
Third Reich:Iron blooded imperial

When the huge fleet cuts through the tranquility of the Atlantic Ocean, when the roaring Panther tanks spread all over French soil, when the long-range bomber swarm that covers the sky appears in the sky of Moscow. "The German Iron Crusader flag will fly forever on the continent!" Lyon makes a promise to the people……

Poo_Koo_007 · Militar
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Seeing three green signal flares rising into the sky, the raiding force that had been dormant for a long time immediately launched a charge towards the barracks in various vehicles.

The soldiers who had already prepared in the barracks also replaced the empty bullets in the magazines with the previously issued live ammunition at the first time, and then quickly entered various "exercise" positions, waiting for Smart and Nuri's Troops delivered.

A few minutes later, billowing smoke appeared in the sky not far away, and soon, a "distinct" convoy came into the eyes of the soldiers.

The reason why it is said to be "distinct" is because the vehicles that make up this team are really strange.

The 15 British Studebaker US6 trucks that were temporarily installed with steel plates to make a cameo appearance as an "armored vehicle" are relatively normal, but the dozens of motorcycles and bicycles next to it have abruptly lowered the force of the entire team. .

That's right, none of the hundreds of Iraqi soldiers are driving vehicles with more than four wheels. The most wheels in their fleet are only a few "three-wheelers", and more are motorcycles and bicycles with two wheels.

The reason for this is not because of the lack of cars in Iraq. In fact, the mechanization of the Iraqi regular army is not low. Historically, when they besieged the Royal Air Force base in the United Kingdom, they sent 1 infantry brigade, 2 mechanized battalions, a mechanized artillery brigade, 1 Field artillery brigade, 1 machine gun company, 1 mechanized signal company, 1 air defense and anti-tank mixed company.

Although these troops were beaten by a group of cadets and the ground crew at the Royal Air Force Base in various ways, apart from combat effectiveness, these troops alone are enough to see how highly mechanized Iraq is.

And the reason why this unit is all "motorized" is because of Nuri.

Nuri is extremely cunning and very smart. Taking into account Leon's scheming, he dares to come to Iraq, which belongs to the British sphere of influence, and he can definitely consider the potential danger.

As for a person who is aware of the danger ahead, but dares to go, there are only two possibilities. One is that this person has a problem with his brain, and the other is that this person is very smart, and he is confident that he can get out of any situation.

And Lyon obviously does not belong to the former category, so he dares to come to Iraq, which proves that he has enough cards.

There are two situations for a person to face unknown dangers with trump cards. One is that he is extremely powerful, and the other is that he brings a group of people with extremely strong abilities.

Lyon obviously does not belong to the former.

So Nouri came up with an answer-the combat effectiveness of the three hundred people who were guarded by Leon with a sword might be scary.

This made Nuri, who was naturally cunning, cautious. After thinking about it, he decided to replace all the armored vehicles he had prepared and let the soldiers take motorcycles and bicycles to attack.

"If you can beat it, you can beat it without an armored car. If you can't beat it, you can't beat it even in an armored car. If you want to die, let the Englishman die." Nouri said to himself with a sneer. , "Or when the British have almost exhausted the Lyon army, I will let my elite troops on. How do you say this in Chinese? Snipe and clam fight, the fisherman wins!"

When the British saw the "messy" Iraqi friendly troops, their hearts collapsed, but they quickly adjusted their mentality.

After all, bicycle troops are not uncommon, and even the Royal British Army and even the powerful German Wehrmacht have dedicated bicycle troops.

However, most of the bicycle troops in various countries are used for reconnaissance, small-scale infiltration, communication and airborne. It is the first time they have seen such a large-scale use of bicycle troops in such an important battle.

Fortunately, the British were well prepared. They secretly modified all their trainer aircraft, plus the original fighter jets, giving them sufficient confidence to defeat any Iraqi air force that came to support Lyon.

Nouri's troops, for them, are just icing on the cake.

Speaking of the scene, the soldiers of the Fuhrer's Guard didn't seem flustered in the face of the menacing Anglo-Iranian soldiers, but lay in the trenches with the STG-44 in their hands and didn't move, as if what was rushing towards them was not fierce. the enemy, but a swarm of ants.

Compared with the calm and robot-like head guard, the Iraqi soldiers lying on the side are a stark contrast.

Like the German soldiers, they were lying in the trenches holding their guns, but their bodies were not as "quiet" as the German soldiers, but trembling slightly.

Although the reason for their trembling was not fear but the excitement of the battle, just from the point of body control, it was enough to see that they were not even a little bit worse than the German army.

Soon, the sprinting British-Iraqi coalition forces came to a distance of about 400 meters from the position, which is also the usual fighting distance.

As the Anglo-Iranian troops advanced 400 meters, there was a burst of gunfire like fried beans in the originally silent German position.

The German soldiers fired a series of precise 3-5 short bursts with their STG-44 assault rifles, causing huge damage to the British-Iranian coalition forces.

Facing the precise shooting of the German soldiers, the British soldiers did not suffer much loss because they installed temporary armor on the trucks, but the Iraqi soldiers were not so lucky.

The British troops are "steel protecting human flesh", while the Iraqi troops are "human flesh protecting steel", so they paid huge casualties in the face of the deadly German bullets.

"These people are really a bunch of idiots!" Seeing the friendly troops falling beside the car, the British officer who led the team slammed angrily on the platform in front of the truck's co-pilot, blushing angrily, "Nuri sent What did they come for? To die? Did he send them to die?"

"I think Nuri sent them to use us as human armor." The soldier driving the car also laughed and sneered, "But these armors are obviously not very durable."

"These idiots! They will only hold you back! If it wasn't for them riding bicycles, we wouldn't have dropped the speed to 20 kilometers per hour!" The officer muttered angrily, then opened the car window beside him, and stuck his head out through gritted teeth Go out and yell in raw Arabic to several Iraqi soldiers next to your car: "Damn! Ride your wreck to the back of our truck! Tell your other soldiers too! Go behind us! Follow!"

"Okay, okay!" The Iraqi soldier replied with a look of horror, and then he shouted to remind the other Iraqi soldiers, and rode a motorcycle to the back of the truck.

Slowly, the Iraqi soldiers who were originally beaten by the Germans as rabbits all hid behind the British trucks, which left the German soldiers with no good way to cause further damage to the coalition forces.

Although the coalition convoy reduced the charging speed to 20 kilometers per hour in order to take care of the Iraqi troops, the distance of about 300 meters passed in just over 50 seconds.

Soon, the convoy rushed to a stop about 100 meters away from the German position. The convoy could no longer move forward. If it drove further, it might be taken care of by the grenades of the German soldiers.

The soldiers in the car jumped out of the car after the car stopped, and loaded their rifles with bayonets to prepare for the last 100-meter assault.