
They’re Coming For You

horror_author · Ciudad
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7 Chs


Abby felt Maxine turning around beside her, and then a loud bang. Abby jumped, shooting a cloud of dust into the air making it almost impossible to see. She turned around herself, scared that something happened to Maxine. She was standing over the attic entrance, which was not closed. Abby was relived to see that her friend wasn't hurt, but she realized that they might not be able to get out of the attic. "Abby.." Maxine whispered. Or was it Maxine? No, this sounded too much like when the other thing was calling her name. Abby's heart dropped. She realized that somebody might be living in her attic. "Maxine? Did you call my name?" she asked. "No, but we've got to get outta here!" Maxine replied. She bent down to the attic door and tried to open it. It was stuck. "This 'ol thong wont budge. Do ya think a ghost did that?" "No way, ghosts aren't real." Abby replied, sounding unsure. "C'mon and help me!" Maxine called. Abby bent down next to her. "I don't think we can open this on our own, it's completely stuck." Abby sighed. "Let's call for my mom, maybe she'll hear us." They began calling for help, but nobody seemed to hear them. Abby heard a loud bang from behind her. She quickly turned around. An old box had fallen on the ground. The wind had probably blew really hard, and ended up knocking the box over. After all, the walls were definitely very thin. Abby shivered and slowly walked over to the box. An assortment of different items had fallen all over the floor. More books with dusty covers, tons of old cigarettes, and a couple dresses and shoes. Abby glanced at Maxine, who seemed amused. "The guy who lived here before y'all was a feminist or somethin'!" she giggled. "He was an ol' man who lived all alone, I recon. Maybe he preferred woman's clothes?" Abby wasn't listening to her friend, though. She was staring at a certain shape the cigarettes and books moved to. It looked like it lead a path to somewhere inside the attic. "Maybe your ghost friend ain't as bad as we thought." Maxine said hopefully. "He might be tryin' to help us escape, from a secret passage or somethin." "Ghosts aren't real, Maxine." Abby mumbled. She wasn't so sure about that. They began following the trail...