
Chapter seventeen


I arrived at work on time and made myself quite busy doing this and that. I had to be on my feet no matter how exhausted I felt. As the time advanced people started trickling in as usual and soon the club was packed. I manoeuvred around taking orders and serving.

Today I decided to go watch whatever the tycoons do at the pool room. I gave Lyn heads up and she gave me a go ahead as she took over. Trini stayed at the counter. My curious self was on high alert. My heart was beating faster with each move as I took my cautious steps towards it. This part of the pool was manned by guys who made sure that whatever happened there went smoothly but we still took drinks there.

As Soon as I get into the room someone immediately motioned me to go take his order. He was middle aged man who seemed to have been praying for someone to pass by with drinks. The room was full of men and just a few escort ladies who clung to their tycoons like their life depends on it. The guy who called me was seated alone.

"Hello, how can I help you?" I asked when I reached where he sat.

"You seem new here, I have never seen you before," he said and then squinted his eyes at my name. "Alexa huh...?"

"Yes sir, am Alexa. So what can I offer you?" I asked.

"Are you available? I want to take you home then I will be the one offering," he says with a sheepish smile.

"Well the drinks are the ones on offer not me," I replied and he fakes hurt.

"Anyway am Damon, and kindly bring me a bottle of scotch," he says and in a second am off for scotch.

"Thank you. How about you sit down and have a drink with me?" Damon asks as I place his order in front of him.

"No thank you sir, am paid to serve not to drink." I tell him.

He stretches his hand and reaches for his pocket, removes his wallet and my mouth hangs open when I sport bundles of notes lined in there. How can someone carry such an amount of money like its nothing. Is he giving me any? That's where I stopped thinking and my hands got excited.

"Here, you can reach out to me when you are free we can have that drink. That is if you won't mind," he says.

I smiled at him thinking he gave me a note and the smile faded immediately when I saw that it was just a business card.

Aparrently Damon was a lawyer at one of the most famous high courts. I had to take a second look at him. He surely was dressed in a suit. I nodded at him and left. My eyes surveyed the pool room for a while and when I was satisfied I left and went back to the club.

"How did it go over there? You came out so soon, you mean you did not win yourself some tycoon?" Lyn asks me immediately she spotted me.

"I did, its just that they claimed my price tag was too high couldn't afford," I replied sarcastically.

"Welcome back to the land of the humble," she laughs

"Okay peasant, let's get going we got orders to deliver," I told her and off we head to different directions.

Someone called out for me and I turned to their direction. A table of six. There at the table sat the most horrible people in my line of work. My frenemies. The five bitches and am tempted to turn back and ignore them but no, I am facing them head on.

"Can I take your orders please?" I faked humility.

"See who we have here," one of them said

"Our one and only old friend," another answered.

"Excuse me ladies I don't have the whole day to listen to your chitchat coz I got a bunch more clients to attend to. So why not take your time when you are ready to make your orders we are a snap away," I said looking at each of them in turns and made as if to go away.

"The nerve of this bitch," the blonde one seethed and I give myself a pat in the shoulder. Well done!

"Hey Alexa!" The unmistakable voice of Lee comes through.

"Hey Lee, I didn't see you and I thought a miracle happened to make you absent," I grinned at him.

"Well your bad thoughts aren't gonna work. How can I sleep without seeing you?" He smiles

"Aww, my prince charming just declared his undying love for me," I teased

"Please let me be your Romeo, and you my princess, be my Juliet," he bows dramatically and we both laugh.

"So what can I serve you sir since by the look of things your glass is still full," I asked

"Well I needed motivation to make this glass empty and now that you are here, it will be empty before you know it." He says truthfully.

"Well then, when you are done with it just snap your finger and I will appear like a fairy," I said and took to my heels.

"Alexa!" The bitches voice comes through and I walk confidently to them,

"Have you made your mind ladies?" I asked

"No ma'am, actually I have a reward for you for being an amazing bitch," a dark eyed one said and before I could comprehend what they meant, a glass of ice-cold water was splashed at me and I almost fainted at the numbing feeling. They then got up walled towards the exit giggling and jeering at me.

Another humiliation!

I was burning with rage.

My head was boiling hot.

Those fucking bitches did it again. Tears threatened to fall as I felt all eyes on me.

Lee came to my rescue and took me away before the first tear fell on my shirt.

My torrents of tears join my now dump shirt and I feel so cold. Lee took me to Lyn and ask i be assisted. Lyn had on this horrific expression and I could tell she was shocked to see me in this state. We are at the changing rooms and I am so emotional I need to get rid of this feeling of fury and rage burning through me and pushing me to do something. But this is the time I prefer being alone.

