
This isn't High School DxD, damn it!

When I got myself my very own Game system with a world travel function in a bizarre twist of events, it was only natural I would choose to leave my boring life and visit my favorite anime world High School DxD. But as if my luck had run out immediately, I was instead thrown into an Otome game world! I wanted to visit the Oppai heaven. Not a Shoujo game world where 99.99% of the girls are stuck-up bitches and rich Ikamen are the only ones with any power. What a pain! "*Sigh* Whatever, I'll get out of this world ASAP and go to DxD." There was just one little problem. [Notice: Please note that the world travel function has been temporarily closed due to the user not possessing the minimum required amount of World Points. To unlock the function, please collect 1 million World Points.] "Son of a b-!" --- This is a story of a guy who is reluctantly involving himself in the plot of "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games Is Tough for Mobs" to gather World Points so he can visit his favorite anime world and indulge in what any sane Isekai'd OC would do- Making harem, Getting OP and Slapping Villains left and right. But in the process of collecting World Points, he will end up attracting a lot of attraction. (Not that he cares.) Nobody messes with the Gamers because they're OP. --- A/N: I've been interested in fanfiction and ended up writing this story as a pastime. Naturally, I don't claim it to be any good since this is my first written fan fic. A/N 2: This is most likely going to be a Multiversal fic. With a more than likely High School DxD as the next world... unless something changes. You never know how fate works.

The_POZ · Anime y Cómics
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40 Chs

Chapter 24: How do I repay you?

Seeing as how I had (made others do) everything, I decided to take a break and chill.

As the manager of this place, I didn't really have all that much to do. Since the professor didn't specify my duties, it was natural for me to do as I wished. So, I naturally chose the job that required the least work.

All I really had to do it watch over my two helpers and the girls and instruct them if something wasn't right. Easy.

Since I had time on my hand and the person I had been waiting for today hadn't shown herself, I was thinking of who else to invite to my park.

I ended up giving a ticket to Clarice after I met her one day after becoming a Viscount. She had requested to meet me.

She seemed quite interested in Utopia. She happily accepted and promised that she'll be visiting it.

She also offered me a gift as thanks for helping her back then. I wasn't expecting to receive a high-end air bike. But then, it seemed fitting given her family's business.

The only problem was, I didn't really fancy the ones they made in the kingdom since they looked like glorified snowmobiles that could fly. But since she was being polite and insistent about it, I didn't act like a dick and just accepted it with a smile, deciding to give it to my AI companion. Eris would probably like a new toy to play with. Maybe.

Clarice seemed to be doing better from the looks of it. It was good that she had moved on or was moving on from what happened. She did deserve better than someone like the green ranger after all.

We might be meeting in Utopia on the first day of its inauguration.


Only Angelica and I were left in the café while others went to promote it.

I noticed her looking at me with a strange face.

"What's wrong?"

I asked, wondering what she was thinking.

"You know, I've noticed something… How do I say this? You become a different person when you start caring about something or someone."


I blinked, unsure of what prompted that impression.

"Is that how it looks? I'm just being thorough. Since I am doing this, I might as well do it right. Something about being a perfectionist. I might have that tendency."

"I see… May I ask something personal, Leon?"

"Go ahead. I'll try to answer if I can."

"Do you like Olivia? I mean, romantically."

This time I blinked twice, really confused.

"Livia and I are close friends. She's someone I have come to care for in the short few months I've known her. But there's no such thing as 'romantic love' between us yet."

It was the truth. Olivia and I were by no means lovers. I cared for her, but I wasn't actively pursuing her. If I were, she and I would have already become lovers. I was more than confident about that bit after spending so long with her.

"But I do find her attractive in a strange way. She's an innocent, kind, and gentle girl. There's nothing to dislike about her– be it her personality or looks. But I do not wish to overwhelm her with things such as love. She already had a lot on her plate before I met her and I think it's better if she enjoys her life in the academy as a student for the time being."

'Hmm, if she confesses… then, it's a different matter altogether. I'll have to take it seriously then. My existence in this world is complicated and uncertain.'

"I see."

Angelica seemed in deep thought for a while before she finally looked at me, her face showing a gentle smile.

"I am happy for her. She has someone like you to support and care for her. She deserves it too. Unlike me, she's a kindhearted and pure girl."

She really had become close with Olivia in the short time they'd known each other. They both clung to the first real female friend they could find here in the academy. In a way, it could be called heartwarming.

That being said…

"Now, why would you demean yourself?"

I cocked an eyebrow at her casual and indirect self-jab.

"It's true… I am not a very good woman or even a good person, in the end. I am a cold-hearted, cruel, selfish, and jealous woman. The proof is that I'm here, abandoned by everyone but you and Olivia, who were kind enough to help me even in my lowest. I'm surprised she treats me so nicely despite knowing about my deeds. I used to not care for commoners very much until I met her. But now I feel guilty and terrible when I am treated so nicely by her."

Olivia was just that kind of girl. Kind-hearted and nice to everyone, especially to her friends and loved ones.

I listened to her silently and when she was done, I simply walked up to her, and without another word brought my hands up.


She looked at me with wide eyes as she held her forehead.


Her mouth was opened but no words came out, but her expression clearly was one of confusion. She seemed to want to know the reason for my sudden act of forehead flicking.

