
Chapter Eighteen

It really feels good to have someone to stand by you when some are against you. Am glad I have Lee as a friend. For the first time I feel happy.

"Welcome to my office," Lee says as he opens a door and ushers me in.

"Wow! You have a great office," I commend

"Thanks. Make yourself comfortable while I get you a glass of water," he says and heads to the refrigerator.

All the things in his office are arranged neatly. There are hundreds of files in the cabinet and I suppose they contain patients reports. On his super desk are two computers and a laptop. There is also a bed laid out probably for patients to lie on when they are examined.

"Here, have some water then talk to me," Lee hands me a glass of water and I gulp it down. I didn't realize how thirsty I was.

"Well, I told you I needed help but first promise me that this conversation will be confidential, no one should find out about my mental issues," I insisted.

"My patients records are very confidential. I don't share at any cost, so you can trust me with yours too," he assures me.

"Well, here I go. What I told that receptionist is true. I only have one name in my fake ID. My memory was tampered with and I have nothing about my childhood, my schools and what's more I don't even know my parents and family members," I explained with a lump on my throat.

"For real? What happened and who tampered with your memories in that manner?" Lee couldn't believe it.

"Honestly speaking, all I can remember is selling dope before I got arrested, but my past is locked up somewhere. This thing has disturbed me for long. I need answers," I felt tears stinging in my eyes.

Lee looked at me silently for a while I guess he was trying to comprehend what I just said.

"Can you help me get my memories back?" I ask hoping against hope that he could say yes.

"Am trying to figure out what may have led to that memory loss," He finally says "my guess is you were drugged and intoxicated with sinyde.

"What the hell is that?" I ask

Am not really sure about the cyanide but I just "guessed according to the symptoms you gave me. Its used to block a part of the brain and make someone unconscious. But its really dangerous it leads the patient to coma and eventually death. So if at all my guess is right then your life might have been in danger," Lee explains.

"What do you mean my life being in danger, am I about to die?" I ask clutching the seat tightly.

"No, what I mean is, whoever did this to you may have intended to kill you," he looks at me, worry written all over his face.

Why the hell should anyone want me dead? Did I do something wrong in my past life? I wondered fidgeting in my seat. Whatever it is am more determined to find out. This might be a dangerous road to travel but I won't back down. I have to find out who I am and who wanted to kill me and for what reason.

"You do realize how important getting my memory back is and how discrete we should be about it right?" I turn to Lee.

"The job should be clean, I prefer you don't keep any records at all. Is that possible?" I ask him in the lowest tone possible.

What if someone is listening or watching? The mere thought of being stalked sends cold chills inside me and am damn scared.

"You know I have to keep files in order to administer medication correctly right?" He replies

"Can't you do that without writing?" I pry

"How about I keep your records in a portable flash disk?" He queries

"Only if I get to keep the flash disc with me such that every visit here I will be carrying it with me?" He shifts in his desk and scratches his head. I know am asking too much but my life is in danger here the least he can do is help.

"Okay fine. I will do that but promise me that you will be safe. I know you are a strong woman and you can tackle all those girls. I have seen how you try so hard to control yourself," he edges closer and lean on the desk beside me

"Its because I need that job to help me pay my bills and keep me sane," I answer him and I can feel myself boiling inside as rage surges through me at the mere thought of those girls.

"Hey Alexa relax. Your face has turned red and veins are protruding in your face, relax please you need to calm down. Breath in," he gestures me to breath.

I take a deep breath and release the tension I had been holding. I turn to look at Lee.

"Damn, you look murderous, if I were those girls right now, I would run for my life," he teases me.

"Am relaxed now. When do we start the session?" I query

"How about tomorrow since I need to get specific flash disc for you," he says and with that I rise ready to go home.

"I will see you tomorrow then. Thank you for your understanding. I don't know what I could have done without you," I smile at him then walked to give him a peck.

"Am glad I can help," he whispers in a husky voice.

"I have to go now," I head for the door, he follows and opens the door for me.

Back at home I feel relaxed like a burden has been taken off me. Now its about time my PI gets active. I managed to take a photo of the ladies and am going to work on them one by one. I search their names and addresses and write them down in my notebook. Hazel should never find out about this. She should not get involved because I fear she might get hurt.

I don't know about any PI though coz by the look of things I can't do this on my own. This is when the thought of having the extra money comes in. That karaoke. I need to perform very soon. With that thought I head straight to the system and connect to my choice of music. I look for lemons but seems I ran out of stock so I will just have to take the hot water purely.

