
This is very bad QwQ

In the monster-zombie apocalypse of year 3000, a large number, if not all, surviving human beings have superpowers. Be it system users, superpowers, mage abilities... Normally, these are based on your physical status, mental status, social Status ect. The 'system', has appeared. Everyone can see the system(although only system users can use it.) and now, let me introduce the races. System users are the usual weak to strong. With an originally weak body and strong mind, system users have high intelligence that can help them build a solid foundation (and become op) Mage ability users are the ones with a... Interesting personality (e.g. I want to build a harem!!!). They have many stragities and an iron will. This is because they do not have much magic at first. The downside is that they have the weakest defence of all ability users, which is why most go in a group. Cultivators and Superpower users are the most hardworking of the bunch. Their physical shape does not affect their abilities. And they don't need mana. Sounds op? No. They need to be creative, as they make their own 'skills'. Also, using their powers put both mental and physical state under stress.(Depends on your mastery of powers how much stress it gives you.) Also, when the apocalypse hits, all the stuff a human(if you are still human) holds at that time will become items. Of course this does not apply to the stuff in museums, but there are so many zombies there let's not talk about that. In case you haven't realised, author is playing the role of system. :)) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'BIG BRO OH MIGOSH I GOT SUPERPOWERRRSSSS!!' Gabriel looks up at his brother. 'mh' 'It's ICE MAGICCC. I'M ELSAAA! AHHHHHHHHH' Morroco screams as he starts skating around the room. 'AND MY SKATES!!! THEY BECAME SSR TYPE OBJECTS HOOLIESHEET AHAHAHAHAHAHA' Gabriel looks at his brother and sighs. 'And I have wind magic. It's in the profile, everyone can see the magic type. Also, there's a zombie at the door.' Morroco : *smirks* I have ice magic. Gabriel :So what? Morocco :... and I can control it. Gaberial: And? Also Gabriel : I can even make a vaccuum! Caroline:QAQ, what are these monsters... >read more Author's note: *Cries* Yss, author does not speak English for mother language. First book, so terrible writing(I think). Other thing is that updates and words are irregular. I swear I am trying to improve... TvT

ko_tszman · LGBT+
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13 Chs

Ch. 5


Both Morocco and Caroline were failing about and screaming. They were so scared that they didn't realize that their noise had attracted some of the feral people.

'Huh? '

What was happening? The duo had been free-falling through the air and nearly landed on the hard ground.

There were some reddish looking things under them catching them fall. Up close, the things looked quite pretty and had wings...


Morocco screams again and starts failing about a second time while Caroline stares at something in front of her.

It was a fully red butterfly with no patterns.

It was wierd, because she, who loved butterflies, had never heard of or seen such a spiecies before.

Suddenly, Caroline felt that there was a wierd feeling in her heart. Upon closer inspection, the feeling was actually a cluster of smaller feelings.

Caroline frowned. She knew her own feelings very well. And she absolutely did not feel protectiveness and devotion.

Needless to say, the cluster feelings of protectiveness and devotion did have a few variations, such as doubt, anger and so on.

Caroline realized the feelings were coming from the butterflies as she began to sense impatience in a few more of the cluster feelings.

'Ooh, y-you can put me down, I guess...' Caroline said as the butterflies slowly descended to the ground to where Morocco was waiting anxiously.

That was it


Meanwhile, on the ground...

Morocco groaned and tried to sit up,squinting and stretching.

'Damn, I might have broken something...' he mutters as he pops a few joints.

Huh? Wait a minute, what was that furry thing he was touching? Trees didn't have fur!

Morocco looks down to where his hand is touching a CRUSHED BUTTERFLY!!!!


After spending a few seconds making embarrassing noises that he would never admit to, he finds that Caroline is not on the ground with him.

He worriedly peers up at her the crimson cloud of butterflies are and is relieved to find it slowly coming down.

'That. Was. AWSOME!'

Morocco half screams as he hears Caroline scream and hop off the cloud.

'Are you TRYING to give me a heart attack??'

'Whoops sorryyy...'

Morocco sighed.

She didn't even sound sorry.

'Anyways' He says. Leaning on a tree to regain his bearings after the scare 'School is probably out for the day, so we should start going home.'

That much was obvious, but to Caroline, who was picked up by the Rolls-Royce with tinted windows every day, it was literally impossible as she didn't know how to get home.

'Maybe I should just go with you.'

Morocco snaps his head to where Caroline is.

Caroline side-eyes him before turning away, 'Yeah, I guess it's settled. I'm coming with you.'

Did she just invite herself over???