
Chapter Nine



I arrived home some minutes to seven and had a long bath. It had been an exhausting day but fortunately there was some light at the end of the tunnel. After changing to a light dress I went to prepare dinner I was famished so I decided on something fast. Rice is always the best option. I settle on rice and beef stew. And I had an apple to lessen the pangs.

Forty five minutes later dinner was ready. I took them to the dining table and switch on the TV as I waited for Hazel. Ten minutes later she was home and was so famished she headed straight to the table.

"Hey Alexa, am really famished I can eat a whole person right now. Come on, let's eat then talk later", she said.

"Sure I was waiting for that too", I said as I pulled my seat. We served in silence and ate hungrily.

We cleared everything on the table and surprisingly Hazel had bought a bottle of wine. So we dined and wined.

I felt my energy back there after. We washed the utensils as we chatted about how Hazel's day was.

When we came back to the couch she asked me how my day was and I couldn't hide my smile. I was fucking happy that I got a chance to do something. She was surprised it was a club but I told her it wasn't something I couldn't handle. I worked as a peddler before and clubs were our business places during the night. So she was okay and quite happy for me. I just hopped that Ryan won't disappoint me.

We went to bed early since we both needed to wake up early. As they say early to bed early to rise.

Early the next morning I dressed to go see Ryan about the job. I arrived earlier than him and had to wait nervously. The confidence I had the previous day seem to have failed me terribly. I took deep breaths as I finally saw him heading towards me.

"Someone is really eager to get a job. You must have had to sleepless night looking at the clock." His smile was intoxicating, "Alexa right?"

"Yes sir, you remembered!" I exclaimed.

"I don't usually forget pretty faces", he winks at me.

Was this guy trying to flirt with me? Anyhow my job is my priority now so I will let him flirt all he wants.

"You already look scared. Good morning Alexa", he said. His tone changing to business like and am a little relieved.

"Good morning to you too sir" I replied with the same tone.

"So are you ready to begin work today Miss Alexa? He asks.

"Yes sir very ready" I confidently replied

"Have you ever done this kind of job before?" Ryan enquires

"Not really sir but I know how it works and am a fast learner." I told him.

"I don't know about that but I will give you this chance. Just don't screw up and make me regret." Ryan finally said. I almost jumped. But I struggled to really hold myself down.

"So you will assist in the counter starting today. I will call someone to show you around. Have a nice day Alexa" he concluded as I exited.

"Hey! You must be Alexa", a pretty lady shouted across the hallway, "Ryan said you are pretty, but I didn't imagine this kind of pretty. He underestimated it."

"Umh...Thank you," I stuttered.

"Am Lyn by the way. Ryan send me to show you around," she said.

"Nice to meet you Lyn," I told her as we shook hands.

"Come on, let's go, I need to brief you on everything before you get started," she held my wrist as she urged me to the club.

The club was abso-fucking-lutely huge. There were several chairs laid out in arranged forms around tables neatly set, others across the bar tables others close to the wall.

There was a pole in the middle and a platform around it, then musical instruments sat at one side of the wall.

"There is music, like a live band?" I asked Lyn

"Yes there is music, live but not really a band. We have people who perform on shifts actually and they get paid per night," she answers politely. "You must love music huh..,"she observed.

"Honestly I have no idea, but if they get paid every night I might try, for the sake of some extra cash," I winked at her with a mischievous smile.

"I already love you girl. You and I will be best of friends starting right now," Lyn says as she drags me to where some ladies are.

"Hello guys! Meet Alexa our new workmate," she introduces me.

"Wow! She is so pretty," girls looked mesmerized

"Hello everyone," I greeted them.

"Awe, her English is so refined," another one swooned.

"Alexa, this is Christie, Mandy, Laura, Abby and Trinidad. We all work here. Don't worry about the names you will learn them one by one," Lyn said.

"Nice to meet you girl. Welcome to the club," Trinidad tells me with a genuinely friendly smile.

"Thanks. Nice to meet all of you," I told them as Lyn takes me to a different part of the club.

We enter a large room with two pool tables around, and dice spin wheel. Darts board on one corner.

"Wow! So the clients pay to play here?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, we have gamblers everywhere and this is just the best place to gamble. Most of those who come here are so loaded. Its not a place for hustlers trust me," she replies with lots of excitement then she whispers, "this is a place to earn extra cash too you know".

"As in they give tips?" I ask for clarity's sake.

"Yes, and who knows what more," Lyn answers shaking her chest after boosting her bra. Whatever that sign is, I know it's definately nasty. But I keep my comments to myself.

Next we get to the changing room. She hands me a pair of uniform and tells me to try them on. The skirt reaches just above the knee and fits me perfectly coz I don't strain. Lyn is awed.

"Girl, you have a killer body," she comments,

"If I had that, I would be flying an aeroplane right now."

I laugh, she has no idea what life has thrown my way. If only she could see the scars I carry inside these clothes...