
This isn't High School DxD, damn it!

When I got myself my very own Game system with a world travel function in a bizarre twist of events, it was only natural I would choose to leave my boring life and visit my favorite anime world High School DxD. But as if my luck had run out immediately, I was instead thrown into an Otome game world! I wanted to visit the Oppai heaven. Not a Shoujo game world where 99.99% of the girls are stuck-up bitches and rich Ikamen are the only ones with any power. What a pain! "*Sigh* Whatever, I'll get out of this world ASAP and go to DxD." There was just one little problem. [Notice: Please note that the world travel function has been temporarily closed due to the user not possessing the minimum required amount of World Points. To unlock the function, please collect 1 million World Points.] "Son of a b-!" --- This is a story of a guy who is reluctantly involving himself in the plot of "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games Is Tough for Mobs" to gather World Points so he can visit his favorite anime world and indulge in what any sane Isekai'd OC would do- Making harem, Getting OP and Slapping Villains left and right. But in the process of collecting World Points, he will end up attracting a lot of attraction. (Not that he cares.) Nobody messes with the Gamers because they're OP. --- A/N: I've been interested in fanfiction and ended up writing this story as a pastime. Naturally, I don't claim it to be any good since this is my first written fan fic. A/N 2: This is most likely going to be a Multiversal fic. With a more than likely High School DxD as the next world... unless something changes. You never know how fate works.

The_POZ · Cómic
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36 Chs

Chapter 5: Olivia

I was currently coming back from the office of the Academy's principal, after having a small meeting I had requested before even enrolling in the academy.

'They sure took their sweet time calling for me. Even though I was going to "donate" so much money to them. What useless administration.'

It was shit just like in the game. The Academy's administration wasn't even mentioned much, in fact. they were unimportant to the game's plot. But they were important enough for me to bother.

Anyway, today marked the end of the first week of my being inside this shitty academy. Honestly, not a whole lot happened. School life sucked greatly and I was skipping more classes as days passed.

Hopefully, they won't mind my tardiness given my reputation and the butt-load of money I "donated" to the academy.

'Still, to think the principal knew about my feats. Guess my adventuring career did leave a mark on the people in power. Good to know they didn't forget me after handing me a simple Baron title and a floating island on my name.'

I had achieved a lot for someone who was barely 15.

It took me a while to notice that I was even known among some of the students as a prodigious young adventurer. The reason for that was that I didn't really interact with students. Maybe a few his and hellos, but I stayed aloof, mostly enjoying the empty places and taking naps. I really had no interest in this academy and its people other than maybe the main cast. And them too only a little bit.

This world was a mid-stop before my actual destination: High School DxD.

'Haa… when will I get to go to the boob paradise? This world is so bland other than the cool technology. But it feels pointless to do anything long-term with all of it when I don't even plan to stay here.'

Reaching my room, which had been upgraded from the lowest noble tier to the middle tier due to my "donation" and "request", I entered the fully furnished place. It was quite comfortable.

Money really could buy a lot of things in this world.

"How's the project coming along, Eris? Can we open the tourist park anytime soon?"

[The park is 95% complete. But it'll take 2 more weeks to finalize it and open the gates for tourists. I've also used your sources to promote the opening a lot. I believe it'll gather the interest of quite a few middle and upper echelons, earning you plenty of money and fame.]

"Hmm, good. Though, I don't really care for the money part. I already am one of the wealthiest people in this world. The number of treasures I've stored can probably buy the entire principality."

I smiled in disbelief. It was quite crazy when I thought about it this way, but using the game's knowledge, I had really amassed quite a large sum.

'What I want is the fame bit. Coz that's the only way to earth World Points. By making an impact on the world's present and future.'

I checked my points once again.

[World Points: 51,670/1,000,000]

'Haaa… It's too slow. It'll take a few years at this rate. I really want the main game events to start ASAP so I can make more impact on the store and the world.'

[Captain, may I ask something personal?]

My thoughts were disturbed by Eris' sudden interruption.

"What is it?"

I asked curiously.

[Captain, what is your end goal?]

"My end goal?"

