
Thirst For Blood.

Once upon a time, in a world where werewolves and vampires existed, there lived a young woman named Avery. She had always been drawn to the mysteries of the supernatural, but little did she know that her own destiny would soon be intertwined with theirs. Avery had always possessed an unexplainable connection with the supernatural realm. She had vivid dreams that foretold events and showed glimpses of the future. One fateful night, after waking up from a terrifying nightmare, Avery found herself haunted by the memory of golden yellow eyes. The werewolf with those enchanting eyes had appeared in her dream, pledging to protect her from a group of relentless vampires. Together, they unraveled the secrets of their intertwining destinies, discovering ancient prophecies that hinted at a greater purpose for their love. With the support of their loyal friends and allies from both the werewolf and vampire clans, they embarked on a quest to bring peace to their warring worlds. In the realm of werewolves and vampires, their love story became immortalized – forever bound by moonlight.

Blue_Heart_Novel · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Brawler's Aftermath

Under the cloak of a moonless night, Avery stood on the precipice of conflict, her breath misting in the icy air. She was an anomaly amongst her kind—a vampire with a conscience, a predator who sought to protect her prey. The humans, with their warm blood and fragile lives, had unwittingly become her charge, and now she faced her own kin to defend them.

"Tonight, we reclaim our honor," Avery's grandfather whispered beside her, his voice a low growl barely audible above the rustling leaves of the forest that concealed them. "We stand against the darkness that has tainted our lineage."

Avery nodded, feeling the weight of responsibility tighten around her heart like a vice. The bad vampires, those who indulged in senseless slaughter, were close. She could sense them, a foul stench in the shadows.

"Remember what I taught you," her mother said, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of pride and fear as she handed Avery a slender dagger, its blade forged from silver and etched with ancient runes.

"Stick with us, Avery," her father added, his stern face softening for a moment. "Don't let your guard down."

But as the enemy emerged—five silhouettes materializing from the dark—chaos erupted. Avery lunged forward, her movements not quite as swift or precise as those of her more experienced family members.

"Stay back, human-lover!" one of the attackers spat, recognizing her intentions. They circled her, fangs bared, hatred burning in their blood-red eyes.

"Never," Avery retorted defiantly, though doubt gnawed at her resolve. She swung her weapon with determination, but her lack of combat knowledge betrayed her. A sharp pain shot through her arm as one of the vampires clawed at her, drawing blood that sizzled in the cool night air.

"Protect the humans?" another mocked. "How noble. How futile!"

Avery's fists were bloodied, the metallic scent of her own kind's demise filled the air around her. Her once pristine coat was torn and splattered with stains.

"Is this the valor you boast about in your human tales, Avery?" sneered Lucien, the clan's enforcer, as he advanced on her, his fangs bared in a cruel semblance of a smile.

"Better a tale of valor defending the innocent than one of treachery," she retorted, ducking another vicious swipe from his claws.

Her back hit the cold brick wall; there was no escape. Her energy waned as Lucien's hand tightened around her throat, lifting her from the ground. She clawed at his grip, her vision starting to blur.

Blow after blow, they struck, each hit a cruel reminder of her inadequacy. Avery stumbled, gasping for breath she no longer physiologically required, but instinctively craved in her panic. Her vision blurred, pain overwhelming her senses, drowning out the sounds of battle.

'Is this how it ends?' she thought, despair creeping into her consciousness. 'After all my defiance, to be bested by the very darkness I sought to escape?'

"Fight, Avery! Fight!" her aunt's voice pierced through the haze of agony, yet her words seemed distant, muffled by the blood thrumming in her ears.

The ground rushed up to meet her as she fell, her body battered and broken. The world began to fade, the sneering faces of her adversaries blurring into obscurity. But in that moment of vulnerability, her will did not waver. She clung to one truth, one unwavering desire—to live a simple life among the humans she yearned to protect, to prove that she was more than her cursed heritage.

As she lay there, waiting for the final strike, Avery held onto that sliver of hope. It was a faint flicker in the encroaching darkness, but it was hers, and she would not let it die.

The scent of iron and rain mingled in the air as Avery's world narrowed to the searing pain and the metallic tang of her own blood. She was dimly aware of her family's desperate cries, their pleas muffled by the thrumming pulse that echoed in her ears. Her vision tunneled, the edges of her consciousness fraying like a worn tapestry.

"Stay with us, Avery!" Her mother's voice clawed at the darkness that threatened to claim her.

