
This time I'll protect you my dear husband

Maya was six month pregnant when she got stuck situation in which her family members made her hostage to force her husband to surrender. In this situation he have no choice but let sacrifice his own life to save his wife and the child who is not born yet. Ashwin left his sword and knelt and to protect her and just next second Her brother beheaded Ashwin infront of her eyes, She got completely break from inside and then died too.

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2 Chs

Chapter 1 -

[The rainy stormy night, A strong man with a strong killing intent was holding a sharp sword dripping in blood. He threw away his sword and knelt.

Just after next second suddenly a guy beheaded him instantly and he fell down dead.]

"Ashwin no, you can't... *broken* die, no you can't leave me alone" Maya fell on knees in shock of her husband's death infront of her eyes.

"Dad, and uncle finally it's done. Now the obstacle is completely removed from our path and we can easily rule over this district." Her brother who just beheaded her husband.

What will you do if your own family members kill your husband infront of your eyes. Everything got changed in a second. What was his fault. He just want to help everyone. Just want to distribute food among people to prevent death due to starving. Helping people can really made you enemy for your own family.

He was so happy when he found that I am pregnant and he started taking care me even more after knowing this. He was keeping me like a treasure since we meet. He did so much for me and today... Today he sacrificed himself for me and our child that was still in my belly.

Why, Mom-dad, brother why you all did this. He always helped you all and Father-in-law and mother-in-law law why, why you also involved in this. He was your younger son. Why... A wife is the lifelong companion of her husband and it's also her responsibility to take care of her husband but What I did... Instead of helping him I always dragged him back and now today he surrendered even when he can easily wipe out them all just because they made me their hostage.

They used me as a hostage to make him surrender. I never expected it even in my dreams that one day our own family will plot against us.

"He killed over our hundred men. But it worth it because in the end he died just like a loser. Now what we have to do with his wife and unborn child" Ashwin's elder brother asked from his father and then his father said "You always wanted to marry her, then ou know what to do."

"Thats good, now the world's most beautiful girl is mine." He laughed but then he stopped laughing and said "That is okay but what about this little snake that is developing inside her womb"

They already killed my husband and now they want to kill my child and want ruin my dignity. Never, I always stayed like a weak and helpless girl and I can't let them hurt myself and my child because my husband sacrificed his life to save us.

"Stop her from running, she can't run for long. Just find her and bring her back by dragging from hair." Veer, Ashwin's elder brother said.

[Maya was running in mud soaked in rain water and was not in well condition. After running so long she hide herself In a hollow tree]

"Hey you three go there and you two go there and you two come with me. Catch that B*tch and bring her back to Young master." Those goons started searching for her everywhere.

[She was hiding in that tree but unfortunately a goon found her. He grabbed her hairs and pulled her out from that tree and started dragging her]

"You really think you can save yourself by hiding in this tree." That goons while dragging her.

"Hey let me go, My husband also helped you in need. You forgot he rescued you. He even gave you food and shelter. Let us go." She was crying and suffering so much pain but after hearing this that goon slapped her and said "Helped me, You forgot what he did one month ago. He hit me infront of many people just because I dare to touch a girl without her will. You are lucky because already Young master want you otherwise I have already made you mine"

Nothing left is doing good. They are under the burden of Ashwin's good deeds. He helped them all and now they all betrayed him. Even pets are more loyal then humans. I can't help myself but atleast I can take my own life. It is better from dying by their hands.

[Maya bite at that goon's hand, that goon scream out in pain and then Maya took gun from that Goon and point at herself]

"You want to kill yourself, then do it, but after your death your child will suffering a lot of pain and will die miserably. Do you still dare to kill yourself" That goon said and then Maya point gun on her belly and then closed her eyes.

My child sorry, I am taking your life even before giving it to you. Please forgive your mother if you can. These goons and blood betrayers killed you daddy and now they want to kill you and torture me. I am sorry because as your mother instead of protecting you I am taking your life. I am sorry.

I am sorry Ashwin, Your sacrifice is gone in vain. If I got another chance then I'll never let you die, I'll protect you just like you protected me. I am sorry my love, and my child. I am sorry.

"No, you can't kill yourself, Young master will kill me if you die. Give that gun back." That goon said and tried to snatch gun but before that Maya pressed the trigger and killed herself and her unborn child.

Full of regret and sorrow, Maya's soul fell in the endless dept of darkness but suddenly a small golden source of light got converted into the shape of a kid and then caught Her hand and started taking her out from that endless darkness and then he pushed her in a portal after saying "Mom, I can only do this to help you. I hope you can change our fate. I love you mom and I love dad." after it somehow her soul travelled five years back in past and she opened her eyes in her hostel room.