Looking down at her, I spoke.

"You're being too hard on yourself, you know that?"

Her open mouth was shut back as she listened to my following words.

"Why would you berate yourself like that when you have so many positive traits? You're strong-willed and disciplined, clearly. And from what I've learned after spending time with you these past couple of weeks, you're a kind and reasonable person who does not abuse people below her status, unlike the vast majority of girls in this Academy. You care for those you're close to and your allies.

In short, you are a pretty remarkable person yourself. That's how I see you, Angelica. And I think I have pretty good eyes on me. Let me say this very clearly, I wouldn't be hanging out with you if I didn't find you and your personality agreeable. So, since I'm here with you, it can only mean one thing.

You're actually much better than you give yourself credit for. Seriously, you're letting those things(students) affect you again. Am I right?

She looked down but gave a meek nod of acceptance. My voice was much warmed as I spoke the following words.

"Your flaws are only a small part of you, Angelica. Don't let it define you. And don't let past incidents drag you down. Treat them as life lessons and become a better person from now on… Though, from my perspective, you've already become a better person. You're friends with Olivia, after all."

She couldn't reply and stayed silent for a while, trying to come up with a reply.

"I… thank you… for being so nice to me. You are a kind and caring person, behind that uncaring and impassive personality."

She finally spoke and the smile she gave me rivaled even Olivia's Ex-ranked protagonist charm.

"You're welcome… And you should smile like that more often. You look even more beautiful when you do."

I replied with a smile of my own.

She simply coughed in response, hiding a mild blush creeping up her face.

"A-Anyway, I guess we should focus on the work on our hands. We'll likely be getting customers soon."

"I don't think we'll be getting any. Olivia and the other two only left like 5 minutes ago. And the actual festival begins tomorrow."

I pointed, causing her to halt in realization.


A silence followed in which Angelica seemed to think about something. She finally spoke after a short pause.

"Is there really nothing I can do as thanks for your help? You've been really kind to me and helped me a lot. But I've yet to offer you anything in return."

I watched as her expression turned serious. She really wanted to thank me for saving her.

"I've already said I don't need anything in return. I didn't do it with that intention, to be honest."

"I know. I know, but… I just… really want to. I feel bad not giving you something in return."

I tilted my head, wondering how to deal with it. Her <Observe> showed that she felt guilty for being unable to offer something good in return.

But she honestly couldn't repay me. I didn't care for things like money and other monetary gifts. I had little to no use or desire for them. Her family owed me now and I was satisfied with that. But I wouldn't say it out loud.

"Hmm. I don't really need anything from you at the moment that I don't already have. Maybe give me a kiss (on the cheeks) as thanks or something. That's what the princesses do, don't they? Haha."

I shrugged with a chuckle, half joking half interested in my own idea.

My casual-sounding comment caused her eyes to widen.

"T-That… But, it'll be inappropriate if I did something like that."

"No, not really? It's just a thank-you kiss. No big deal."

"Is… that so? … Then, I guess I can do that if that's what you want."

She looked at me uncertainly as she practically muttered the last bit.

She tried to act composed, but her small gulp and nervous ticks were visible to anyone. She was still a complete maiden, after all. And despite her show of composure, she had no experience in such things.

She came close and touched my cheeks with her soft and tender hands as she came closer, looking into my eyes. Closing her eyes, she gave me a chaste kiss on the lips.

She soon pulled back and opened her eyes, her cheeks turning light pink.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me, Sir Leon. It really means a lot to me."

I held back an amused smirk as I spoke, outwardly acting surprised.

"Uh, I meant on the cheeks. The princess kisses the knight on the cheeks. Why would you kiss me on the lips? … Unless it was a show of love?"

My smile leaked a little bit when I saw her face pale at the realization that she might have misunderstood my words. She broke her young lady façade and blushed hard, fumbling with her words as her eyes darted around the place.

I tried my best to maintain the act but internally I was laughing hard at her cute reaction.

Oh, this was fun. Teasing the usually strict and reserved Angelica was surprisingly fun.

"T-That… My apologies. I-I misunderstood your words. Please forget that happened. Please!"

She pleaded, but too bad for her, I had no intention of letting her off the hook just yet.

"It's alright, it's alright. I actually quite liked it, to be honest. Though, it kinda felt… hmm, lackluster? I mean, if you think about it, a less than a second-long kiss, even if from a beautiful girl such as you, seems a little lacking as a thank you. I mean, I did fight FIVE guys for your honor. It's only fair that the kiss should last at least 5 seconds."

I smirked with amusement seeing her actually think about it.

"Oh… Th-That…"

She seemed unable to find a response to that, her mind still overheating from her previous 'slip'.



The door was slammed open as the two male helpers came inside in a hurry.

"There's a problem!!"

I turned to look at Raymond and Daniel, panting as they looked at us with worried faces, an unamused look.

Now, what could have caused them to behave so rashly and ruin my fun?


I hope you are liking the slow inclusion of Angelica in the (still-non-existent) MC's Harem. The Holfort Pokemon Index might be in need of an update not long in the future if things progress smoothly.

On another note, please review this fic if you're enjoying it. Your kind reviews will motivate me to write more. :)

Until next time~

The_POZcreators' thoughts