But it was too late. The shadows were closing in, reaching for her with their cold fingers. It was then that an unexpected burst of golden fur exploded into the fray. A primal growl vibrated through the night—a sound of untamed fury and raw power. Just as darkness threatened to claim her, a blur of golden fur crashed into Lucien, sending him sprawling.

"Wha—?" She was astonished exclamation was cut short by the chaotic symphony of snarls and snapping jaws.

The werewolf, a majestic beast with fur like molten gold under the moonlight, leapt at her assailants with a ferocity that both terrified and awed Avery. It moved with lethal grace, its powerful muscles rippling beneath its coat as it slashed with claws that seemed to catch the scant light and fracture it into a thousand glinting shards.

"Get off her!" The growl was guttural, laced with an ancient fury only a werewolf could muster. Avery's would-be executioner was suddenly the prey as the creature tore into him with savage intensity.

Avery's heart, which had slowed to a disconcerting pace, began to thump with renewed vigor. She watched, transfixed, as the werewolf tore into the enemy, its movements a blur of righteous wrath. Each vampire that fell beneath its assault seemed to lift a weight from her chest, allowing her to breathe, if only a little.

She fell to the pavement, gasping for breath. The werewolf stood over the fallen vampire, its chest heaving, blood matted in its golden fur.

"Impossible..." she gasped, the word barely a puff of air.

When the last of her attackers lay still, the werewolf turned its attention to her. Its approach was cautious, almost reverent, as if it understood the fragility of her battered form. The creature's golden eyes met hers, and something unspoken passed between them—a connection that defied the boundaries of species.

"Thank you," she managed to whisper, even as the beast nudged her gently with its snout.

It responded not with words, but with action, its warm tongue lapping at her cheek—a gesture so tender and unexpected that it stole her breath away. Her heart raced, pounding against her ribs like a caged bird seeking escape. A rush of warmth flooded her veins, contrasting sharply with the chill of the night and the lingering touch of death.

As Avery lay there, the unlikely guardian at her side, she knew that this moment would change everything. The simple life she craved now intertwined with a mystery that pulsed just beneath her skin, as enigmatic and compelling as the golden eyes of her savior.

Avery's breath quivered, seeking refuge in the cool night air as her lips unconsciously leaned towards the beast. The werewolf, bathed in moonlight, seemed almost angelic, its golden fur shimmering with an ethereal glow. Her heart fluttered, a sensation unfamiliar and intoxicating, drawing her closer to the creature that had saved her life.

As if compelled by a force greater than herself, she reached out, her fingers trembling as they neared the creature's muzzle. It nuzzled her cheek, a gesture so tender it seemed out of place in the grim reality of their surroundings. Her heart raced, and for an insane moment, she yearned to close the distance between them, to thank her savior with more than words.

Just as their proximity promised a collision of worlds, Avery's eyes snapped open—a portal from dreamscape to reality. Gasping, she found herself entangled in her sheets, the remnants of her adrenaline-fueled fantasy fading with each trembling heartbeat.

"Another dream," she murmured to the darkness of her room, her fingers brushing her cheek where the phantom warmth of the werewolf's touch yet lingered. It was so vivid, so visceral, that for a fleeting second she questioned reality itself.

"Again," she breathed out, the word hanging heavily in the silence. Frustration gnawed at her; these dreams were becoming more frequent, each one ending before it truly began. She rolled onto her back, staring at the ceiling as if it might reveal the secrets of her subconscious.

Why do these visions plague me? And why does my heart ache for a creature I've never known?

The image of the werewolf's golden eyes burned behind her lids, igniting a spark of recognition. She knew those eyes, knew them in a way that defied her lifetime spent amongst her own kind—vampires who would never deign to lock gaze with such genuine warmth.

"Who are you?" she asked the empty room, her voice laced with yearning.

Yet the dream felt undeniably real, more tangible than any before. A connection to the werewolf pulsed through her, a recognition that defied logic. She had never met one, yet the bond was undeniable.

"Someone I should remember?"

She clutched at the sheets, a sense of longing twisting within her. Why did it feel like the werewolf's soul was intertwined with her own? Why would an enemy risk everything to protect her?

"Opposing clans don't just help each other," she reasoned aloud, the words tasting bitter on her tongue. The world was not so forgiving, not so kind. Yet, here she was, haunted by a dream of unity and salvation from the most unexpected of allies.

"Perhaps you are more than just a dream," she pondered, allowing herself a sliver of hope. "Maybe you're a sign, a guide... or a warning."

But the question remained, curling around her like the morning mist at dawn: Who was the werewolf, and why had they saved her?