I raised an eyebrow.

[Yes. I've been with you for over 2 years and in that time, I've already learned you're not an ordinary person. From your unexplained knowledge about the old civilization to your frankly insane feats. You don't act your age. And then there was the case with that girl Marie. Are you really a transmigrator?]

'Huh, it sure took her a while to finally ask.'

I was waiting for her to figure it out from the hints I had been giving her. It was intentionally giving every now and then.

I chuckled and replied.

"Don't you think you're quite late in asking that question? I was hoping you'll do so immediately when I revealed my plans. At the time you just accepted it."

[Yes. And for that, I'll need to request your permission to speak freely, Captain. May I say what's truly in my mind?]

I looked at the floating ball which had now manifested and was facing me, its metal body not giving any hints to her thoughts but her careful voice did.

"You already know my answer. Be as frank as you want. I don't mind at all."

Eris paused for a moment, possibly collecting her thoughts on the matter. I was quite curious to know what the AI thought about me in reality.

[Initially, I used to think you are just a crazy human being with a lot of talent, wits, and knowledge.]

"Haha, is that so. That's… understandable, I guess."

[But in time, I've learned that that was indeed a hasty conclusion. You are not that simple. Your existence is bizarre. You are, in my eyes, an irregularity in this world.]

Hearing my AI companion's serious words, I smiled.

"It took you too long to notice the obvious. So much for being a super powerful and hyper-intelligent AI. Heh."

And I made sure to make fun of her. Pulling her metaphorical legs was a fun pastime.

We just had that kind of relationship. It's not like I was lying to her or hiding the truth for malicious reasons, but I didn't feel the need to explain everything to her either.

But seeing she had reached the conclusion by observation, I was satisfied with this outcome.

[That's quite embarrassing, indeed. It took me so long to make that connection. But in my defense, I was thinking logically. And you're not logical. I'll go to that corner and sulk for a bit now.]

"Hahaha, yeah, sure. You do that. But hey, I'm glad you finally decided to talk about it. I was hoping to tell you eventually. I'm indeed an 'otherworlder'. I kept giving you hints about it."

['I'm out of this world.' Ah, I see now.]

"You do?"

I smirked.

[And here I thought it was only you being narcissistic. How ignorant of me. I'll increase my sulking time from 5 minutes to 10 minutes.]

"Heh, can you even sulk?"

[Humph, of course, I can. I was designed to mimic all human emotions.]

"Gotcha. So, when you're done sulking, let me know. I wanna meet with Olivia today. Been procrastinating on it for way too long."

[Understood. I'll be back in 10 minutes.]

She actually went into a corner and stayed silent for 10 whole minutes, probably simulating "sulking."

I must say she was quite literal and serious about odd things at times. Admittedly, I didn't fully understand what went inside my AI companion's virtual head. But it was amusing to see, so who cares.


[-One Sulking Later-]

"YOU were invited to that party?! How dare a commoner like you receive such an important thing?!"

I heard some girl shout as I walked in the hallway of the academy dorms' general area, looking around the place.

Turning a corner, I was face to face with a rather distasteful scene.

The original protagonist of the Otome game was lying on the floor, teary and shaken as a gang of girls surrounded her.

"Know your place, commoner! Your very presence might ruin the exquisite atmosphere of the party! Don't you dare even come in the vicinity of the place!"

[Is this what I think it is?]

"If you're thinking blatant bullying, then yes."

[How distasteful.]

The AI was not hesitant to give her honest remark.

"Indeed. Let's go help the damsel in distress."

I made my way toward the unfortunate ex-protagonist of the Otome game.

'Hmm, she doesn't look good.'

As I reached closer, I noticed her state. She seemed well-dressed, with decently kept medium short blond hair and blue eyes that were currently filling with tears she was trying to hold back from leaving. But she was shaking while sitting on the floor.

Of course, I didn't fail to notice the unreasonably sized bust that seemed to press quite a bit on her uniform. Those things were way too R-rated for this world. They belonged to DxD in my humble opinion.

'Damn. They're big for someone her age.'

I definitely didn't gulp after looking at them.

