
This Young Master Doesn't Want To Be A Young Master Anymore

The world is lawless, Might makes right. Cultivators run rampant in their bid to secure resources Showing weakness is punishable by death or worse, Jiang Ming is decisively reminded of the simple truth. What will he do now? If you wish to donate for artwork, ko-fi.com/juniorelder

Junior_elder · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
26 Chs

Chapter 16- of humans and demons

"You really have no idea?" I shook my head to her question. "Then let me try again," saying that, she stopped and touched my shoulders. I was wary at first but ultimately let her proceed. "Strange, the technique is working, but it does not affect you." She narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

"What technique?" My body feels normal as usual. Nothing can suggest an attack has happened.

"You're obviously weaker than me, but how come it can't work? Do you have a treasure protecting you, or is it that my technique is getting useless?" She conveniently ignored my question and continued mumbling.

"What is your technique supposed to do?"

"What it does, doesn't matter," she shrugged off my question in a bitchy attitude and continued to think. "Maybe I need to increase the intensity," she came to a sudden realization and her lips curved into an ominous smile.

I moved a step away from her and raised my vigilance to the absolute. My eyes remained fixed on her body. Any sudden move from her will result in a ruthless counter-attack from me. Just because she's stronger than me doesn't mean I will let her do as she pleases.

"Why are you so jumpy? Relax and let this lady take care of you," her voice, for some reason, became seductive and almost made me let my guard down. 'This bitch is dangerous.' The technique she's referring to must have something to do with mental attacks. 'I better run or else..."

"There's nowhere to run," she declared, shattering my thoughts in the process. I started to panic once pink mist surrounded me, and the scenery began to change.

"What?" The scenery changed to a pink world, and for some reason, I was naked. I frantically looked around in an effort to locate any semblance to reality, but...

"I didn't expect you to be this huge," I turned to the familiar voice; Hu Ninger, no, a foxy demon sat on a giant pink throne overlooking me as if a monarch, ready to pass judgement on her pitiful subject. The clothes she wore, no, the strings she wore struggled to hide her giant boobs. Her pink nipples threatened to break from the string's embrace. For some reason, it is a lot more arousing than seeing her completely naked. At the foot of the throne, naked ladies looked at me seductively, some going as far as sucking and groping each other. My dragon yet again betrayed me and started to get hard. I thought of a scene where a man gets his balls chopped off, fried and forcefully served to him. That did the job to calm the unruly fellow. "Come," the foxy demon with a face similar to Hu Ninger beckoned.

I obediently followed like a sex slave being ordered to spread their legs. My eyes remained fixed at her bountiful mounds.

"I never thought I would need this technique to subdue someone weaker than me," saying that, she stood from her pink throne and majestically walked towards me. I counted three tails hypnotically dancing behind her, "Become mine! I'll promise to treat you as an equal," once she was near me, she reached out her hands, and a blast of pink mist rushed towards me.

"That's it?" After waiting for something grand and flashy to happen but getting nothing, I involuntarily muttered. I thought she would execute a final attack after her speech about it being a trump card she intended to use once she's in a pinch.

"Impossible. How are you unaffected by my charm?" Her monarchy aura fell like dead leaves in a stormy night. I had started to suspect the technique she's talking about relates to mind-controlling; her words confirmed it.

"That was your trump card?" I asked to confirm, and she nodded like an idiot. Previously, I didn't dare to attack first because I thought she had an attack that could make me regret instantly, but if it is only a charm technique, then she's in a pinch. I don't know how or why I can resist her, but I'm thankful for the ability.

While she was still confused, I didn't waste the opening. I summoned the palms, and the white one rushed towards her. I kept the black in case of an unknown counter-attack. "Release me from this place instantly, or else I'll crush this twig you call a neck," the palm tightly held her by the neck. I don't fear her charm technique but how she could trick my mind into this illusion of a world is another thing. 'Killing her might trap me in this place forever.'

"D-Don't..." She struggled to speak, and her eyes turned white. I only needed to exert a little strength, and she would be done for.

I wanted to threaten her again, but the scenery changed back to the path leading to the discipline hall before I could speak. I sighed in relief after confirming my clothes were on. Hu Ninger still had her hands reached out to me; if someone were to be watching, they wouldn't have noticed anything strange.


Suddenly, she released me and nastily coughed a mouthful of blood. Luckily, I was spared from being splattered red. "W-Who are y-you?" She pointed accusingly at me while wiping the blood from her red inviting lips. She's surprisingly tough, considering she's enduring possible internal bleeding.

"I warned you earlier against beating grass indiscriminately," I inched closer, causing her to stumble on her fleshy ass. "Now look, instead of finding an ant, you found me," her meek reaction surprised me. 'Did this bitch forget she's stronger than me?' Defeating her in the illusion was coincidental and reliant on luck, but here in the real world, where it is impossible to break the rules, she's supposed to hold an advantage.

"From today, you'll obey me and only me," her being on the ground helped to assert dominance as I had the high ground. "If you don't, I'll report to the sect that you're a demon, and we all know how that will turn out," the three tails she had in the illusion should be her true form, so that confirms her race. I don't know why a demon would dare to hide in human territory as human and demon relationship should be terrible.