"You can go back Lyn am good now," I calmly told her.

"You know I can't leave you alone right?" She replies.

"Am okay now and I want to be alone for a while could you please do that for me?" I gritted my teeth in anger and that kind of scared her.

"Thank you for being here," I told her with a reassuring smile and she walks away after nodding.

Well am not sorry for scaring her. People got to listen when they are told to keep off. I think I should lie down for a while just to cool my head before I can do harm. I really hate such times. I hate being vulnerable. I hate these tears. I am a kind of person who doesn't hold back when attacked, but the fact that I might lose my job before I get answers is the only thing that keeps me sane. Trust me am hotter than a bomb.

Enough of wallowing now. I get up and change into my other pair of uniform ready to step out back to the club. Just as I stretch my hand to reach for the knob, the door opens and in comes my boss, Ryan.

"Alexa, are you okay?" He asks concern written all over his face and I look down to the floor.

"Am okay sir!" I said faking a small smile.

"We both know that's a lie Alexa and your smile cannot convince me because it doesn't reach your eyes. Someone reported what happened at the club and their concern has reached me. I didn't know those girls are still bent on hurting you. You need to tell me the truth behind this." Ryan says as he leads me back to the bed at the changing room.

"Honestly speaking sir, I have no idea what grudge those girls have against me. They seem to have a past with someone who I resemble and now they are venting their unfinished business on me," I explained.

"Well this has to stop soon before you end up losing your job," he says as he rises to go.

Am left judging myself for not defending myself yet I have enough skills to take down ten girls without breaking a sweat.

Tables need to turn soon.

The evening ended well without more drama and as I lay on bed I had lots of things running on my mind, mainly about what I will do to the girls. I needed to make their lives miserable until they regret crossing paths with me.

I think I need that PI on alert very soon. I just need to plan my time well. Sleep took over and I slept like a rock.

We went home and I got ready to go to the gym. This time strictly two hours will be enough. Jim was breath taking as usual but I was focused on my fitness. I guess he understood my mood and he did his best in assisting me.

After two hours I was done and I bade Jim a 'see you tomorrow' as I rushed back home. I want to commence the therapy soon so today am giving Lee that call.

"Hello," his voice comes through

"Hey Lee its Alexa are you busy today?" I asked

"Oh,hey Alexa, you know am never busy for you. Are you okay?" He asks alarmed.

"Yes, I need you today," I tease

"Girl are you trying to seduce me on phone?" He whispers

"Is it working?" I torture him

"You have no idea," he protests.

"Quit fantasizing doctor, I need help, in that I mean professional help. Therapy as you call it." I finally hit the nail on the head.

"Well, come over to my office right away. Am creating an appointment for you." He says

'Thanks prince charming, you are heaven sent,"

I said and hang up.

Twenty minutes later am all set heading to the hospital to see Lee. Am in a figure hugging black dress and yellow heels. Am sure I look perfect.

I head straight to the reception where a slim lady is busy sorting out files and I catch her attention.

"Excuse me Miss, am here to see Lee," I said

"You mean doctor Lee?" She eyes me

"Yes, doctor Lee," I repeated

"Do you have an appointment?" She asks

"Yes I do" I was getting impatient.

"Your name please?" Well, she doesn't say the word please politely and I roll my eyes

"Alexa," I said and she stares at me.

"Miss, all people have two names how special are you to have one?" She angrily asks

What's wrong with this one? Is she really a professional or just a quack.

"Well, in that case am very special coz I only have one name. But you know what, you can keep your appointment let me just call him myself don't bother anymore," I stated as I dial Lee's number. He picks up immediately.

"Hello, Lee am at the reception and aparrently your receptionist don't allow people with single names in," I told him making sure that the receptionist hears me and I roll eyes at her standing there like a statue.

"Okay" I hanged up and faced the receptionist, "next time learn the art of being polite it is important in your line of work."

Just then Lee stepped out of the elevator and strode towards us.

"Alexa!" He opens his arms and I walked into them.

"Am glad you came to my rescue again" I said as I overlooked at the receptionist who was watching with horror.

"Am so sorry you were kept this long. It won't happen again," Lee says and then faces the receptionist, "mark her face well, next time she won't need an appointment. Now apologize to her,"he commands

The receptionist couldn't believe her ears. Like she needed to apologize to me. I had to take advantage so I crossed my hands on my chest and told her "am waiting,"

She looked at me with murderous eyes and after a long struggle she murmured

"Am sorry," I smiled at her as Lee reached for my hand as we headed to the elevator.