
This Yandere Boy Is Crazy

"I am just protecting you from all those filthy animals out there... Why are you afraid of me instead of them..." He tell me as he touches my cheek. "Don't touch me!" I pushes him away. He remained silent then all of a sudden he smirks coldly at me. "I guess...pain is the only way to keep you to be well mannered, right?" He leaps towards me and choked my neck against the wall. He then leans towards me and whisper. "You will only allowed to talk and laugh for me. If you do that again with another people no matter if it was female or male. I. WILL. KILL. THEM." At that very moment, I regretted not to listen to her advise when she say , 'He is really crazy....' *DISCLAIMER* I make that cover myself using pitzmaker. I hope that picture could help you guys to know each of the mains character batter. Thanks~

PotatoLoveToWrite · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
105 Chs

Chapter 5


The school bells rings and it warps up Mr Sato class.

"Okay, class. Let's end it here. Please finish your work before our next class by this Wednesday. In case you have any trouble to solve the maths problem, feel free to come and meet me in the teacher's office at lunch time." He said.

"Stands up. Thank you Mr Sato for the leasson today." Our class president bows down and followed by the class to thank him.

He bows to our class before leaving.


Yuuto sigh as he lay down on his desk.

"What's wrong Yuuto-kun?" I asked as I take out my bento.

"I am so bored today. All of my homework are done and I am alone without friend right now." Yuuto said.

"Oh, really? What about the maths work out he gives? It was quite hard to finish it for my opinion personally." I said as I flips through the work out he just Mr Sato just gives.

"Was it~ Well I have finish it earlier when he was explaining in front of the class. Do you want it?" He show to me his complete work.

I take a look at his work and I was amazed with his prefect math calculation that makes his work sheet shine in perfection.

"Wow, that's amazing! Can you teach me how to solve them? I still don't get it when he was explaining twice in front of the whole class." I flip it and studies how he solve it step by step.

"Oh ho~ The English 'teacher' don't know how to solve the simplest math question for this chapter." He teased me.

"You fcker..." I cursed him under my breath as my face burns up in embarrassment. I guess karma does get me back.

"Ho ho! The cat caught your tongue?~" He teased as he closes his mouth with his right hand while resting his chin on it.

"Fine. I will ask Mr Sato for myself." I stood up from my seats.

I give his work back and take my math work out sheets with my bento, heading towards the door.

Suddenly, he grabs my hand and pull me close to him. He look at me with his serious expression.

"Don't go and talk to him alone." He said coldly with his green eyes fill with anger and jealously.

"What are you doing, Yuuto-kun? I am just going to ask Mr Sato to teach me and I am not mad at you at all. And it was fine even if I go alone by myself." I desperately whisper to him as I saw his crazy fans and our classmates are looking at our direction.

"I know but I don't like you to talk with other man but me." He whispered coldly.

"Yuuto...are you okay? Why are you acting so weird?" I asked as he grips on my hand even tightly.

He just stares at me and I feels cold running down my back. Finally, I gives up in order to save my live for his fans threatening aura that's flowing from outside.

"Okay, okay, fine. I won't go to see Mr Sato." I sighed.

"That's my good girl. I will teach you later night at your house, okay." Yuuto said cheerfully as he let go of my hand.

His sudden mood swing is so creepy but he is always treating me very nicely. I already get used to it ever since he have been acting that way since we are little. Maybe he is 'a bit' over protecting.

"Wanna have lunch at the usual place, Mi-chan?" Yuuto asked as he showed his bento.

"Sure." I replied.