
There is only me, never we

Human, the very definition is still questioned several millennia after they had been found yet, we know what it means to be human. We are biased, We are cruel, we are free. Bound to nothing and no one. But we are also alone, I am alone. They were no we during the purge neither will they be we now. I shall do my part with great devotion, see to it you do yours. Author's Comment : Either I release 2 chapters per week or 2 chapter per month. At least 1k words per chapter.

56Neutralists · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

At the mention of the 5 year from Rosetta, a noticeable silence descended in the room. The squabbling siblings had stopped as soon a look of realization donned upon Rosetta's face.

As she opened her mouth to utter what few words she could, someone beat her to it.

" Five years "

A small little cute voice respinding though the room. It was Alina's, her before clear cheeks were now paths to what seemed like am endless stream of tears.

It was as if the little child did not know as of yet that she was crying. Her eyes seemed lost as she looked over to her father whom diverted his eyes in shame.

In a helpless and fruitless effort to mask her emotions she tried smiling, yet her once innocent lovely smile seemed to have been the breaking point.

Quite quickly audible sobs and a suppressed voice of pain seemed to come out of the young girls throat.

Almost immediately two people moved, though for different reasons. One was the female to the leftbside of the Duke whom went out in tears practically flowing like a damn dam.

The other was a much more older maid of Alina who went and hugged the little girl before carrying her, promptly bowing to the Duke whom bowed his head slightly in return.

Then rushed out the room with the little girl whom still tried to suppress her faint cries which were muffled due to her squeezing unto the maids clothing.

" Go, she is in your care now. Your life is hers so defend it and be loyal to only her.!"

The Duke snapped to both Larnry and Gremswort to which they both bowed with no words and rushed to follow the maid along with their new Mistress.

" Gerlan, Rosetta. Come to my office, NOW!"

The Duke quickly mentioned as he stood up and left visibly angry most likely as his eldest kids for not controlling their tempers and emotions.

The woman on the right side of the Duke stayed back probably to cater and deal with their other kids.

[] There is only me, never we []

Larnry and Gremswort had followed the footsteps of the maid and reached her in no time, following closely as they transversed the house.

Possibly going into Alina's room, most of the wall were plain apart from the occasional pillars dividing them.

Beautiful decorated and styled which blending in perfectly with the expensive artworks and paintings.

Anyways, It would see that Alina's room was on the second floor. 4th room to the right side of the stairs.

As the maid Melissa raised her hand to open the door, she paused and then looked at us.

She was silent as not a word came put of her mouth, she was checking us out. There was an audible click from her mouth, whether it'd be from pure detest or disgust I could not tell...yet.

She did not like beauty as even her eyes which looked at me like that was so beautifully. A thousand nights would never be enough to make it loose it's charm.

She turned back and then opened the door, twisting the door knop painted by golden colour.

Behind the door were 7 others dressed like us and stood in the same manner as us. The sound of the door caused each of the to look at our directions.

They were calm and their breath steady, the cloak hid most of their clothing or gear but it could possibly be the same as I and Larnry.

The maid stepped in first using her left leg, the distance with the other not too far from each other as her eyes scanned the room.

" Get yourselves acquainted before the lady awakens. I will bring something to eat. "

She said as she moved to the lady's bed and tucked her in, the lady had already slept off now so we remained silent.

Not really wanting to disturb her we all remained quiet and standing, taking positions to guard the window and door as well as her bed.

The silence reminded me of the Academy as quickly a feeling of nostalgia washed over me as I looked down on the door whom shall command our lives.

She looked frail and weak, little too and even the weakest of those whom failed could easily kill her.

I personally wanted an expedition or Crusade sort of mission, wandering all over the land. Always had an interest in art and such, the beauty behind it reminded me of that place.

But such personal feeling would not get in the way of my duty, now all we need to do is wait for her to awake so we could take our Oaths of allegiance to her.

Such is the way of an Oath chained, a being chained to his oath and duty unable to disobey it and could only follow. It is a path I shall gladly follow anytime and any day.

[] There is only me, never we []

Alina had heard about war from her father and mother, it's cruelty and effects. The common people having to suffer the most for such things as they were the common base for recruiting, funding through bodies, meals and lands.

Of course all taking from them without their permission usually being told that they should be grateful that their lord had decided to use their land.

She had never really thought herself to ever be in a way and hoped too, her family promised her that....so she never thought too deep into it.

Yet now, she was heading to war and it wasn't even one that benefits the kingdom in a right way but rather just some squabble between Duke's and such.

She felt pain in her heart, it tightened and felt she would suffocate. It was like the time she was punished by her parents even when she didn't mean wrong.

Except now it was hurting more, it wouldn't stop....it hurts. But she couldn't tell anyone, papa always said that she had to be strong and not let weakness show since she was his child.

But it was hurting, she wanted it to stop....it didn't. She was going to war, she was going to die and her family sent....her