
An Objective Summary of Today's App

As it stands now there are thousands of, if not more, stories that have been written and reside in this app. With that being the case the average user is able to read 3 chapters of 1 of those thousands of stories a day. This is because close to every story, after a certain point, has locked chapters and very likely after that a large stock of privilege chapters that the average user will never get to read at the same time as they are released. There is a "Bright Side" to this however, if you spend countless hours reading on the app you accumulate [Points] that you can use to buy more of the [Fast Pass] that you use to unlock the regular locked chapters. Now, this is under the assumption that the 'Points Store' has 'Points Product' available to sell. As for every item that is put up in the 'Points Store' there is a limited amount of stock, or purchases, permitted.

These [Fast Pass] are also what you would use to read the normal unlocked chapters. Typically and if you are lucky to not run into a "software issue" you will get 3 [Fast Pass] a day. The 1st is from Check In which you 80% shot to successfully get as the apps internal clock does not function properly, for example the time and day that I write this is 9:40AM of a Friday but my Check In, due to the Apps internal clock, still says it is Thursday. The 2nd is from 'Energy Stones', where you vote as to which seeded premium novel you want to read, while the 3rd is from a similar vote of 'Power Stones' where you vote on how good the story you have just read is, with this being available at the end of each chapter and would effect the rank of said story.

I Will Consistently Add to this each day

OfTheHeavenlyPathcreators' thoughts