
Third Gen Tales

It's a fresh new start for the Third Generation of Kids Next Door. Learning the value of friendship, fighting dangerous villains, and having fun adventures, they train to better their selves as they continue their parents' legacy! This is a series of one-shots and short stories that introduce and follow the adventures of the Third Gen KND. These one-shots can be enjoyed without extensive knowledge of the Gameverse lore. Most of the one-shots are episodic and have no strict order, but it's recommended you read the introduction chapters first. Almost every chapter or arc focuses on a new crossover and a KND sector interacting with them. (NOTE: newly added chapters may be rearranged before other ones, depending what I think the order of reading should be.)

Gamen_Watch · Cómic
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96 Chs

Hollow Reunion

This is a special chapter centering on King K. Rool… along with certain other villains.


Erythia Sea, Aionios; November 14, 2061

The Brasa Geothermal Belt was largely untreaded by Aionios' locals, a deep swamp of sickly green poison in which only Brogs and large, toxic plants thrived. It certainly wasn't the swamp King Kaido Rool would stick his belly in on most days. But it was only a minor obstacle to trudge through, smashing the Brogs that were foolish enough to shoot their tongues at him. "Bluch! Even Poison Shrooms have better taste than this gunk."

"The Necky Force reports of a hot spring up on a cliff nearby." replied his skeletal uncle, Kaptain Kruckers Rool. "And thar be a cave up there, too. It may connect to the hollow. Ye'd best replenish yerself afore meetin' the kings."

"Isn't it polite to ask before using someone else's bath?" Kaido smirked. "A mere stomach cramp is no hindrance."

"Ay, like yer father, ye are."

The Kremling King studied the ongoing war between the Tirkin and Igna tribes. The Tirkins, a flightless bird people who spoke in broken English, and the Ignas, a bipedal iguana race who spoke in their own garbled tongue. While most Tirkin were territorial and aggressive toward other peoples, many of them were peaceful and friendly with others. The Ignas were much more volatile in comparison.

It began almost 25 years ago; roughly six months after Aionios was created. A fresh new continent, it became an age of exploration for all peoples of Planet Mira. The Tirkin and Ignas saw an opportunity for territorial expansion, but as both tribes desired the same properties, they were driven to war. It was hard enough to scrounge for land with the "true" kingdoms seeking extra territory; in fact, it seemed the Kids Next Door had garnered most of the land, their colonies based around most regions of the continent.

Still, Kaido pondered why these two primitive tribes were still at it after all these years. So, he had his Krewmen ransack some of their camps to abduct the tribesmen and inquire about their rulers. Some didn't know where King Krawkin or Conqueror Deepwan made home… while others pointed to the Malevolent Hollow beyond the Brasa Belt, in the southeast quadrant of Erythia. Any who set foot in the cave never returned. It was considered a dangerous nest of terrors unimaginable, instilling fear into would-be explorers. But why would both kings be residing here? This confused even the tribesmen when they heard each other's answers.

Kaido could feel the Dark Chi wafting through the air of the cave. Even the purple and pink flora was growing with it; yet the spiritual blue plants added a layer of peace to the darkness. But the fierce Tirkin and Igna warriors were the true heart of the darkness. They guarded every corner of the hollow, determined to slaughter any intruder that set foot within. Even as Kaido and Kruckers punched, shot, krushed, and burned their way through the guards, their strength was much greater than the average tribesmen they had konquered.

"Ah…isn't this lovely?"

The Emerald Font was a pure, glistening spring where the two tribes bathed in harmony. There were Gulkins, a seagull sub-breed of Tirkin, and Merignas, a Mermish breed of Ignas, both of whom supposedly developed the same time as Aionios' creation. The God of DNA must've awakened new genes in some creatures during his final craft.

K. Rool soothed his soul with a relaxing swim… while the tribesmen became unconscious floats in the spring. "This is why it's better to enjoy the pool alone. No noisy kids or people to splash you."

The tunnel beyond the Emerald Font led into the core of the hollow, the Demihuman Gutter. Tirkin and Ignas fought over a pile of dead Miran bodies, the most recent band of adventurers to enter these depths. A Tirkin's arrow pierced the eye of an Igna, but that Igna would cleave off the tip of the Tirkin's beak with his dagger. Watching them from the stage with the twin thrones were King Krawkin and Conqueror Deepwan.

The Tirkin King, who wore a tall, golden, Aztec-like crown with four eyes and a green wing design, blew through a massive horn. The warriors ceased and drew their attention to the intruders. "KRAW! Fat Igna dare to step foot into domain of King-Kings?!"

