
This book is being edited, see.

Following the world's greatest catastrophe, which nearly led to the apocalypse, the revelation of the ability to utilize magic was brought to light. With the globe entering a new era, an Academy specializing and entirely for ability users was established. At the academy, abilities are evaluated and ranked based on how they influence the world. Gleren, an F-rank student, covertly works for an organization that preserves global harmony and balance. A peace lover who would rather watch anime and play games than to do anything bothersome. But one day, with the arrival of Maria, the vampire princess, his peaceful life came crashing down. Maria the Last Vampire is a special existence for which she was constantly sought after. With danger always lurking about the Vampire Princess, Gleren Stasis—the F-ranked student at Saint Stella Academy—was tasked with protecting her at all costs without disclosing the truth about himself.

Minazuki_Keizo · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
89 Chs

Chapter 34: Maria's Daily Life; Before The Chaos Strikes!

I resumed to my regular training once Maria had been transferred to the academy. I've been slacking recently, so I should up my exercise regimen. I can't just sit around after hearing something ominous from Jin and learning about the three factions involved. Since then, I've kept gaming and anime to a minimal.

Normally, I would wake up around 5 a.m. and lightly jog about the academy before taking a light shower and continuing with the normal cooking-breakfast-routine. This time, though, I sleep at 10 p.m. and awakens at 3 a.m. to jog 20 laps around the academy's boundary. I need to regain all of the stamina that I lost while idling.

Immediately following my sprinting would be my muscular training; 600 sit-ups, 600 push-ups, and 600 squats. Furthermore, the menu has been increased by thrice. When I had the time, I would expand on these fundamentals, but for now, this is how I train every day. My bodily motions would next be sharpened by familiarizing myself with the martial arts I had learned. The most important thing would be to strengthen my core. Finally, I would calm myself in the shower by meditating and, um, yes, doing other things that one would do when in the shower.

Breakfast preparation would come next. Everything would be ready before I woke up my little princess. After all of that, school is what goes next. That's often how morning setup works. And two weeks had passed since I had changed my training regimen.

But man… moving around at that hour in the morning makes me realize how it was still the springtime, although it was on its late period the meek-warmth sensation of the atmosphere still lingers. At times like this, training seems more isolating.

"Phew. That's it for today, I guess? I worked up some sweat, too."

Although getting up early in the morning is a pain, the body eventually remembers the experience and adjusts to the new routine. Back in Japan, my master advised me to try something new every now and then. While it would lead to a good living experience, it would additionally enable the body evolve to become something greater. I used to hate early training as well. But my training with my master changed everything. I wonder what that person is up to now? Sigh... I guess I'll bring Shinra next time. Being alone on a lovely morning leaves me gloomy.

The ray of light is now glancing through the stationary sun. I'm not sure how it works, but after the clock struck six, the dimness of the orbs surrounding it faded, allowing the light to beam across the entire Saint Isle. Mysterious isn't it?

"Let's go home. I still need to prepare breakfast for Sofy."

I've cleaned my body of the sweat now, but I suppose I still need to take a shower before working in the kitchen.


I have a lot of stuff to take care of. Maria is adjusting to school very well. Just for how much longer should I be looking after her and hide my identity to miss Claudia? Sigh. Let's consider it afterwards.

"Brother? You look troubled."

"Sofy… Sorry, breakfast's not yet ready. It's unusual, though… to see you go down here on your own."

Usually she'd be sleeping until I come to wake her up. I wonder what's the matter?

"Oh… We have to go to school early today."

"Hmm? Why?"

"Remember, we've got a new member in the student council?"

Did they, now? I don't know.

"I guess?"

"Jeez, brother. You have a clueless appearance. What's up with the 'I don't care about it' face, too. It's your school's student council, you know?"

"I-I see…"

I have a lot of things on my plates now. I can't afford another thing to think of… W-well, for now let's pretend to care.

"So, how was the newly member like?"

"Hmm… He was admitted at the same time as Miss Valentine, I believe. He wanted to become part of the student council after pouring up a lot of work and concern for the development of the school environment. The Vice President position simply happened to be available at the time, so he was welcomed. The welcoming party would be carried out today regardless the fact that he formally joined last week because it had been a hectic time for us."

"Hmmm. I see. A new student, eh?"

What perfect timing... I hope this does not follow the usual pattern. But isn't this timing almost too ideal? everything was almost as though everything had been planned. No, after listening to Jin, this is no unforeseen coincidence. Is it even permissible? to invite a recently accepted student to join the student organization?

"Nonetheless, what did Reina say about this? I never would have imagined she would approve of such a thing."

