
This Bad boy drives me crazy.

Nayantara Moorthy the only Daughter of Well Known Doctors in California. Her Parents are both doctors and are quite famous and rich but being the only daughter and getting all the luxuries, Nayantara was still a down to earth and fun loving person deep down a hidden Nerd. Everything is perfect in her life, her grades, her family and her hot Boyfriend Jacob who is every girl's dream boy in Whitfield High School but her perfect life was really that perfect?, Was she really in love with Jacob? The answer of these question changed when in final year there came a transfer student Daniel Kapoor, a bad boy.. They say he is bad and nobody should mess with him.. But Destiny threw Nayantara on his each step.. Will they both find their ways separate from each other or will get along and end up together.. Let's find out..

Missus_Grumpy · Ciudad
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13 Chs

Are you getting turned on Sugar?

My eyes opened and I panicked because the surroundings screams I am not in my room and the fact that someone's breath was fanning my neck didn't help either. I tried pressurizing my brain to remember the last night events and I sighed when I did. Tears welled up in my eyes again when Jacob's betrayal came running in my mind. I still can't believe he did that to me, I mean we were going smooth, there wasn't any sort of problem in our relationship so how could he cheat on me. If he wasn't happy he could have just talked to me but he chose to cheat me. Why on earth..

My thoughts halted when I felt a nose nuzzling in my neck. I froze, the simple touch gave chills to my body. I remember sleeping off at Daniel's. Holy mother it's him. Yes just next to me is that jerky boy who is turning into a best friend too me. A smile crept on my face thinking about the last night. He helped me, he didn't left me to cry alone nor made fun of me but stood there to make sure I am okay.

I turned my head a little to have a look at him and his gorgeous face came into my sight. He is just flawless, the epitome of perfection. Everything about him is excellent. Aiyappa this is not fair you know. I traced his features lightly and he squirmed under my touch, my eyes travelled a bit down and there came his naked chest in front of my eyes. Wait what??? Naked oh no oh no, Daniel Kapoor is lying here just beside me holding me tight that too naked.

Oh no Aiyappa did something happened last night? I look down to myself and I was fully clothed, but that doesn't explain why is he lying here deprived of any clothing. Does he even wearing any boxers. And the thought was enough to make my eyes bulge out of their socket. And subconsciously I kicked him out of the bed and he dropped on floor with a thud again.

"What the hell on earth.." He groaned and I took a peek, well thanks to Aiyappa he is wearing sweat pants underneath. I sighed. "Like seriously sugar is this your way to wake someone up, can't you be a bit romantic. Like you know kiss or something.." I rolled my eyes at him, "And can't you be a bit decent and sleep in clothes when you are sharing a bed with someone.."

"If you can't see, I am wearing my pants.." I snorted at that, "very well than, what about covering your 6 packs too jerky boy.."

And he instantly came on bed hovering over me, "why did it bother you or something, are you getting turned on sugar and just to be clear they are 8.." And my eyes grew wide, heck no 8 packs like seriously. How hard did he work out to manage this. He eats like a monster. And my mom always says I am the monster. Oh no no no.. "hey hey relax why so panic I was just kidding sugar, don't make such face, you are scaring me.."

"Daniel my parents oh no, I never told them, I am staying over.. they would be freaking out. My mother is going to ground me for sure. Oh no oh no..."

I got up from the bed and start moving to and fro, hell this is the panic situation, how could I just forget.. "okay relax sugar, you are not going to get grounded or something, cause your parents have been informed.."

"Informed what?" I look at him and he smirked, "they were informed that you are going to stay over and other friends too and we are having a sleepover and they happily agreed.."

I look at him with an open mouth, "You mean my mother gave a permission to sleep over at a male friend's house that too happily.." I asked not believing my ears and he grinned.. "yup charms of Daniel Kapoor sugar.."

Yeah definitely his charms, or else how would you explain this that they let me stay over at Daniel's whom they don't even know properly and have just met once. But they never let me stay at Jacob's who was my boyfriend and they know him.. He sure is a charmer.

I went inside the washroom to do my morning duties and after getting freshen up, I came outside to find a empty room..

It was too late to have a breakfast and too early to have lunch, so I think we could settle at a brunch. So let's see what Kapoor has got in his kitchen. Come on tummy let's fill you up. I walked down the stairs and marched straight away into the kitchen and I saw Rosemary. I totally forgot about her, but where was she last night.

"Good morning Tara.. sleep well?" I smiled at her, "yeah I did thanx Rosemary.." she is cooking pancakes oh yum.. she put two in a plate, "maple syrup or wipped cream or both.." she asked holding the two bottles, I said both and then taking the plate from her I came outside and sat on the dining table. And in few minutes was joined by Daniel.

"Go away Daniel get your own.." I hushed his hands when he tried to steal a bite.. He whined like a baby.

"You are mean sugar, don't you know sharing is caring.."

"Sorry jerky boy but Tara doesn't share food, so get your own.."

