
Girl, turn your records on

I don't know if I should get out It could be those guys trying to trick me but for some reason, I feel a connection to her. I don't know how to explain it. I don't know it's just like where soulmates or something. Lmaooo Yeah I know it sounds cheesy but it's true, it's there. "Uh sure", I say. "Good!", she says happily. Then I realize I can't get out. Crap! I'm glad she came or I would have been stuck in here. "Any day now", she says in a kind but impatient way. "Um I can't really open it you have to", I see embarrassingly. She giggles. I blush but if anyone asks I never did.

"Well your lucky I'm here to get you out", she says proudly. "What's your locker password?" ------ "Yeah your right and it's 0798", I say. She doesn't reply and starts putting in the digits. She opens the locker. "And done!", she says happily. I look at her she's beautiful. She has long black curly hair, light brown eyes, tall and I don't wanna sound disrespectful but she's pretty thick too. She's also mixed (she is black and Japanese) "I know I'm pretty but it's impolite to stare", she says as she laughs.

"Oh my bad", I say. I'm clearly embarrassed and I think she can tell. "Don't worry about it", she says. "What's your name?"----- "I'm Ranto, and you?", I say. "Ooo I like it. I'm Emine", she says. She likes my name. She might even like "me" too, you never know. "Thank you I like yours to its very unique", I say. "Thanks, yours is too", she says. After that we do a bit of talking before class starts. Turns out she's new so as we talk I gave her a tour of the school. Of course I avoided the three musketeers aka the three bullies.

So today goes pretty normal actually today went well. I haven't had a good day in a while its always been a normal day. And I can assure you a normal day is not a good day. Maybe Emine brought happiness into my life. I really gotta stop being obsessed with her I mean I just met her.
















Enjoying so far? Looks like someone has a crush. I wonder if Emine likes him back or not. Well I know. But you don't! hahahaha Its the perks of being the narrator. You know everything! I love this job! Well it's not really a job I don't get paid which I think sucks but it's fine. Oh, and before I go I can't forget a good joke! What do you call a fish that can't swim? The odd fish out! Ahh that's a classic. Anywho let's get back to the story.
















School ended and me and Emine are standing outside of the school waiting for our rides. "So where do you live if you don't mind me asking", she says. "At 603 north hanging's street", I say. "Wow your pretty rich then those are some expensive houses", she says. "I mean I guess but it's no big deal", I say blankly. I never like bragging and I can't stand a bragger. "Well I live on 501 north hangings street", she says. "Really?", I say that's only up the road from where I stay". ----"Yeah, maybe we could hang sometime", she says. "Yeah I'd like that", I say. "What about today are you free?"

I'm so excited for some reason I finally found a friend. Now that I think about it that makes me seem like a loser. Which to be honest I am. "Yeah would you like to come over to my house my mom makes the best veggie burgers", she says happily "She's vegan by the way" I've never had vegan food but I wouldn't mind trying, it might taste good. I like being optimistic if you can't already tell. "Sure thing how about 4:30", I say. "It'll give us just enough time to settle in and have a lot of time to hang out". ----- "Yeah cool it's a date!", she says. "Oh, my rides here", she says ----- "Oh okay see ya later", I say. "See ya", she says. We wave goodbye.

I then stand there with a smile on my face in a good mood. But my happiness doesn't last when my shitty brother comes walking towards me with his stupid grin. Just great. "Looks like someone got a girlfriend", he says. "I sure do feel bad for her". ----If only she actually was. "First off she's not my girlfriend and secondly go away", I say angrily. "Don't be like that towards your big brother", he says. "Says the one that bullies his younger brother", I say. "I don't bully you we just have a little fun", he says. "We have a little fun?", I say clearly offended. "I don't find being treated like shit fun". He doesn't say anything instead he just laughs.

Soon after our parents pull up well my mom does. My dad is still at work. He owns a company. We sit in our seats Dazai sits in the front and I sit in the back. "Ma guess what", Dazai says as he looks back at me with a grin. Shit, I already know where this is going. "What is it", she asks. "Ranto has a girlfriend", Dazai says as he laughs. "No I don't I just meet her today were friends", I say to defend myself. Not that I wouldn't want her as my girlfriend or anything. My mom laughs and I look at her confused as she drives home.

"What's funny?", I ask. "Oh nothing but it's just hard to believe who would want you as their boyfriend I mean your lovely but I don't know", she says. She emphasizes lovely and at that point I knew she was insulting me. I didn't even wanna waste my breathe and say anything so I pulled out my earphones put them in my ear and started listening to music while Dazai and mom talked. It's like I'm the outcast of the family.









Its been a while now and I've been home for around 20 minutes. I guess I should head on over to Emine's house. But if I wanted to go there in peace I would have to get past my family without them noticing. I started thinking of ideas and I decided to pretend I went to sleep early and sneak out the back door. So that's what I did. I also decided to take shower before I go. I grabbed my phone and earphones and I went downstairs to tell my family members I was going to sleep. My dad was still gone though.

I then went out the back door quietly. Hopefully no one noticed. I've never snuck out before, mainly because I never had a reason to. It seems like my life is starting to change and I'm so excited. But as I'm thinking about life I then get a dark thought. What if Emine doesn't actually like me. What if it's a setup. I guess you can tell I'm an overthinker. I have trust issues too. But I guess that's what happened when all your life you've been treated like shit. And no need to feel bad for me my life has been like this for as long as I can remember so I'm used to it.

As I'm stuck in my head I realized that I made it to Emine's house. I see her outside on her tire swing that's hanging from the tree. "Hey!", I say. She looks up at me then gets off the swing. "Hey Dusk!", she replies. I look confused. "Dusk?", I say. "Yeah that's your nickname!", she says happily. She walks to her doorstep and sits, I follow her and sit as well. "Oh cool", I say. "Why dusk though?" She looks at me and smiles. Which causes me to blush.

"Well because every time I look at your eyes it reminds me of dusk, the amazing sight of the sun setting below the earth", she says passionately. "I don't know it just gives me warmth and comfort to see your eyes, yeah I know I'm weird but it's true". My eyes widen, no one has ever given me such a compliment. I feel special....and maybe loved. I wish this feeling could last forever. "No no your not weird but wow no one in my life has given me a compliment so nice, special, and I don't know just amazing", I say.

She smiles and I smile too. I mean a smile is contagious you see someone smile at you, so what do you do? You smile back. "Well cheers to new things", she says. We both laugh. Yeah... cheers to knew things. "Ya know if I'm dusk then I think it's only fitting that you be dawn", I say happily. "I mean you glow as bright as the sky when the sun comes up from below". At this point I think I'm just flirting, but I really mean it. If you ever meet her then you would understand. As I look at her I can tell she's flustered as she blushes and starts fidgeting with her fingers.

"Aww thank you, and yeah it's pretty fitting", she says. A bit later we still were talking and getting to know each other. "-yeah that is cool, but I've always wanted a record player", I say. "Really I have one of my own", she says. "That's cool could we go listen to some music on it?", I say. "Well it's broken", she says. "Every time I try to play something it starts sounding wonky after a while of playing". "Hmm well ya know I'm pretty good at fixing things", I say "I'm pretty sure I could get it back working". "Thank you! How about we go to my little hangout and I can show it to you". "Alright", I say. "We have to hurry before its dinner time", she says.

(Thanks so much for reading this far I appreciate it sooo much. Until next time <3 )

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