
Chapter Four


Someone came closer and I pretended I was asleep. They tied my left arm and injected me with something and minutes later I felt dizzy. They must have injected me with some drugs. Were they intoxicating me?

"What's that?" I heard someone ask but I couldn't tell whose voice it was.

"Heroin," he replied and I almost gasped loudly.

Dear God, am in deep shit. What's going on here? What are my friends selling me for? And why to a drug dealer? What did I get myself into?

What happened to me and how did I end up here?

So much unanswered questions were racing through my mind and I was slowly loosing it. Tears fell freely now and soon, I was deep asleep.

When I woke up I was still in the room. By the look of things it must be daytime since the outside seem to be light and a bit of suns rays was penetrating through the small window. I didn't want to think about my friends anymore. So my mind wandered outside the walls. Today, when is today? Is it Saturday or I have been here longer than it seems? I should be preparing to go home. I cleared college just yesterday and right now I should be packing my bags or something so that I could go home. To my family. I missed them and was so looking forward to seeing their happy faces. Happy for me that I finished school.

But how will that be possible if am stuck in this strange place? And where the hell is everybody anyway. Just then a door cracked and someone came in. He looked at me for a second then took out some water and handed me a bottle. Since I could not move my hands he brought the bottle to my mouth after opening the lid and put a straw. I swallowed hastily. I had no idea I was this thirsty. I emptied the bottle within seconds. Then I found my voice.

"Where am I?" I asked him.

"In the middle of nowhere pretty girl. You have no idea what's awaiting you. Actually I can't wait for it to happen," was his cold reply.

"Where are my friends?" I asked.

"Oh, if I were you I would forget about them. They sold you to me. And so you are mine now. So you can start calling me dzaddy" then he burst into uncontrolled laughter which shook the room and I was so scared.

Whatever he was planning for me was not good at all. I am officially on my own now. My friends abandoned me and my family have lost me. I was weak and hungry and my stomach couldn't keep quiet about it. It rumbled loudly and my perpetrator heard and brought me food. I had to eat. I might be in danger but I won't let hunger kill me. Besides the food he brought me looked delicious and irresistible. Fish fillet and a piece of sausage. So I devoured the food like my life depend on it. Mark you, he was feeding me and for a moment there it kind of felt romantic. Silly me right? Too much movie spoiled my head.

After the meal I felt more energized. But I had no idea what was coming.