
Chapter Fifteen


This can't be happening to me now that I had plans for this money. I need to convince Ryan that it was not my fault that I messed.

"But sir, you know it wasn't my fault. I was the victim in both cases. Why should I be punished for being hurt sir?" I try talking sense to him.

"You are being punished because you brought your problems to work. People are supposed to deal with their problems outside work premises Alexa, now see the consequences of your actions have affected your salary." He says.

"Okay sir, thank you. I will keep that in mind next time," I reluctantly accepted.

"Good for you Alexa. Besides that, you have done a great job so far. Keep up the good work and just stay out of trouble," Ryan says as he hands me my envelope.

"Thanks boss," I replied as I exit the office.

Outside the office I walk slowly with my shoulders dropped. Am quite disappointed and I don't want to imagine those bitches lined up in the corridor laughing at me. From cat walking, to this. It breaks my heart. But I will be okay I promise to work on it.

As I head home, my mind is so occupied. I have so many things to accomplish in a small period of time. Like finding out about those girls, finding more about Mercy, seeing the therapist and working on them.

I reached home and started budgeting on my salary. First I had to give back Hazel's kitty savings. Then budget for my transportation expense and assist Hazel in buying groceries since its not much. At the end of it I realized it won't be enough to higher therapy services so that means I needed more money...

I think I should try the singing. Lyn said they are paid for performance per day. Or should I earn myself more tips instead? What of going to the pool room to earn more with those tycoons?

So many options all so tempting to try. Life has taught me not to be a shy person. I will try all and see how it works. Bottom line is, I need that money so badly.


Its Hazel's day off. We plan to go out to the park have fun. The weather too seems to agree so after doing the cleaning we bath and put on light clothing. I am in jungle green short and flowered sleeveless top,hat and black shades.

Hazel is in striped short and white sleeveless top and a black hat with golden shades.

We set off for the park

We are at the park walking lazily when the worst happens. There at the next bench I sport familiar faces...the girls are sitted taking selfies and and for a moment there my legs couldn't move. I had not told Hazel what happened so she was clueless about the scandal I had with the girls.

"Alexa come on why are you immobile all of a sudden?" Hazel asks but my eyes were fixed at the girls, hands tightly fisted getting so ready to strike.

"Are you okay Alexa? Tell me what's going on," she urges me and I point at the girls from a distance.

"Who are those and why all of a sudden angry?"she asks.

"Those girls have caused me a lot. And I am going to deal with them so bad they won't try any shit on me like that again." I said and sprang up heading towards the unsuspecting lot.

"Alexa wait," Hazel suddenly holds me tightly to a halt just a few feet away from the girls.

"What is it Hazel?" I questioned

"Those girls right there, were Mercy's best friends. They were roommates actually and I heard rumors that they might have had a hand in her disappearance since they were the ones last seen with her. They are a dangerous lot. Please for your own safety, stay away from them." Hazel pleaded with me.

"Well Hazel, those bitches don't have limits. Someone has to be bold enough to stop them. And I am that someone. Its already too late to stop,"I affirmed.

If they are famous terrorists then am gonna be a tsunami to wash them away. Nobody messes with me. But Hazel, what if by confronting them I expose Hazel to danger? She has been nothing but an amazing person and I can't let any one touch even the strand of her hair because of my thirst for revenge. So maybe I should wait, buy enough time before I strike. They won't see it coming. For now I got someone to keep safe. This is my battle and I won't allow her be a casualty.

"You are right Hazel, come on let's go home," I grab her hand and turn back to where we came from. We need to get out of here before I change my mind.

We decided to go to the market since it was still early. So we went shopping for those cheap but beautiful clothing and it was exciting. At the end of it all we carried lots of clothes home and it felt like we bought the whole market.

I was too exhausted to cook and I had to prepare and go to work. So I rushed to the bathroom to take a shower as Hazel prepared something to eat.


"Hey girl!" Lyn called out to me once I got to work.

"Don't you ever go home? I always find you here and I usually leave before you do. Am even tempted to think you are homeless," I joked.

"Ouch! That hurts. You know I don't even have anyone to miss me in that house," she replies.

"Not even a cat?" I raised my brows

"Well maybe just cockroaches who are probably starving, besides I hate pets eew," she says and we burst out laughing.

"Am glad to see you happy and in a brighter mood," She adds

"Don't spoil it," I tell her

Am in this so good mood that I don't want anybody spoiling it. My workmates notice this and they keep throwing side glances at me. Good thing they know when to keep their mouths shut. As I walk around I bump into Lee and he takes in my bright features and ends up wowing.

"Hey Alexa, today looks like an amazing one for you," he says when we stop to say hello.

"Why do you say so?" I feign surprise

"Well, ever since we met you have never looked this happy," he replies

"What! You mean I have been frowning all the time?" I ask with my hands across my chest.

"Not really, you usually wear this unfriendly face that turns people off," Lee says

"Then why the hell do you come back smiling at me when you should be running for your life?" I ask and he smiles again

"Its because am a therapist,it's kinda my job to warm peoples hearts with my smile. And by the look of things it's working quite perfectly." Lee says and it hits me.

I needed a therapist as per Hazel's recommendations. Heavens have opened their gates for me. All I need is to make friends. Wait, maybe all I need are friends to keep me safe and help me out in this journey of finding myself. All I have to do is fake smiles, maybe flirt here and there with specific targets. I need to move faster and be ahead of my enemies. So focus Alexa focus!

"Are you okay there Alexa?"

Oops! We are still standing with Lee and I have zoned out.

"Am very okay Lee. I was thinking about what you said about being a therapist I might actually need one."

"Well, look no further madam, am at your service," he says and bows dramatically, "I wanted to request for your number but by the look of things you are indirectly asking for mine" he winks at me and I roll my eyes at him as I walk past him and attend to another customer.

I walk back to the counter and Lee calls for drinks after securing a table. I request Trini to do the honors of serving him and as she does that I glance at Lee whose eyes declares a thousand complaints and tantrums. I smile at myself and made myself busy with other customers.