"(That no Igna!)" Deepwan snarled. "(Scales all wrong! And what walking corpse beside it?)"

"Gentlemen, gentlemen…" Kaido stepped forward peaceably. "I only wanted to pay a humble visit. But before I could even speak a word, your guards-" The warriors charged him—Kaido punched a Tirkin's beak in and spun to bat two more with his tail. Two Igna leapt to stab his belly with their daggers, but they bounced off the golden skin as Kaido then blasted them away with his Belly Cannon attack. "Since you two are sitting together like two best buddies, why is it that all your people outside are at war?" Kaido elbow-slammed a Tirkin into three Igna, then sat on two Tirkin. "To think I considered setting up a peace talk between you both."

"Fat skaly thing no understand politiks behind it." Krawkin argued. "This war important for power. Only strongest warriors worthy of serving tribes."

"(And soon, become strongest in world!)" Deepwan said.

"But that strength can only grow so far in the confines of this cave." Kaido said. The warriors pulled themselves up, despite the solid hits he dealt them, so he had to thrash them each a second time. "It's only a matter of time until Mira's strongest warriors decide to come down here. Do you think you can defeat them?"

"You won't live to know answer!"

"Oh yeah?!" Kaido leapt at the kings, his fist a comet. Krawkin blew a powerful gust from his horn, slowing the Kremling's flight just a bit. This would only minimize the damage when Krawkin was inevitably punched through his throne and the back wall. Deepwan, armed with a black, thick sword in his left hand and red lobster-like shield on his right arm, stabbed K. Rool's hip. The Kremling grunted as the sword dug between his scales; Deepwan possessed a fair amount of Haki. He backhanded the Igna and flung him off the stage, but his shield met the brunt of the force and negated some damage. Krawkin blew his horn again to send Kaido off, with Deepwan spewing poison gas at his face. Kaido withstood the gas and gnashed directly at Deepwan's mouth. He spun and chucked the Igna away, then was struck with a string of air slices cast by Krawkin's wings.

K. Rool countered Krawkin's airbending with his own Clapwave, clapping his hardened hands to shoot air-splitting waves. They left a scratch down Krawkin's crown as the Tirkin was blown against the wall. Deepwan spewed a cloud of gas that enveloped nearly the whole chamber, with Krawkin stirring the air around his head to serve as a bubble. Deepwan maneuvered within the fog to strike K. Rool at various angles, deeming the tail and feet to be the weakest spots. Kaido spun in place with his tail and arms stretched out, hoping to cut Deepwan's openings and to stir the fog away. However, Krawkin cast a double Wing Slash directly at his ankles and blew Kaido onto his stomach.

Deepwan went for a direct stab to Kaido's slit left eye, but the king hardened his head to thwart its burrow. Kaido grabbed Deepwan's left arm and squeezed it with just as much will, afterwards slamming the ruler headfirst in the ground. He threw Deepwan at Krawkin, who used a wind shield to redirect his ally's course, but Kaido leapt at the Tirkin and pressed palms to either side of his wind shield. Kaido squeezed it like a balloon before the Tirkin slipped away. Krawkin blew his horn directly at the ground to rocket to the ceiling, the gust expanding into a cyclone that whirled the fallen bodies around the room. Kaido smacked any "debris" away from him and stomped toward the eye of the storm. The king leapt and punched Krawkin several meters through the ceiling.

Kaido landed and watched as Krawkin plopped back onto land. Deepwan was gasping for breath as he pulled himself up as well. "What… skaly one… really doing here?" Krawkin panted. "Here to… take both thrones?"

"No. I'm here to expand both of yours. I am King K. Rool, Pirate Emperor of the Kremling Krew! Not that that will mean anything; your people seem to have a limited information network. But that's exactly what I offer: join my Krew and I can give you more territory! You will grow stronger and have more warriors at your kommand. In return, the Kremlings will make use of your territories here for whatever needs we desire… such as your pleasant swimming holes. Is that a deal?"

The King-Kings shared contemplative scowls. They despised being humiliated by this outsider… yet his words were tempting and his aura was strong. Working with him may yield its share of profits. So, they answered…

"Ahhhhhhhh…" Kaido enjoyed a nice bath in the Brasa Spa with his two new buddies, set on a cliff with a great view of Erythia. He chewed on a recently killed Krodlax; a fish with sapphires scales and a pink horn. "Having a base out here will be fruitful. Erythia is full of magnificent fish and sea beasts."

