hmm... both of you dragons are imppressive, but.... If you want to beat me, It is not enough!" Odin said, as both dragon glared at odin and annoyed by his words. They get up to fight with odin again but they suddenly tremble and eventually fell to the ground.

"Holy lightning!!" A voice yelled, and blasts of lightning hit thor, the force of the hit can knock people off balance and made people tumble over but not for thor. Thor absorb the lightning attack making him stronger.

"Hurry, we must buy our father time!!" Archangel raphael said as a squad of angels, followed by several fallens and devils rushed to keep odin back, as god dealt with the two heavenly dragons.

"That's it, hold him off my children! While I seal these two away!" God said as he approached the two exhausted and heavily wounded dragons, then he used his magic and started to seal the two heavenly dragons away into sacred gears.

"You coward... doing this to us after we've been weakened, where's your... honor?" Ddraig said, as he gave god and angry glare, his and albion's bodies were being destroyed.

"Like beasts such as you would know anything of honor, the fact that you have beschmired the name of my realm already has earned you both my ire, But I shall dealt with you after we've dealth with your friend." God said dissmisvely, as he finished the ritual, sealing both Ddraig and Albion away.

Ddraig become a red gauntlet, the Boosted gear and Albion become a set of white wings named divine dividing.

"Good, the two dragons have been sealed away into sacred gears, now my children it's time to deal with the..." God said, before he suddenly froze, his eyes widening as he felt a spike of intense power behind him.

He turned and saw odin glaring at him as his body sparked with golden lightning and thrummed with intense power, he has anger showing in his blazing eyes.

Odin's rage is so powerful that the faction soldiers have trouble breathing except for the asgardians, diana, kate and theo. The one who are close to odin having an even worse time of it. The four great devil kings actually took a step back when they felt the power and rage, Azazel was worried at the power he felt, even kokabiel, the most bloodthirsty of the fallen angels was cowed by the intensity of the power he felt!

"Oh Shi–" was that every leader and soldier of every factions thought and said before...

Odin let out Powerful and Immense golden lightning attack that spread everywhere on the battlefield turning all the armies of the three factions became ashes and dead.