After a glass I sing along making some funny moves I couldn't help but feel so awesome about it. My fitness though two days old is definately doing magic on me.

Two hours of practice and I feel pangs of hunger hit me hard. I haven't had any food apart from breakfast and I have like two more hours to get back to work, I haven't slept a wink and I don't feel sleepy too. So I head out to buy groceries in the nearest shopping centre.


Am back at the club people are starting to trickle in and out. Today I feel so ready to perform. So I had earlier on asked if the band was ready for me and they were amazed. I had done a little bit of the karaoke and they loved it. So I head to my boss's office to inform him that I was the one on stage tonight.

Am dressed in a short black fitting dressed, red heels and in an attempt to disguise myself, I have a red wig on, my makeup is on another level. As I stand in the mirror I almost fail to recognize myself and I hope no one will recognize me too. Especially my enemies.

I have like half an hour before I walk to the stage. And every minutes that hits the clock I become more excited and nervous at the same time. Lyn comes to check on me after every ten minutes and after a long time she taps me.

"Its time," she says

I nod and walk to the stage.

"Is everything set?" I ask the leader of the band and he nods

"Okay we start with the one named Stella," he informs his boys and the we give a go ahead for the curtain raised to get ready. I am given a microphone and I take a deep breath to calm myself. Am all set.

The drums begin to play and soon all other instruments join in.

The club is suddenly quiet and I wonder if I will have audience.

As I begin to sing the defeating sounds of funs echoes as the curtain is slowly raised and the limelight falls on me.

All I can make out are shadows of people dancing along as I perform song after song.

I had put my everything in this songs and I was enjoying myself so much and for a minute there I forgot all my pending troubles. I was having the time of my life.

After three hours of back to back performance we were done and I was damn exhausted.

I thanked the band and the leader told me that for the first time in a long time he enjoyed the performance. He was looking forward to the next one. I felt thrilled and happy.

My boss came over and he was overjoyed.

"Now I know what I have been missing. Alexa you nailed it. The performance was what I had missed for a long time. I enjoyed every moment of it," Ryan said.

"Thank you sir. I gave it my all." I replied.

"Well, your cheque is waiting for you in my office. Shall we?" He gestures and am over the moon at the thought of money.

"After you" I smiled at him.

"Haven't you had of ladies first?" He narrows his eyes at me

Well sir you are the boss here. Its usually bosses first.

Am over the moon. The cheque my boss gave me is a fat one amazing and I feel on top of the world right now. Aparrently he doubled the amount he usually pay others because this night was his favourite. You know he even said he would never let me go. So my job is safe for now.

I walk to the girls and they are super excited. This seems like the breakthrough everyone was waiting for.

"Why did you change that fast?" Lyn asked.

"Well, remember no one was supposed to know I was the one singing," I gave her a smile.

"You know if I was in your place, I would make sure the world knows about it," Trini says and whips her hair.

"Well Trini, you ain't me. Some of us hate publicity. I hate being in the limelight for the world to see." I declared and walk past.

I have to make an appearance before the people start asking questions. I made sure I washed off my make up when I was changing back to my uniform.

I spot Lee and he gestures me to go to him.

"Where have you been? You missed the most amazing performance of all time here. I haven't seen you around are you okay?" Lee asks immediately I reach him.

"Am very okay, you seemed to have really enjoyed the performance huh..,"I pry

"Girl, the audience here went insane and for a moment there I forgot how to breath," he laughs

"The girl almost looked like you her dancing was on point, and her voice,,, damn, it was something else. If I didn't know you better I could have sworn it was you," he continued

That got me by surprise. I thought no one would recognize me but listening to Lee had me tensed.

"Are you okay there, I have been talking to myself. Did you just zone out on me? Unbelievable, and here I thought I was the most interesting person," he complains.

"With all the praises you describe this girl with who wouldn't zone out," I decide to play with his mind

"Am sorry, you are the only princess in my world you know that right?" He says and I break out into fits of laughter.

"I gotta go, see you around," I tell him and turn around only to bump into someone and he spills the drink on himself.

"Am so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going,"I apologize to him.

"Don't worry, it was my fault I was texting on my phone I didn't look where I was going," he said in the most humble way, I was amazed.

The guy was tall, dark with well trimmed short hair, and by the way he looked, he must be a frequent gym person.

Staring is rude so I looked down and apologize again as I scampered out of the way.

The night went on quickly and I finally had time to lay my head down. I was damn exhausted but happy since my efforts didn't go to waste.