"Aye, but don't go forgettin' the pirate who lurks these waters." Kruckers replied, using his blunderbuss like a telescope to view out to sea. "Cap'n Triton they call him. And he has with him a rather scrappy first mate."

"Certainly nothing of the likes I've encountered." Kaido rubbed his slit eye.

"Kra…What happen to K. Rool eye, anyway?" Krawkin wondered aloud.

"(Someone strong as him, maybe…)" Deepwan assumed.

"Oh! Kaido! Thar be a ship approaching!" Kruckers alerted.

"Who? Is it this Triton? Or perhaps the local KND colony. I thought Rodrik could've distracted them a little bit longer."

"No, it's… Ye'd best come see."

Kaido climbed out of the bath and borrowed Kruckers' blunderbuss. The approaching ship was black with a porcine bow with tusks. A dark fire was burning on the deck as soldiers were chanting around it. They wore pink suits with pig masks, their chants like pigs' squeals. It flew colors resembling the Pigmasks… along with colors of a salamander. "Akwaintance of yours, kra?" Krawkin asked.

"I have many fans." Kaido replied. "Some… from unexpected places."

"Kaido… do ye think it be her?"

"Yes… and she's brought some of her 'friends.'"

Four years ago

The king followed quite the unusual invitation… quite literally as it had magically opened a portal. Kaido was brought to the foot of a dark mountain, a purple beacon of malice shining from its crater. Kaido journeyed to the crater… and met the other invited guests. "Hm?" Two of them were portly women. One wore a black shirt, red and yellow skirt, blue glasses, and fiery brown hair held up by a gold headband and red jewel. "Grunty, look! It's K. Rool!"

"Eh?!" The other woman was a wrinkly, green witch with a black robe, hat, and purple scarf. "Kaido, my son, we finally meet! Seeing you big and healthy is quite the treat! I am Gruntilda, you may not know, but we know much about you though!"

"Gruntilda Winkybunion… yes, I know. You and Father seemed quite close in his diary. And you're… Dr. Eggman?"

"Dr. Omelette, you oaf! Don't tell me his diary never mentioned me?!"

"Um…not once. Unless you mean how Krow's eggs made a heck of an omelet. Mweh heh heh har!"

"I guess old Kroctus didn't have da time to write about all of us." A tall, bipedal cat with an orange business suit said. "But after bringin' a Foistborn to him once, you'd think he'd drop Team Rocket in a footnote!"

"And I have no idea who you are."

"Da name's Persian! President of Team Rocket!"

"Ahh…I wouldn't expect the Pokémon poachers to be headed by a Pokémon."

"Like you're one ta talk!"

"We're living proof that dreams can come true." Kaido faced the next guest, a human with pale white skin, red hair, yellow goggles, and a black coat. "I bet none of you ever expected that I would become the Brotherhood of Evil's Supreme Leader."

"Who are you?" they chorused.

"WHAT?! Jack Spicer, once evil boy genius! Now evil man… genius! Come on, Meowth, we once blasted off together!"

"We did?" Persian scratched his head.

"Oh, forget it. It seems my talents skyrocketed too fast for you all to keep up."

"Kaido… it's really you."

The king looked up at the beast who spoke the thundering words: a horned turtle with a spiked shell and fiery hair. The giant shook the mountain with each step toward Kaido, twice the Kremling's size. "…King Bowser II."

The Koopa King bowed and embraced the Kremling in his yellow-scaled, spike-banded arms. Kaido felt the sadness and joy in his heart… like reuniting with a long-lost brother. Their fathers were lifelong friends… but this was his and Bowser, Jr.'s first meeting. One he had awaited for years.

"How sentimental…" a hoarse voice spoke.

"If only I had the heart to relish such drivel-ah." a Scottish voice spoke.

Two windows of Dark Chi opened. One depicted a shriveled, almost mummified man with dark-green skin, hollow eyes, and red hair. Another had a man with a tentacled face and dark-green captain's coat and hat, covered in sea grime, and seemed chained inside a sickly green pool. The other guests were aback, none expecting to see these two faces. "Ganondorf? Davy Jones?!" Bowser exclaimed.

"After I so generously resurrected my old cohorts the first time…" Ganon rasped, "they couldn't live long enough for this reunion."

"No, Ganon… they are still alive right before us." Jones replied. "As is our esteemed Negatar."

"No, please… I am but a shadow in the grand fate of this universe." (Play Grandmaster's Theme from Trails Into Reverie!)

