
This World is a Better World.

Tyler_Young_5205 · Ciencia y ficción
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9 Chs

Left to Rot

I begin to hear movement inside. It sounds like a table slightly moves and something shatters onto the floor.

Suddenly there's more movement and slight groans coming from inside but every second it sounds like another joins the dull choir.

What did I just do?

I'm not even prepared.

Instant regret kicks in as I realized there's literally nowhere to go if s#!t hits the fan. This run down town is surrounded by fields and beyond those fields are woods in a 360° radius.

Backing up a few steps, I watch the giant oak door with anticipation of what will happen in the next minute.

By now they're wide awake and alert and it didn't take long for them to collect at the front door pushing as a group.

The door opens and shuts lightly at first but as more of them pile on the other side, the chains and wooden handles creak and clank more ferociously by the second.

bang banG baNG bANG BANG!

Then suddenly.


The handles burst at the seams and the door flies open!!!

Zombies spill out onto the top of the staircase falling over each other with each step and a light yellow mist emits from the opening just above them.

Tumbling zombies are gracefully falling over each other down the staircase in my direction and I cant help but stare in awe.

These zombies aren't even a threat haha

I start laughing to myself watching them try to stand back up. They were starved. Yet something was different.

It didn't take long before they piled up on the other side of the door but as soon as they were hit by sunlight, it seemed as if they slowed down and were losing strength.

Strange indeed.

Then suddenly a putrid, foul smelling aroma filled my nose without a second's notice and I almost barf making me realize how hot outside it really is.

The town square blocks most of the wind since most of the buildings are conjoined with each other, and the spaces in between are fenced in and overgrown with thick vines.

The air around me becomes stagnant and all I can smell and taste is death.

How long have they been in there?

Cooking day after day.

What was that feint yellow steam that smells so strong?

It's making me light headed and and extremely queasy.

Then everything goes black.


When I wake up I'm still in the town square. the sun is beginning to set and the zombies are still in the same place as they were before I passed out.

I need to find shelter now.

Right now.

So I stand up on my 2 feet dusting off what I can from my already dirty clothes and hair and head towards the oak tree where I left the rest of my stuff.

The whole way feeling slightly different.

"Man that was the worst smell I've ever smelled in my entire life." thinking to myself. "Why could I see it?"

Something really doesn't feel right.

I need to pick a house and rest up for a few days.

I slip on my coat and backpack, then shroud myself with my blanket and begin to walk back across town to where the houses are.

Half way there, as I'm passing the clock tower, I beging to feel cold and start sweating profusely.

Stomach wrenching and knotting feeling like someone's grabbed my insides and are firmly twisting them around, I fall to my knees and finally puke so hard my eyes are forced shut by heaving so heavily.

When I open them, pure terror.

It isn't puke by any means. There is no color, and it isn't blood, but black. Pure black bile is mounded in front of me, slowly flattening out into a puddle like chunky molasses steaming and sizzling.

What is happening to me?

All I can do right now is stand back up and make my way to one of those houses. I'm almost there. Just a little further.