"You won't report me?" After I declared my dominance over her, she meekly asked. Of course, I'll ask Jiang Yan if she knows of her presence, but she doesn't need to know that.

"Why should I? It will be a waste to discard such a strong backer," she sighed as if a huge weight had been lifted. "But I have to know, what are you doing in human territory? Don't you know the consequences if you're discovered?" Humans and demons have been fighting for territory for thousands of years up to the point that it is in their blood to slaughter each other.

"Hiding," I listened to her heartbeat, and I could tell she wasn't lying. Judging from her personality, she shouldn't think as far as faking her heartbeat unless all this is a facade. If that's the case, then she's a scary woman.

"Hiding from what?"

"From my father, he wanted to use my body to get into the royal family," she had a hateful look that I could taste her anger. So it's a family feud?

"Why did you refuse? He wanted to betroth you to the king or something, right?" I asked her. "You could be royalty, and your tales would forever be told to lull kids and your actions legends to be narrated by scholars. Don't you want such a legacy?"

"I have the right to choose my destiny. If I wish to be a legend, I will do so by my strength, not by relying on the king's glory," she glanced at me hatefully and said. To her irritated face, I smiled.

"Hu Ninger, can't you see your hypocrisy? Didn't you want to do the same to me? Saying you'll think of me as an equal, yet I would have been a puppet to satisfy your whims," she panicked at my words.

"T-That's not what I wanted. You forced me to use that technique; hence I couldn't let you go and tell others," she refuted my words the best way she could muster. By her logic, can't we say it is her fault for existing; hence her father had no other choice to use her?

"Honestly, I don't care about all that. You need to know that you will follow my orders from now on, unlike you, I won't lie. You will be my minion. Nothing more." Surviving in the outer sect without a faction should be hard. The inner sect should be more challenging, so I plan to form a small team to help fight off any unnecessary battles.

"Then I will be in your care," Hu Ninger surprisingly didn't object, but I expect nothing less from a race that values strength above everything else. I might be weaker than her, but I exploited her mental weakness and made her subconsciously believe I am stronger than her.

"Then welcome to my harem, I mean welcome to my team," for a moment, my thoughts strayed, but I managed to correct myself and reach a hand to help her up. She accepted my arm, and I pulled her. I decided to take advantage of her and exerted a little more force than needed. She stood and clumsily stumbled right to my embrace, her mounds pressing on my chest, making me wonder how wonderful demons should taste.

"Sorry," she thought it was her fault for being clumsy and apologized. As a man with boundless virtue, how could I refuse a woman's sincerity?

"Don't worry, be careful next time," she subconsciously nodded, not realizing the meaning of my words. "Now Hu Ninger, can you tell me about the sect?" What I know of the sect is superficial information that Jiang Yan relayed from time to time. Matters concerning factions and the likes are news to me.

"Well, where should I start? The sect..." I carefully listened to her words and finally got a broader picture; basically, it's something like this: almost everything in the outer sect is controlled by factions, leadership in the said factions is inherited; once in a faction, everyone will consider the other as family. Promotion to the inner sect is done once a year, and only a select few can qualify. Typically, the leaders of the factions have a chance since they monopolize all the resources. Being factionless requires great perseverance and mental stamina as those in the factions will cooperate to make your life hard as hell, and that's the gist of it.

"Take me to this tower that you speak of," Hu Ninger mentioned a gravity tower that caught my attention. She praised it for fastening martial practice, and I happen to have two techniques that need practising.

As we silently walked to our destination, I pondered if it is wise to be seen casually talking to Hu Ninger. 'Hiding will only make me weak.' Once burying my face in the sand becomes the only solution to problems, it will become a habit, an addiction that will be hard to get rid of. With that in mind, I didn't bother to be wary anymore.

"What majesty!" We arrived at the so-called gravity tower. It spans the white clouds and dominates the boundless sky. Its shape is that of a gigantic rod ingeniously carved to imitate a giant cylindrical house. A long queue of chatting disciples spanned from its entrance and meandered like a river towards another building.

"How come you can't see the tower from afar? Is it an illusion at work?" Technically, the tower should be visible from several lis judging by its height, but it was only after a certain distance towards it that I could see it.

"No one knows how. Is it an illusion? Is it a spell? Only the sect master knows how she accomplished such a feat," Hu Ninger had a gaze filled with total admiration. As for me, well, for some reason, the image of a tiny Jiang Yan struggling to carry the tall gravity tower played in my mind. I chuckled at my silliness and purged the thoughts from my idle mind. "Do you know the number of floors is still unknown? No one has ever managed to cross the thirtieth floor. Including the elders," I was amazed by the new information. I found myself dreaming of being the one to break the record and become the pacesetter.

"So, do we have to queue behind this line?" I looked at the long line and immediately felt tired.

"Follow me,"

Creation is hard, cheer me up! Your service is needed, this book is still a seedling. Only through your generous support will it grow.

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