[Captain, focus.]

"Whatever do you mean, Eris. I'm totally focused(on those marshmallows)."

I silently muttered before reaching close enough for them to notice me.


I cleared my throat, not because I was embarrassed from being caught by Eris but instead to get the attention of the girls.

They all looked at me with various emotions: Annoyance, Surprise, Curiosity, and—wait, why was one of them blushing?

Surely, it's not what it looked like, right? Right?

I raised an eyebrow at that but soon moved past it, ignoring it altogether.

"Excuse me, ladies. But I'd like to have a chat with Miss Olivia here. It's quite urgent. So, do you mind?"

I spoke with a polite tone, but I made sure to not act like I was submissive. They were nobodies in my eyes and they didn't deserve respect, especially given what they were doing just now.

"Y-You're… the prodigious and aloof adventurer."

One of the girls muttered, causing the others to widen their eyes.

'The what?'

"My name is Leon Alpenwind, a newly appointed Baron. And I was indeed an adventurer before I joined the academy."

I introduced myself, hoping to correct that weird title I had somehow gotten, and then mentally cringed at the new surname I had been given.

'Can I make a petition to change that surname? Maybe if I gave them some more "donations." Yeah, let's search about that in the near future.'

"Ah, I know you, Lord Alpenwind. You're the prodigious young adventurer who has achieved a lot of incredible feats at such a young age."

The same girl replied. I was starting to think she was sus. She was also the one who was blushing initially when I first spoke.

"So, as I was saying, would you mind letting Miss Olivia here go?"

I decided to ignore it and got back to the point. I didn't want to resort to using harsh words when things seemed to be resolving with just normal words.

"Oh, uh. Sure. We were just about to leave for the tea party. You can have her, lord Alpenwind."

The girls scurried out of the place, leaving me and Olivia who was still sitting on the floor, surprised and confused.

She soon got out of her stupor and then looked around on the floor.

There were bits of paper lying there. She sighed, gloom taking over.

'Can she look any more pitiful? She's making me want to help her more. Damn cute female protagonist aura. Too OP, please nerf!'

She then turned to me and opened her mouth to speak, her voice timid and unsure.

"Uhm, d-do I know you?"


[Name: Olivia

Race: Human

Level: 8

Thoughts about you: Mild Fear, Depression, Curiosity]


<Observe> was one of the many handy skills I learned from my Game System, but there was one minor problem. It started at level 1 and barely showed any information. And it was extremely hard to level up as well. Even at its current level, which was 4, it was barely helpful in knowing someone's name and level. But at least it was better than its level 1 version. It literally showed me the race of people or the general label of an item type. For instance, Olivia would have shown as 'Human' and any type of gun, be it magical or normal, would have shown as 'Gun'.

It was a real pain to level up to even this level. Though, I admittedly stopped bothering with it for a long time because I lost interest in the skill once it was leveled enough to show me the level of other people and beings like monsters.

But I was trying to level it up again now. Well, not actively, but I did try to use it whenever I remembered.

Rather than replying, I gave her a hand. She hesitated but then took it and stood back up.

"No, not really. But I know you. You're the honor student who got admitted to this academy due to her genius mind."

My casual compliment seemed to make her blush.

"I-I'm not a genius. I just have an interest in magic."

She looked down as her cheeks and ears reddened and then she did the staple action of putting a strand of hair behind her ear.

'Wow, that's cliché as hell… and yet, somehow it still works. Huh.'

I kept the thought to myself and instead spoke.

"Don't belittle yourself. You were given a scholarship which in itself is a very rare achievement. Most commoners can only dream of attending this academy. And yet, you're here. That says a lot about your talent."

For a second she seemed to gleam at the string of compliments, but then her eyes turned gloomy once again. She looked at the ground as she spoke.

"Maybe it would have been better if I hadn't come here. I… don't belong here—"

"Olivia, please shut up."

I spoke, startling her. She looked back at me with a surprised and confused face. I continued speaking to make myself clear.

"Don't let anyone make you believe that. You definitely belong here."

My serious words carried no hesitation as I filled her with my pep-talk. It really was pep-talk.