The violet beacon in the center of the crater erupted with incredible chi. Poison, Shadow, Psychic, Fear, and Darkness as one. From it emerged their master: a woman with long brown hair and tan skin. She was two inches taller than Kaido's 8'8" height, but very thin. She wore a gold dress with a black bodice and no sleeves, with black and gold armbands, along with black leggings going into gold high-heels. "I am Arrok. It is an honor to meet you all. My predecessor told me much about his cherished brethren." She spoke in a polite tone, her peach eyes soft.

"The honor is ours, Negatar dear." Grunty replied. "Without your guiding darkness, we've been lonely for years!"

"The last two decades were so dead!" Bowser cried. "I thought inheriting the kingdom would be the greatest thing ever, but I could never be as awesome as Dad! I even tried abducting a few princesses to spark the same passion Dad had, but none of them gave it to me."

"I know how you feel." Omelette frowned. "…Except the princesses part. I don't think I'm carrying Dad's legacy well at all. I only started to feel happy again last year… when I found a little crime partner. Heh." A smile sparked.

"You need more pride in your work." The villains looked to K. Rool. "My uncle kept me in the dark about my heritage for years. It was only through finding Father's diary that I felt that rush of inspiration. An urge to become what he was! I may have exploited his inheritance, yes, but I sail this path because I desire to. So, ask yourselves: are you proud of your work? Forget your fathers' legacy and forge your own! Become true evils that your worlds revere and fear!"

Bowser and Omelette shared brightened glances. They did love the work they were doing… it was true. Messing with the colorful people of Mushroom and Mobius, composing evil scheme after evil scheme… "Who needs more pride?! I've got plenty of!" Gruntilda boasted. "Cooking bears and brats is what I love!"

"I may not be as remarkable as Darth Genious or Tomura," Jack followed, "but I've long grown out of their shadow. Perhaps all I really needed was for that nagging phantom to get out of my life."

"Dat's enough stealin' da show." Persian said. "We gots ta hear from our host! I bet ya she has loads to tell us."

"It took Lord Gnaa near of a century to master his powers." Jones said. "How goes your training, I wonder?"

"I did not want to organize this meeting until I achieved sufficient mastery of my elements." Arrok answered. "I feared I would never find decent masters to teach me… but thanks to special friends of mine, I was able to expedite the process. It was thanks to them that I was even able to arrange for Ganon and Jones to speak with us today… though I could not go farther than that."

"So, you've expanded our circle ever further." Jones said. "Then can we expect more guests to arrive-ah?"

"My King cannot so easily show himself, I'm afraid."

"Your King?" Kaido cocked a brow.

"Yes. The Negatar is a cursed existence, abandoned by those around her. It has always been this way for generations. 'Tis why we must find our own followers of evil. And one has found me. One who has voyaged the sea of time and rescued me from loneliness. He is the man I serve… whom I will follow to the ends of time, alongside my cohorts."

"You can't mean… that thing again?" Ganon hissed.

"You speak of a different Time Lord? I could see how you would make that mistake. He wishes to carry us beyond the end of this universe… Beyond the end of this time. He will grant us an eternity of doing what we love. And I would be remiss if I could not invite my 'past' brethren. Join our society… and you will share in these boons."

"I'm afraid I must decline." Jones answered. "After experiencing many failures and heartbreaks… eternity is a painful thing-ah. My only solace now… is being one with the souls of the sea. I am grateful to be able to speak with you, Negatar… but I can follow you no longer."

"And it's pathetic." Ganon said. "The great Negatar now bows to another king? Your old self thought he was above me. I find this shift in loyalty insulting."

"Please, you misunderstand, Lord Ganon. Even Gnaa learned that he was not destined to rule the universe. He was meant to support those who would. To gather many evils and inspire them. He even appointed old King Bowser as leader of this clique. Thus, I do the same. I live to serve My King and his ambitions… so that he may serve ours. Do you not understand?"

"And who is this king?" Omelette stroked her chin. "Do we know him?"

"We addressed him as the Pig King. You may not know him, but he is the greatest man you will ever know."

"That's quite a bold statement, even from you." Kaido replied.

"You've earned my intrigue! I yearn to meet, this porcine king, that you find so neat."

"With a proposal like that, how could I say 'no'?" Omelette asked. "Right, boys?"

"Well, it wouldn't be my foist time!" Persian grinned. "At least I ain't on da bottom rung of da ladder this time!"

"Huuuurrrrmmm…I don't know." Bowser grumbled. "Somethin' about this… doesn't feel right with me."

