

I wake up to my father's harsh and deep voice, yep today we are cleaning the yard(it's a public holiday). And mind you it is 4:00am, April, we are in the heart of Autumn and you can see and feel the frost on the grass. "You are aware that Mr McMahon has requested you to come and help him, and his wife of course, out at the Hotel", my dad says in between puffs of smoke coming from his mouth. So Mr McMahon is this guy, NO NO NO, Mr McMahon is my father's closest friend, he is about 50yrs old and owns a very reputable Hotel in Queenstown the Black Swan Hotel also known as "BSH". I think he is totally into me, because he gives me the eye at church (we go to the same church) and when I come to visit my best friend (his youngest daughter) over at his house he gives me a warm, VERY VERY WARM hug. But he's married (turn off right), he got four kids, two of which are way older than me and are in Varsity and a son (my ex) and his last born who is the same age as me and also my best friend. Besides the fact that his wife and kids adore me I am FIFTEEN YEARS OLD, there is no way we are happening any time soon.

. . .

Black Swan has this homely sense to it (maybe it's because I know the founder) and when I come here it is mainly to do paperwork (and make eye contact with Mr McMahon when no one's watching). "Hello dearest", Mr McMahon greets me, with a twinkling eyes and a smile I would die for. And no he doesn't hug me now those hugs are scheduled for when no one's watching. He then leads me to the office I will be worikng in, his office, and promises me a cup of coffee for all the trouble I have been through, I deserve it. His wife comes to greet me, she never forgets, and his daughter jumps on me the moment she lays her eyes on me and his son nods from a safe distance. "My mom asked your mom and you can totally sleep over this week", Belinda (my best friend) she adores me infact she is starting to idolise me, she even did the same hairstyle as me!

Everyone else has gone off to sleep in their respective rooms, Queenstown also known as "Ghost town" has no entertainment at all, unless you drink alcohol. I am still doing my paperwork and Mr McMahon has gone to drop his wife and children off at home. It is 7:00pm and it's not dark yet but the sun has set. It's just gonna be me and him in the car to his house (ooh goosebumps). "How's paperwork going" he asks and leans forward to brush the back of my ear. Electric nerve impulses rush through my body. "Nice", NICE! I always run out of words to say to him. He grabs a chair and sits next to me, my heart pounds so loudly I bet he can hear it. I can feel the warmth radiating through him. He turns to look at me, my hands start sweating. He leans his face towards mine I could feel his breath on my cheecks, my head starts spinning. He whispers something in my ear, I don't hear what it is, and for a moment I forget how to breathe. "Pardon?", he laughs, "I said let's go you can finish that even tomorrow". Oh, so he didn't tell me he loved me, or my new earings I had worn just for him or the outfit I had chosen exclusively for him.

In the car I am silent, "Say something", he begs whilst using his free hand to rub my thighs and my waist. I am notorious for being talkative, but whenever I am with him I am speechless. I chuckle nervously. "I missed you", he continues. I missed you too I wanna scream, but I say nothing. We pull over at Spar and he goes in to buy supper and I am looking forward to what he is going to give me this time. He comes out and as expected he bought me a chocolate. "Thanks" I whisper and he gives me those pleading eyes, pleading for something more than just the hugs I would give him occasionally. "So, how is Jessica doing?" he asks. Jessica is my cousin who only cares about her looks. She is also my dad's favourite and a conversation with her doesn't end without her reminding you at least twice of how beautiful she is or my favourite how "the boys have been fighting over her at school". Mr McMahon has been giving her the eye lately an it is driving me insane. I AM RIGHT HERE AND YOU ARE ASKING ABOUT HER. But lucky for me I am willing to do whatever it takes to get his full attention on me. I don't answer his last question. "What, are you jealous?" Me jealous of what, of whom, never. "No, she is doing perfectly fine" I respond repulsively. "I wonder what she is up to" does he really not care?. You see there were days where Mr McMahon only had his eyes on me. When he would only ask about me. When he would only hug me. But these days the only thing that seems to ever be in his mind is Jessica, Jessica, Jessica and it hurts you know because that man is MINE. we pull over at his house and without giving him a second glance (although I desperately wanted to) I step out of the car excited to be spending the week with my ex, my supposedly crush and his wife and my overly possessive friend Belinda.