
Chapter Twelve


"Hey guys you look like you came from the same house. Did Alexa have a sleepover at your house or you kidnapped her?" Lyn shouts as soon as she sported us.

"Can you believe we are actually neighbours?" Christie answers.

"Really Alexa, you hail from destiny?" Lyn asks perplexed.

"Yes I do," I smiled at her.

"You should come live with me. Am a lonely ranger you know and I wouldn't mind company from the pretty you," she winks at me.

"You are so gay." Trinidad fists her shoulder lightly and everyone bursts in laughter. We went and changed to our uniforms and got busy doing this and that. Soon customers started trickling in small numbers. We busied ourselves giving out drinks according to the orders and collecting money. It was my day two at work and I had a confidence of a pro.


The weeks went by so fast. Its already my fourth week and I have blended in so well you wouldn't know am not even a month old. But I was counting on the days to finally receive my first paycheck. I was kinda excited and since work in the counter was boring I decide to venture into serving drinks. I asked Lyn if it was alright if I helped out in serving drinks and she was kinda hesitant. She was protective of me and felt I was safer in the counter but I didn't want to miss out on all the fun that came with walking around. So I tried and finally she gave in saying she will keep an eye on me. I was so happy like a little baby who just got a balloon.

So I pulled down my skirt slightly, not that it was tight but that is something I copied from movies just to put my confidence on check. I sported a couple who just arrived and took my writing pad and pen as I headed there direction.

"Hello, sir,ma'am, what can I get you today?" I asked writing pad in hand ready to scribble.

The lady looked up to face me.

"Such refined English you have there young lady, what's your name? She asked impressed

"My name is Alexa ma'am," I replied

"With such English you should be working at the airport, not this place," she said

"Thanks ma'am, can I take your orders now?" I asked

The guy who had been quiet all this time finally had a chance to speak,

"Double Martini for me, and red wine for the lady," he said

"Coming right up!" I told them as I went for their orders.

I served them and went over to the next clients. After the fifth one I was already exhausted. My head was spinning and I trodded back to the counter.

"Damn girl, you served five customers non stop and it's your first time, are you really using blood or fuel?" Lyn asked worriedly.

"You are such a drama queen, but tell you what am damn exhausted" I confessed and she smiled, "are you happy now?" I added

"Very happy, I was tired of craning my neck to check where you were," she replied with a sigh and rolled her eyes.

This one got my back. I was rest assured.

"Thanks boo, you are the best," I patted her at the back. We resumed serving orders and at the end of the day I slept like a log.

At six in the morning, Trini remembered to be my alarm and woke me up. I was still sleepy and I slightly groaned when I saw that everyone was already awake. I spread my bed and went to the washrooms to wash my face.

We got busy clearing the previous mess in all the rooms, arranging seats, scrubbing the floors, wiping the tables, arranging game tools and finally wiping the glasses and arranging them in readiness for the next shift. By 7:30am

We were done and it was time to go home. So we bid the girls good bye and proceeded to the waiting bus with my two neighbours walking side by side. If am lucky I might find Hazel at the house was all I could think of. The bus took off immediately we got seated and my hopes were pushed a notch higher. After like ten minutes we were home. I bid Christie and Abby bye before I rushed home.

The house was quiet. Looks like no one was here. I rushed to Hazel's room to find her sound asleep. What a relief! She might not be going to work today. I closed her door quietly so as not to wake up as I tiptoed to my room. I stripped and went to the bathroom to have that therapeutic warm bath. After I finished I put on my unfinished trouser and a white tank top then proceeded to the kitchen to make breakfast. Scrambled eggs, pancakes and coffee were ready half an hour later. I therefore served myself and went to the sitting to watch the morning worship. Am not really a churchy person but I know songs coz I used to listen to them every morning.

Soon Hazel appears.

"Hey sleepy head, good morning!" I greeted cheerfully

"Its a very good morning indeed to find you at the house," she replies as she took me in a warm hug.

"Looks like someone is off work today," I teased

"Yes, its my lucky day today. I get to sleep like a baby and wake up to yummy breakfast just like a princess," she kisses my cheek and runs for her breakfast as I burst out laughing.

"Princess Hazel indeed, which princess does marathon just for breakfast? I guess there is only one I know," I teased.

We had breakfast and then did laundry. Shockingly I wasn't sleepy. So after laundry we cleaned the whole house and arranged it neatly. By the time we finished it was one o'clock lunch time Hazel said she was treating me for lunch out. I was over the moon and we were ready in a minute. I wore my dazzling yellow top and faded jeans with high heeled sandals while Hazel wore ripped blue jeans, white off shoulder top and Snickers. I didn't carry any purse coz I was walking with the boss herself.

We called a cab and Hazel read out the address which left me perplexed. It was the most expensive restaurant and just mentioning its name seemed costly.

"Girl did you win a lottery?" I asked facing her

"You should be jumping up and down coz I know you have never been there be fore," she giggles.

"Well, let's just say am still in shock," I shrugged.

"Here we are," the driver said as our doors opened.

"Thank you sir," Hazel said as she paid the guy.

My mouth hang open at the grand look of the amazing hotel. Damn it's a modern five star built so classically I couldn't get enough of it.

"Come on let's go," Hazel pulled me along. My feet had suddenly felt glued to the ground I almost lost balance in my heels and had to compose myself before I became a hospital case.

I followed Hazel up the flight of stairs and we were guided to a beautiful set of seats near the window. The view there was breathtaking. I couldn't keep my eyes off and Hazel had to snap me out of the daze so as to make my order. All I could manage to say was "I will eat what you eat."

I didn't even take a look at the menu laid in front of me.

"Bring us chips and chicken wings, and milkshakes,"I heard Hazel say and the waiter disappeared.

"Hey, Alexa how about I take a picture of you huh..?" Hazel brought my thoughts back.

"Great idea!" I shrieked as she took several pictures of me until the food was brought.

"Now hurry up and eat or you will be late for work" Hazel told me and I turn to eat.