
The Third Chosen

Small note: I may use the word sex but there isn't anything like that in my novels and also raped isn't describe in this not all and that goes for the other novels too. For Book 2. Thank you and enjoy reading.

"Where am I?"

The young man said. In the darkness surrounding him, he saw a light and he reached for it.

"This is bright, can I make it out here. Come on." He had made it out of the darkness and he was in another world and then it was a girl in front of him.

"Where am I this time?" He said

"You are in Gard." The girl said


"Now, tell me your name?"

"My name is Matthew."

"Well welcome Matthew."

They had gotten back to the girl's house and he was still in shock about the whole thing and his memory was dazed and he could barely remember anything about where he came from and she introduced herself.

"My name is Ivy."

"Ivy, that is a nice name but I can't be here right now."

"Actually you can't leave because out there it is dangerous."

"It's not dangerous out there but did you said Gard tho."

"I did."

"Oh, this is bad because I read about Gard and it was run by a noble and why is she here and how did she know where I was?"

He remembered a girl with a sword over him and he was back away from Ivy.

"Get back!" Matthew said with fear in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"I was killed by a girl that was holding a black katana."

"No that was not a katana that was a saber."

"A saber?"

"Yes, master Matthew. A saber is a weapon that holds amazing power inside of them and how we use it is amazing too but if you don't understand then I can explain it to you until you understand it."

"What? No! I don't even know you and why are you calling me master for what? I am a human being and what are I during a game in the first place and I need to get out of here."

"Please master Matthew."

"Stop calling me that!"

"She grabs him and she said, "Listen if you want to be an asshole so be it but you have gifts that are left untold and untouched but I understand that you don't like women but you in no right to give me orders because you are just a worthless man that is holding on to fear. You pathetic human. Where are you going to go? You already die in Vector and now you are just in this horrible place feel with noble people that have care in the world for others. People are dying. It is something bigger than yourself right now but if you don't like it then you can walk out that door and get killed by the noble people because they hate commoners and they hang people that don't follow their rules. Do you wish to see it?"

They looked out the window and they saw people being hung and they were all commoners that didn't follow the rules.

"What the hell is wrong with people?"

"You see. You are nothing if I throw your ass out so you better behave before I kick your ass out on the street and you will die. So you better respect me right now and stop being so damn noisy. Now take your ass in that seat and I tell you what I all know about you."

Matthew sat down and he was still scared of what he just saw and scared of Ivy.

"So what do you want to know first?"

"I want to know what happened to my home."

"Vector right now is in danger right now because the gate of Kryos was open and it makes Kryos effect activate and it had begun your world Vector in chaos and it had been unbalanced and if you want to go back then you can't because your soul had been reincarnated into this one."

"Wait but why?"

"Because Kryos represent the past and then there are two more worlds that represent the present and the future."

"What is the name of those worlds?"

"Central Prime represents the present and Prime represents the future."

"Well do you know the purpose of those worlds?"

"Well that part I do not know but I do know that but they are run by emperors."

"And who are they?"

"There are six evil emperors and then there six good emperors."

"So there are twelve emperors in all then but why are they divide in the first place."

"Because there was a war between the lower class and the upper class in the realm and they decided to split up in groups and infractions and into an army."

"What? So they fought over equity and some of the upper class didn't want that but that war would never happen if their pride didn't get in the way."

"Yes, you are correct but angels also have this same sin in them and they think their rule is best and they try to put that on everyone but three of the princes of heaven didn't agree with that so they left heaven but they didn't go by rule but the right thing to do and God understand their decision so he didn't stop them."

"Okay. So how do you know all this stuff?"

"Because I am part of one of the princes of heaven fractions."


"Yes, I am a Moon rank."

"A moon rank?"

"Yes, there are many ranks but there are only six ranks that mean anything tho. There is Commander, Head commander, Low-rank moon, High-rank moon, and then Noble."

"Which moon are you?"

"I am a low-rank."

"So who rules over Gard and where is one of the princes at now?"

"An evil emperor rules over Gard and that when you come in and your second question. I believe that you are not ready yet for that information."

"I see. I am too weak right now to do anything. I am not even on the Tier scale and yet you are here to make me on that scale right?"

"Yes correct and you need to get stronger because you and eleven others need to defeat these evils and start a new era of peace."

"But how am I going to get stronger Ivy?"

"I will teach you the way of Ki and how to use it to get your saber to appear."

"So how do I use Ki to get my saber."

"First, you need to learn the basics and then find your true self and then find your power and control it within your body and release it and feel nothing."

"You mean Anatta. I am not good at holding my emotions so easily."

"I know but you need to release that angry out on me."

"What are you talking about? Why are you walking close to me? I don't hit girls."

"I know you hate women and they are never good to you but I am not talking about hitting. I'm talking about sexually."

Matthew blushed, "What are you talking about?"

"You need to release all that anger sexually. I not talking about sex is anything like that but grabbing and being fierce then that might help you with your untrue in women."

"I don't know about this."

"Then look at me and tell me you like my body."

Matthew's mouth opened and he was in shock and he looked at Ivy's body and she was looking beautiful. Green eyes, pulp lips, and a nice body.


"Why do you hesitate? If you don't get over this then you will not get any stronger with the enemy you have to defeat."

"Who is that?"

"Harem King, Rainel."

"The Harem King?"

"Yes, but he is far from your current abilities so let's start small. First, you need to get some information about the princesses here."

"How do I do that?"

"Get the noble people here on your side and then get information about the princesses from people you trust."

"You said, princesses. How many princesses?"

"There are thirteen in all and they are known as warriors in Gard. They are probably on the same level as the ten heroes but you only need one on your side because the rest is nothing but evil and they don't care about anyone but themselves."

"They probably are not that bad."

"Why are you defending them?"

"Because I know how people can be but I can't go around messing with people's lives or killing people over nothing but peace."

"I see."

"So okay. I thought you were part of a good person. So why ask me something like that?"

"You're right I was testing you and you pass. You didn't go down that path of violence. Look, Master Matthew, there are times when you need to fight and when you need to talk. Facing a powerful opponent is sometimes troublesome and some people tend to fight instead of walking away even tho they don't need to fight."

"I see. So I will live another day then trying to prove a point for a reason even tho words won't get through people but action."

"Look, you must find out what makes noble people think they so much better than everyone else."

"I know. Because throughout history there have been kings that were fooled and accept that their rule was even higher than a god."

"Well, men like that always suffer the price with their loved ones or their lives."

"I know but that enough questions for one day now. Can you take me out to see this place?"

"Oh yeah. About that."


"It's nighttime."