"Hmm? Naturally, she was against it. But the majority of the members voted for his participation. If big sister Reina insisted on preventing that individual from joining, she would be viewed as a despot."

She would, I bet. I see. I guess not even Reina is capable of preventing this, should I ask Jin about this? Should I speak to Reina instead?

"Brother? What is wrong? You're making an anxious face, you know?"

"Oh, not much, really. Simply said, I was interested in the individual you mentioned. What year was that person?"

"Hmm? Second year. Same year as big sis Reina. Nonetheless, it's unusual for you to show interest in other people. Is it related to work?"

I can't get her involved with this. Let's stop here for now. I sat down to eat as well after smiling at her. Making her conscious would just complicate matters.

"You could say. But don't worry, it's nothing big really."

"Hmm. I see."

She said after stuffing her mouth with the whole bacon that I just served.

"But be careful, though. Your brother here would hate it if I see you getting overly close to other guys."

She smiled impishly. Ahh… here we go with her teasing mode.

"Shesheshe… Seeing brother jealous is nice, too."

"Stop that. And what's with that weird laugh?"

"Heh heh heh. You don't have to worry about that, you know? Seeing how cool you are everyday just paled all the men around me. How can I fall in love with other people when I have the coolest person beside me as my brother?"

I'm unsure of how to respond to what she just stated. Had my lips agape and the heat creeping toward my face. The way this chick teases me is becoming better.

She finished her meal and then headed upstairs to change into her uniform in her room. As soon as she finished, she ran downstairs and demanded a kiss good-bye. She must be late because she didn't complain about the brief and timeless duration of the kiss.

But a new student eh? What further has been accepted along with Maria? Yeah. hardly a coincidence.


Maria had a full schedule during her first week of classes. After all, she was a week late. As a consequence, Maria wasn't able to take a tour around the school, let alone about the castle town of Saint Stella. This time, Varvara was tasked with serving as her tour guide while she went throughout the campus. Maria was already acquainted with all of her classmates, so the next (if rather late) step was for her to become acquainted with the entire campus.

I was supposed to be the one to show her around the campus, but when Shinra called my name, Elisha flatly refused. Not only her, but Varvara as well. Elisha stated I wasn't the best person to be Maria's tour guide around school, so she offered herself. That girl's really touchy on matters like this.

But her idea this time was to not completely ignore me because I was also a class rep, and she said she'd let me go along if it was just the three of us. But then, out of nowhere, Varvara sprang out and confronted her. She said we should not forget our duties as class representatives, so she volunteered to be the one to show Maria around instead of us. That was the first time I observed Varvara asserting lead. But why, exactly? Are they really that fond of Maria? I'm not sure I understand how the majority of women think.

In the end we actually left it to her.


Hello there! Varvara Gauthier is my name. I am an ability user who was fortunate enough to be a possessor of the S-ranked ability known as "Forest Hymn." Although I have incredible talent, there is nothing else I can offer. I am not Miss Sofia Stasis' equal in terms of beauty. I don't have miss Yamada Reina's intelligence. Instructor Shinra has more style than I do. I'm not quite as refined as Miss Elisha. Most importantly, I am not as appealing as Miss Claudia. In comparison to them all, I am nothing more than a plain woman.

Nevertheless, despite all of that, I had a friend who shrugged off all of my anxieties. He accepts me for who I am and never stops motivating me till I build confidence. I don't know why, but whenever I speak to him, my heart beats more quickly than it ever had. Whenever he smiled at me, my face would feel heated and I could feel how much I flushed.

He always makes me feel at ease, secure, and content. I simply cannot understand what I'm feeling. However, I do know one thing! I…don't want him to get closer to other girls. I offered to be Miss Maria's guide for the day because of this. I had the impression that leaving him, Miss Elisha, and Maria all at once would be a bad idea. I mean, anytime he is around gorgeous ladies, I imagine he would become weary of looking at a plain lady like me and considering me to be inferior to the books in the library. I feel pathetic.

And I find myself in this uncomfortable situation as a result of my brazenness and apathetic actions.

Miss Maria is following me as I move across the wide school building corridor. I was supposed to act as her tour guide so she could get a feel for the school's overall structure. But how can I take the initiative? I mean, Miss Elisha and Miss Maria both have a more refined demeanour compared to I am. If I offend her, I'm not sure what will happen to me!

Take courage, me~!

"U-uhm… w-where would you like to, uhm go frirts?"

Ughhh!!! I bit my tongue! Auh, she's staring at me intently without even changing in expression! Am I about to get executed?

"You. With me. Nervous?"