"I can't provide a favorable answer either." Kaido replied. "As heartwarming as this is, I'm not obligated to acquiesce such a request."

"And that means… what exactly?" Jack asked.

"I don't wish to trouble you for an answer now." Arrok said. "My only wish now is to meet you. To understand how you feel about your current places in life… or afterlife. So, please… share with me your stories!"


K. Rool returned to the Searing Strand, the beach that bordered Brasa Belt, and swam back to the Gangplank Galleon. The porcine ship parked next to it and stretched a plank to link their decks. The ship's captain, Kaido presumed, marched to the center: he wore a black military uniform with many medals, but was in actuality a Berkshire boar standing on his hind legs. He was otherwise as tall as a regular pig of the species, so Kaido left him enough room to see his head. "A pleasure to meet you, King K. Rool. Forgive me if I'm interrupting. I am Napoleon. Governor-General of the King's army."

The pig turned toward the dark bonfire on his deck. "And of course you already know our First Executive."

Negatar Arrok emerged from the fire with grace. "It's been too long, Kaido. I expected you to interfere in the Dead Man's Race… but I did not expect you to end up with that injury. Was it Captain Yamato? Or perhaps… the Pirate King's son?"

"I suppose you're one of her 'friends,' Napoleon old boy?"

"'Old boy'? Burheheheheheh!"

"Sir Napoleon is the King's most trusted Manager." Arrok explained. "And the most respected among the Axolites. But I believe you and he would find great kinship."

"You and I are men amongst animals, Kaido old boy. I own numerous farms and a great many well-trained, well-bred animals. If you joined us as one of our Managers, we could work out a great trade."

"Is that what the others did?"

"Dr. Omelette, Gruntilda, and Persian joined us mere months after our reunion." Arrok answered. "They're even participating in projects this month and next. There would be no strife to your joining either. All Management entails is that you allow us use of your resources whenever we so need. In return, we support your desires as well, and of course allow you a share in our goals."

"In other words… sparing you of the Axolotl's inevitable destruction of this universe."

"Now, Napoleon," Arrok blushed, "do not be so brash."

"It's the truth that awaits you. Only the King has the means of taming the great beast. And with it, we will leave the confines of this universe and conquer countless others. But a King needs loyal subjects to rule and manage his kingdom. Henceforth, we, and you, will have empires of our own."

"Heh…hah heh…hah hah hah har!"

"Something humors you?" Arrok asked.

"Is this how Father felt when he was threatened with cosmic destruction and subjugation? I could swear that he took part in Team Gnaa's heinous deeds for the same reason!"

"Perhaps he did. But were they different from the deeds you commit now?"

"No. But I, for one, won't take such a blatant threat." Kaido took a stomp forward, the force shaking the plank as Napoleon fell on his back.

"Now see here, old boy—AAAAH!" Napoleon's trotters were krushed beneath Kaido's second step.

"You came to us because we are the Negatar's cherished allies?" Kaido krushed Napoleon's legs. "But you believe we're beneath your King!" He krushed Napoleon's stomach. "And you believe we should forsake this universe we work so hard to KONQUER!"

"BUUUUURRRR!" Napoleon wheezed beneath Kaido's final step. His consecutive quakes would bounce the deflated big off the plank.

"Governor-General Napoleon!" the Pigmasks screamed.

"Squad C, rescue him! Squad D, attack-"

"That is not necessary." Arrok used Shadow Stitching to trap them. "Kaido, I cherish you and the others because we are brethren of evil. I only want the best for you. That is why I invite you to join the Axolites. But if you still decline, then I shall leave you in peace."

"You don't get to leave. Not until you understand… that I serve NO KING!" With passion and will in his knuckles, they flew to Arrok's face… and were restrained by her telekinesis.

"Please, Kaido, I did not mean for this to escalate. Let us drop this subject and go for a spot of fishing." Kaido's Haki flared up inside the fist. "I hear the Aegis Sea houses the most dangerous serpent in these waters-" until the fist ripped free of the psychic and blasted Arrok across the ocean, crashing into Vinisog Holm. (Play "Gangplank Galleon" from Smash Ultimate!)

"Kaido, what've ye done?!" Kruckers exclaimed. "That be the Negatar!" Kaido glared at him as if to say, 'Thanks, Kaptain Obvious.'