I knew from the game that this was mostly happening in accordance with the game's storyline. Right now, Olivia was in her struggle phase.

Once she gained more levels and increased her stats(including her charm and charisma) she would be much better off.

Though, with the irregularity called Marie taking her spot, I had no idea what fate awaited her. Leon would have taken her as his, but I didn't know what I wanted to do with her just yet. My whimsical nature made me want to help her and make her aware of my existence.

'That reminds me, I also have to make a short visit to miss antagonist, Angelica.'

"If you lose your hope so easily and don't struggle, you'll be crushed like today. This place is not kind towards people of "lower" birth. I know. So, it's going to be hard for you to survive here. But hey, that's no reason to lose hope. You have to fight for your happiness and prosperity in this unfair world. At least, that's what I think."

I smiled as I finished my pep-talk and then as a final touch patted her head, surprising her even further.

She wasn't sure what to say or think as she became flustered with the prolonged contact of my hands on her silky blond hair.

I had to wonder if her head would release steam in a minute.

I didn't stop patting her for a fair while, some subconscious part of me enjoyed teasing the poor girl in this way.

Tease them with kindness, I say.

'Heh. She's adorable, alright. Almost makes me want her. Almost.'

I stopped, finally letting her catch a break. And soon she finally spoke.

"I… Thank you. For saying all that, I mean. And for helping me from the girls from before."

"Don't mention it. Anyway, my name is Leon Alpenwind, as you've already heard. But you can just call me Ian. I prefer if you call me that instead of my formal name 'Leon'. I don't like being called by my official title for reasons I don't feel like getting into right now."

'It's cringy.'

I groaned, causing her more confusion. But being the understanding, kind and nice person that she was, she nonetheless nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Mr. Ian. I, um, my name is Olivia. But you know that. So, um, you can call me Livia. That's what my family and friends back home call me—Ah, not that I'm assuming you're my friend or anything! It was just—I am used to being called Livia in my hometown and… I am not trying to—"

Seeing her flustered over such a strange thing made me chuckle. I lightly flicked her forehead, causing her to stop and look at me in confusion.


"Relax, Livia. I don't mind being your friend. I don't have any friends here either, so I guess that makes you my first."

I left the part where I simply didn't bother mingling with others.

She looked at me in surprise for a moment before her protagonist persona took over and she smiled. Suddenly her charm stat skyrocketed for no reason. Took me a moment to realize why.

'She's using her secret move on me! The protagonist's charm! Too OP! Please nerf, damn it!'

I mentally blurted but didn't let it show on my face.

"Thank you. I'll be honored to be your friend, Mr. Ian. You're also my first friend in the academy."

Man, she looked so happy as she said that. As if I had given her the best birthday gift when it wasn't even her birthday!

I smiled back at her.

"Just call me Ian. No Mr. or anything. I'm only 15 and you're around my age, I'm assuming. Friends are usually informal with each other."

She mulled over it a bit but nodded in agreement after a little hesitation.

"So… now that that's done, how about we go to a nice café. I think it's only fair that we celebrate our mutual first friendship by eating something tasty."


My abrupt offer surprised her.

"You don't want to?"

I titled my head, looking at her with my most innocent face.

What? I also had a few secret techniques under my belt. I called it 'the innocent head-tilt' (naming in progress). It always works on my targets. I mean, sure, I've only tried it on Olivia until now, but technically speaking, it works 100% of the time.

"Ah, no. That's not what I meant. Um, is it really okay? I… I've never been to a café before. I heard they're very costly too."

"Oh, don't worry about that. It'll be my treat."

She naturally tried to deny but using my special innocent girl manipulation techniques—Ahem, I mean, totally logical and ethical reasoning without any emotional manipulation whatsoever, I managed to convince her in the end.

"Great. Let's go, then."

And so, in just our first meeting, I had already got the OG protagonist of this Otome game on my team.

Not that I had any serious plans for her. I only did it because I could. And because I wanted to.


Sorry for the late release. It should have been uploaded about 1.5 hours early. But I forgor. X(

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter. :)

The_POZcreators' thoughts