
The Chance

Boy: Listen...

I was standing at the bar with my drink along with my best friend. We were just talking and enjoying the music and of course, the attention that we're getting.

I was drinking while looking at someone across the bar. She was dancing by herself when I was about to finish drinking. We locked eyes.


I know it was you. You were about to run away and I decided to follow you.

"Damn it!!!"

You went into the dance floor that made it harder for me to look for you now. How am I supposed to find a small person like you in the sea of tall guys and girls in heels!

Then I saw someone familiar, it was your friend. Who is a journalist who works at the same network company as I and I guess she's my lead.

When I arrived, I saw you arguing with your friend. I guess she's stopping you to leave. I was just standing there waiting for the chance to say hi.

Then you turned around and bumped my hand that made me spill my drink. You looked up and saw me.

I guess this is the chance to say hi?