Vinisog Holm was enveloped in a huge psychic aura, some pieces crumbling as Arrok raised it to the sky. She remained beneath the island, brimming in her Negatar State. "My, I'm terribly sorry! Of course you prefer to settle things with a brawl, I knew this, and yet it did not cross my mind! How could I be so oblivious?!" She threw the island at Kaido. The king pulled back his left arm, palm open, and, "HRAH!" shattered it into dust. But through that dust, Arrok fired a breath of noxious gas, far more intoxicating than Deepwan's. Kaido held his breath, squat with great pressure in his legs, and sprung against the gas to thrust his spiky crown into Arrok's gut. As they remained airborne, Kaido threw rounds of punches at her jaw, which she slightly negated with psychic braces, while Arrok otherwise returned dark-imbued fists at Kaido's jaw.

The king fell into the sea, and Arrok would muster her psychic to push him deeper toward the seafloor, condensing an entire radius of ocean down as well to crush him with water pressure. Kaido, his chi paths pulsating, pushed and swam against the force until he was at the surface… though this surface had actually sunk about 100 leagues below the true sea level. "Should've just swam sideways." So he did and reached the true surface. However, Arrok released and allowed that chunk of ocean to erupt back up, the resulting wave washing Kaido to Daedal Isle. The king grew intrigued as the island seemed home to giant gorillas (Gogols) and Godzillas (Darbus). The beasts came to investigate the small force that had crashed into their home, though a wave of Conqueror's Haki had them bowing.

Kaido gasped as the shadows of the beasts flew out of them and merged with Arrok's. They began to burn up in the sunlight, so they retreated under the island's central structure. The shadows expanded Arrok's size and muscles as she stretched massive Shade Fists at the king. Kaido tanked the first two, swimming to reach Arrok while Torpedo Spinning against her later punches. Arrok had bent her right leg high, leaving Kaido to grab the left ankle, spin, and bash her against the surface. Arrok had actually stretched the shadow of her right leg across the sea, so as she stamped it onto his crown, the shadow shot down and sent him bounding across Erythia, crashing into Corne Island.

As Kaido gazed around the giant, yellow and red crystals, the surrounding world and sky turned pitch-black. The crystals multiplied around him to complex amounts as Arrok's horrendous likeness was depicted in each. The reflections gnashed at him, each bite sinking into his nerves and psyche. She was mixing Fear and psychicbending. Slowly, the fear sank in… "You are no more than a shabby Klone. A way for your father to desperately preserve himself." His shadow came to life, growing larger as it smothered him. "You will never evolve from my shadow… empty shell of a king."

"Haff…haff…maybe I won't… Perhaps he was a desperate man deep down… I'm just a tool for his longevity… Maybe he would work with this Pig King… I don't bloody care… I'm just having fun doing what I LOVE!" He grabbed his shadow and ripped it clean off. In truth, he had fought free of Arrok's Shadow Strangling, his own shade seizing the ankle of hers. After slamming her on the shore, he twisted the Negatar's leg. Arrok banished him with a Gas Bomb, enveloping herself in a cloud of darkness and gas. Kaido endured the cloud as both smashed heads together. Though the cloud slowly dwindled Kaido's stamina, his skull steadily cracked Arrok's.

"OI! KAIDO!" Kruckers called, the Galleon sailing beside the Proud Trotter. "It be time to hit the sky! Ay see KND ships coming!"

"Yes, Heroine, we must flee!" a Pigmask yelled.

"Let them come!" Kaido shouted. "I'll sink them before they get in my way!"

"Your bravado is admirable." Arrok dispelled her state and levitated. "Alas, I cannot stay. This was a fun exercise. Perhaps if tensions rescind between us, you could teach me Haki. No Avatar or Negatar has ever studied that."

"Hur…I will loosely consider it."

Arrok flew to her ship and Kaido leapt onto his. "Poff! Cough!" Napoleon propped himself on the railing, smooshed and damp. "Kaido old boy… you have my respect… I hope that, someday… we can still work out a trade. For now, I bid you adieu. Oh, but one more thing: I would tell your new Krewmen to finish their affairs on this planet before December. Some things are going to happen here… and I'd hate for you all to be caught in it."

"Duly noted."

"Farewell, Kaido." Arrok spread her teleportation across the ship. "I look forward to hearing of your next exploits."

"Four legs good!" Napoleon cheered. "Two legs better!"

They vanished in a flash. "Get us ready to make flight, Kruckers." Kaido ordered. "We'll lose our pursuers first."

"Wot do now, kra?" Krawkin asked.

"You two will find us some good beasts to add to our Krew before the aforementioned time. I have appointments on Earth in the meantime. Sigh…you know, Kruckers… I'd really like to punch that Pig King… for dividing us like this."