
That Drunken Brawl That Went Down To History (3)

Nicol's feet are practically flying when he fetched the servant who could assist the Moon Elf Lord to his bed. He didn't dare to dilly dally since he knew that Legland was also drunk and that fellow turned into a total musclehead when he was under the influence.If someone asks for a fight, then there will be no seconds wasted and he will do his fighting stance.

'I need to hurry,' Nicol thought. The bearer servant could hardly keep up with him since he is a four-star warrior.

"I will go ahead now. Just approach us once you arrive."

"Understood, Head Priest Nicol," the servant politely saluted.

However, despite his haste, it seems like it was defined by fate that something would happen tonight.

"What is the meaning of this?" Nicol couldn't stop himself from asking in a cold apathetic voice the moment he witnessed the awkward scenario of Master Feren kneeling in front of the Moon Elf Lord.