
This Devil is Your Mate

“You should to cut off our baby's head, Deren! I can't accept the fact that she has to live with us!” shouted the devil, named Naura. In a demon kingdom, king Deren and Naura were chasing. Naura wants to kill her child because she doesn't want to compete with that girl one day because of her beauty. Naura took her baby to the forest. Deren caught up her with his troops. Deren and Naura died as a result of the battle between them. Meanwhile, their baby was sent to the human world. She was given the name Louve. Little Louve lives with Aletta and Onvie. She has an asterisk on her forehead. Onvie and Aletta recognize the sign and realize that Louve is not from the human world. When they grew up, Onvie did the wedding. At that moment, Louve was kidnapped by Ion's wolf. He brought her to his world. There, she almost died because Ion gave Louve a cruel punishment. Luckily, Ion was able to prevent that from happening. However, Louve had to lose her hand. In a way, Onvie realized that Louve was his mate. Even so, Louve hates Onvie and rejects him. Ion felt guilty. He takes Louve to her parents' house and takes responsibility for his actions. However, unexpectedly, her family mentions one fact that Louve is from the demon world. And she had to agree that Ion was her mate. Aletta ordered Louve to find her origins. Then, what will happen next? Will Onvie be forgiven by Louve? Can Louve accept Onvie as her mate?

Lilys_Revision · Fantasía
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5 Chs

You Need to Die

"We will discuss about the mark on her forehead, she doesn't seem to come from our world," said Aletta with a face full of doubts.

"Well, I guessed it. She could be from the immortal world, Mom."

"You're right, Mother has checked about that mark. I think, she has an unusual destiny."

"Hahaha, do you realize that? Louve, the name I gave her means a she-wolf, Mom."

Aletta was silent for a few moments. She gulped down her own saliva.


At her mother room, Louve took in the surroundings. The woman walked to the table and took out a black box. There, she took several photos of her and Onvie. The girl had tears in her eyes.

"Onvie, thank you for trying to be the best brother for me," she said it slowly. The girl shed her tears. Occasionally, she hugged the photo she was holding. After that, she returned the photo and walked to her mother's suitcase.


The girl glanced to the side, no one was there. However, for some reason, she felt that someone was standing at the door and looking at her.

"Who was that?" she asked to herself. Occasionally, she took a deep breath, tried to calm down.


A man suddenly entered and stood behind Louve. He gripped Louve's shoulders tightly. His eyes turned blue.

"I got you!" shouted the man right in Louve's ear. The woman spontaneously screamed.

"Aaa! Who are you? Let me go!" Louve shouted in a loud voice. Before Louve asks to be released.

The man had opened the immortal realm and brought her to his world.

They were in a dark forest. Bullets and several corpses scattered among them. Louve could clearly see the blood splattered on the rows of trees and leaves.

"Aaa! I beg you, let me go!"

"No way, traitor! Damn Omega! I shouldn't have trusted you, Rebecca!" shouted Beta Wilson, a white man with tall stature.

"I'm not Rebecca!" Louve screamed in a loud voice. The woman was crying loudly. Ion's figure instantly grabbed Louve's hair.

"Shut up, Rebecca! I know this is just your ruse! Do you think that you can run away, after you tricked Alpha Ion? I'm not a stupid wolf, Rebecca! You've destroyed part of the pack village. I know that you and one of the Rogues are plotting to defeat Alpha Ion! And you should be punished for it!" shrieked Beta Wilson.

Louve kicked the man in a rough way. Wilson fell backwards. He looked at Louve's face with a ferocious gaze.

"Who is Rebecca?! I don't know about her! My name is Louve! You two are crazy! Give me back! I have to attend my brother's wedding!" Louve said it loudly.

Ion was instantly angry, he walked towards Louve and choked her neck. He showed his blue eyes. Shortly after, Louve's neck felt a pain.

"Aaa, it hurts! Stop it! I beg you!" the woman groaned in pain. However, Ion did not let go. He took her away from the forest. They stood in a Cerberus's home.

"Hahaha, you will die, Rebecca!" Ion screamed ferociously. Before being banished, Louve witnessed how one of the Rogue people died miserably. His head was cut off because Cerberus broke his head. Before long, they were eating it in a vicious manner.

"Aaaaa!" Louve shouted in a loud voice.

Ion glanced at Louve as he said quietly, "It's your turn, girl. Take it easy, okay?" Ion bulged his eyes and spontaneously threw Louve away.

Shortly thereafter, Louve fell into the hole. She witnessed how the Cerberus devoured the corpse in front of her with gusto. Blood splashed in front of her face.

"Please, save me," Louve begged Ion. However, Ion insisted on rejecting it. A few moments later, the Cerberus finished his first meal.

He came to Louve. The girl ran in all directions. Initially, she managed to avoid the Cerberus. However, because of her long dress, Louve was fell. One of the Cerberus attempted to cut off her hand.

"Aaaa! It hurts!" Louve screeched. She screamed in pain. From above, Ion suddenly felt pain as well.

"Do you feel it, Ion? It's totally different." Roger, the figure inside Ion, felt something strange. Ion denied.

"No, no way! This is so weird and doesn't make sense."