Is she concerned about me?

I nodded my head to affirm.

"I see. That. Natural. I nervous…too."

She is? But by the look on her face, I cannot tell. No, I already know this, but Miss Valentine never expresses emotion. She never laughs or displays anger. Is there a reason for this? Although she speaks rather stiffly, how lovely might her voice be? I've never heard a voice that was more lovely compared to hers in my whole life.

To imagine she would also feel anxious. No, our current situation was brought on by my own selfishness. I must take responsibility for showing her around appropriately. However, first,

"Y-You see, I-I would always f-feel shy around people. I-I could never say what I want to say and would always stutter in front of other people. That was the reason why I can't make friends,"

Huh? I wonder why? but it felt like I could talk to her like normal…

"But there was a person who reached out to me—to some people like me. He saved me and made me his friend. I was so happy about it."

We took a leisurely stroll. The place where I am most accustomed to is the library, so that is where we initially went.

"He would always make me laugh and smiles at me every time our eyes meet."

Maria quietly trailed me behind me while remaining silent. I could still tell how intently she is listening, though. We arrived at the cafeteria, where I get my meals. Although the space was almost completely empty, the scent of the cuisine permeated throughout and whetted patrons' appetites. We sat and had a modest plate of ramen.

"He was fond of telling jokes and made sure to congratulate me whenever I did something great. Despite his harsh tongue, he is actually a nice person."

After eating, we left the cafeteria and proceeded to the artificial lake behind the school, where we soaked our feet and savoured the warmth of the water.

"He always waits until you have had a chance to speak before he finally steps in... he is a person I deeply respect."

The garden pavilion is now in our reach. We took a break there while admiring the spring blooms. Miss Valentine only listened to me while remaining silent. She kept the same look. She listened to me carefully, though, and I can tell that.

"You. Like. That. person?"

"E-ehh? No… I-I mean y-yes! But, not that kind of like… I respect him—I mean I like him… but—ehh?"

I can't say… anything right. How am I supposed to respond to that question?!

"B-by the way, miss Valentine? What is your hobby?"

She tilted her head. How unfair would this be? She has an emotionless face, yet how can she be so gorgeous?

"I. reading. I love."

"Reading?! Me too!"

Ah, I got so excited. But to think we had the same hobby. I feel closer to her now.

"I cook. Love. But not good? I… food. burn."

"Pfft! Ahaha. What's with that? I am the same, though! I always feel confident but I tuned food into charcoal!"

To think that miss Maria has something she's not good at. Huh? Did she just smile? Or was it all in my head? No, I'm certain for a little moment she smiled lightly.



She pointed in a certain direction. A flower? The blue rose?

"Mother. She love. Blue roses."

"Oh! I too, love roses! I love the red ones, though. What was your mother like, miss Valentine?"

"She. Very beautiful. Kind strong."

"I guess you got that beauty from her then? You are the prettiest girl I know miss Valentine! Honestly, I envy your beautiful scarlet eyes. Your long silver hair and your face! You're kind too! And your slightly pointed ears look so unique, it's so cute! Compared to me, you look so much like a goddess!"

"No. Varvara. Pretty. Kind. Beautiful, too."

"Ehehe. Even if you say that…"

Being called beautiful by her… I am so happy!

"Ah, where are your parents right now, miss Valentine? Your mother I mean?"

"…Mother. gone. Father, too. All gone."

She never changed her expression, but there was sadness in her eyes.

"Ah! I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have..."

She shook her head… but how could I say something so terrible. I might have made her remember how painful it was to lose her parents. She may not show it on her face but I can tell…

What can I do to ease her pain… Ah! I know… I can make the blue roses bloom all at once with my ability, {Forest Hymn}!

That's it, indeed! I'll use this to make her smile!

"Miss Valentine, kindly wait here!"

I sprinted in the direction of the blue roses bed. Then, with the intention of causing the buds to bloom, I extended my palm towards the blooms. I am pretty confident with my ability! This would be simple to do!


"Huh?! Nothing happened! I can't use my ability?!"

"Here. They. Come…"

What is she trying to say with that? I was mid-thoughts when I noticed a brilliant radiance coming from above the academy. A magic circle was present. The magic circle suddenly shone brightly, and a dome-shaped light enveloped the whole school. It was golden and appeared to surround the entire space. What on earth is that?

"Students of this institution, hear me out! This place is now under my authority! If you attempt to retaliate, we will kill you! Your ability is no longer functioning! Your only choice is to surrender!"

Just what is about to happen…?

The flame of trouble began to ignite with that ominous voice that was loud enough for everyone in the academy to hear!