
This Yandere Boy Is Crazy

"I am just protecting you from all those filthy animals out there... Why are you afraid of me instead of them..." He tell me as he touches my cheek. "Don't touch me!" I pushes him away. He remained silent then all of a sudden he smirks coldly at me. "I guess...pain is the only way to keep you to be well mannered, right?" He leaps towards me and choked my neck against the wall. He then leans towards me and whisper. "You will only allowed to talk and laugh for me. If you do that again with another people no matter if it was female or male. I. WILL. KILL. THEM." At that very moment, I regretted not to listen to her advise when she say , 'He is really crazy....' *DISCLAIMER* I make that cover myself using pitzmaker. I hope that picture could help you guys to know each of the mains character batter. Thanks~

PotatoLoveToWrite · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
105 Chs

Chapter 6

"Ah~ Having lunch outside the classroom is the best!" Yuuto said as he stretches his hand forwards.

We are having lunch at the rooftop where there not many people are around.( Actually, our school forbidden us to go to the rooftop, long story short, we breaks the school rules.)

"Hey, Yuuto-kun. What are having for your lunch?" I asked since his lunch box seems larger than usual.

"Ouh these?" He show me his bento.

"I make sushi for myself today. My sister suppose to take her's today but she forget to bring along to school, so I take her food together so I can share it with you." He smiled.

"But, I already have mine today." I showed him my home made sandwich.

Yuuto slyly smile as he look at my sandwich. He just grabs the sandwich and take a huge bite from it.

"Hanks yiew fur da foed! (Thank you for the food!)" He said while his mouthful of sandwich.

"Yuuto!" I scolded him.

He open his lunch box and take one small roll of cucumber sushi. Yuuto then stuff it into my mouth.

"There. Be quite and eat it." He said.

*munch munch*

'Yum! It taste so good!' I tell myself. My eyes are sparkling as I enjoy the delicious sushi that he make by himself.

"Tasty, right!" He smile widely.

"Yea. It taste good. I want some more please~" I begged.

He then hands his bento to me and takes mine.

"I will eat your sandwich and you eat my sushi, deal?" He said.

"Hm!" I nod in agreement.

As I enjoy the sushi that Yuuto make by itself, I then saw my crush was playing basketball in the court that's outside of the school.

"Touma-san....." I murmured.

Yuuto notice that my hand are brushing my hair back to my left ear. Then he asked.

"Why are you nervous, Mi-chan?Are you alright?"

"Ah! It's— it's nothing!!" I shuttered.

"Then why do you sound nervous and your face are burning up?" He asked curiously.

"It's....it's....." I blushed.

Then, I hear the basketball team that Touma joined are cheering. I guess they have win the game.

I unaware that I smiled so happily as I see his happy face from afar.

"Who?" He asked me.

"What?" I questions him back.

"Who you have a crush on?" He asked.

'Oh, gosh! Am I that easy to read?' I think to myself.

"What—what are you saying? I don't get it...." I said while avoiding eye contact with him.

"Look at me and say it one more time." Suddenly, his gentle voice become so cold as ice.

I turn looking at him and he immediately push me against the wall that we sits right next to.

"Eek!" I was surprised.

"Say. It. One. More. Time." He said.

His tingling breath brush across my forehead. I embraced myself to look at him in the eyes.

As I tilt my face to look at him, I saw his eyes are burning in range.

"It was my crush,Touma-san." I spill it out without hesitation.