He glared at me for sometime and then started screaming while knocking the table.. "I want pancakes, get me some pancakes.. yummy yummy pancakes.." and I couldn't stop laughing at his childish behavior. Rosemary came outside with his plate and slapped his head.. "ouch Rosemary how mean.." I grinned and she high five me before going back to kitchen..


"Oh my god Tara you are okay, you know how scared I was last night seeing you like that.. I couldn't even sleep" Isabelle took me in a sweet hug the moment she entered the house. I smiled at her concern, well best friends you see. I was enjoying her warmth when suddenly my body was snatched away from hers and I was ducked in another hug that almost choked me to death..

"You were not only the one who was concerned, I was concerned too for my princess. You know I didn't do the deed even when the girl almost forced me to but I didn't because I was concerned.."

I rolled my eyes, typical Caleb but nonetheless smiled, he is really being a good friend.. "Can't breathe Caleb.." I squirmed and he released me immediately. I look at Rosen who looked amused.. "well aren't you going to tackle me in another hug and then confess that you didn't eat your favorite cookies because you were worried for me..

Rosen grinned, "I did ate my cookies but I won't mind giving my cute friend a hug.." He hugged me lightly making sure not choking me.. "You are okay?" I nodded my head in a yes. I am more than okay now when I have my friends with me. I was happy with Belle but these three just came in my life as a blessing.. "okay if you gyz are done hugging and kissing, can we just settle down, my legs hurt.." I rolled my eyes at his attitude. Typical Daniel Kapoor..

"Okay so Princess before we all die of curiosity please tell us what happened last night?" I look at 4 of them and I knew I have to answer. They need to know, so after a deep breath I started, "I don't know how to tell you this, Belle you have told me this million times, but I was so blind to see past him.. I am really sorry.."

"What did he do Tara, what did the jerk do." She demanded and I took another deep breath, "I caught Jacob cheating on me.. gyz I caught him getting a blowjob, when I went up too clean my dress.."

And their mouth opened in a O, they all have mixed emotion, Belle looked angry, Rosen and Caleb look sympathetic while Manik he looked calm. But that was the calm before storm, his fist were clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white.. I kept my hand on his slightly rubbing and finally he loosen up..

"That bastard how can he do that to you, I will chop off his balls and cut his dick and feed to the dogs. Then he would never be able to get another blowjob in his life.." Belle is so furious right now that I am scared she might do what she said. Well who am I kidding, she can't even hurt a fly.

"Did you saw the girl Tara?" I look at Rosen with a guilty expression, do I tell him, how will he react, I don't want to hurt him.. "Answer the damn question Sugar, did you see the girl.." and I jumped in fear hearing the Fury in Daniel's voice. "Yes.. I did.." I stuttered a bit, "who was she Princess, someone that we know.." I again looked at them debating whether to tell or not but Daniel's expression demanded an answer. "It was Roseline.." there you go, oh no Tara..

"Well not strange, the asshole is screwing school's slut.." Belle snorted and I glared at her making her realize Rosen's presence..

"I am sorry Rosen, I don't mean it to come out that way, I am just hurt that Jacob has cheated on Tara with his best friend.." he looked hurt but then his expression turned into guilty.. "I am so sorry Tara, my sister is the reason you are hurt.." I look at him with a smile, "it's not Rosaline she wasn't even my friend, it's Jacob who had hurt me, the guy I dated for an year. I still can't believe. I think I know why it happened.."

"And may I know that why?" Daniel's sarcastic voice came in to my ears, I looked at him unsure, "Maybe because I didn't sleep with him, we were together for an year, he never forced me to do something that I don't want to but I guess if we would have done it, this all wouldn't have happened.." I may be sounding dumb, but I know this is the only justification, he wanted to fulfill his desires and when I couldn't do it, he went to next available person. Daniel punched the table so hard that I am surprised it didn't break..

"Bullshit Nayantara, do you hear yourself. If that bastard wanted sex he could have asked you and if you were not ready than he could have just breakup with you and moved on with someone who was willing to give.. But cheating on you wasn't the option. He cheated on you because he wanted to, because he wasn't loyal to you. If you would have done it with him, he still would have cheated on you. Because that's what he is. A certified looser, who didn't knew how to keep the best he got in his life.."

He is right, he is totally right. He cheated because he wanted and would have done it anyways no matter I slept with him or not. But now I am glad that I didn't. I am happy that I didn't gave my virginity to him, to a cheater.. "your name is Nayantara?" and the remorse expression on my face turned into horror when Caleb said it. I gave my best death glare to Daniel who returned the same to Caleb. "Nobody is ever going to call her that, or else I swear to god Caleb, I will dig your grave.."

Now it was Caleb's turned to look all scared, I looked at both of them and couldn't control the laughter that came shortly afterwards, I dropped my head on Daniel's shoulder laughing hysterically followed by Rosen and Belle.. "you are something Kapoor, you sure are something." And his hand rested on my shoulder pulling me close, smiling quietly he murmured.. "only you bring out this side of me Sugar only you.." And I grinned like an idiot.