
Chapter 4 First battle and Experience Orb

The collapse of an adult happens in an instant because they accumulate pressure day after day.

No matter how many buns Heine sold in these three years, how much money he made, or how many novel trinkets he concocted, in the Bone Burial Ground he was always seen as a freak, discriminated against and despised.

So his roar wasn't entirely an act, it was unclear how much repression and agony were mixed in.

But with that heavenward scream, they were released cleanly and completely.

When the carriage jolted, his two skeletons were in the midst of a frantic discussion.

"Teacher Xia, do you know this NPC? This guy sounds like he was expelled for not being able to summon skeletons, that kind of story would make him somewhat of a celebrity among NPCs, right?"

"That's not necessarily the case, he's not a failed art student. Besides, not long after the server opened, the Bone Burial Ground turned into a dungeon, I only remember a hustler and Master Baigu, both of whom even entered the dungeon."

"Bone Dungeon? The broken bridge?"

"Yes, the Bone Burial Ground was originally an island in the middle of a lake; the bridge was the only way to it. After the railgun evaporated the surrounding lake water, the stone bridge also broke, thus it became one of the three great terrain killers in the Scorching Valley, and the dungeon's NPC was a survivor coaxed and deceived into entering by the hustler."

"The Holy Light Railgun is truly terrifying... Wait, aren't we heading to our doom then?"

"Don't worry, I remember very clearly, it's about to be 'daylight'."

"What do you mean daylight?"

Heine, who was driving outside, couldn't help but look up at the sky when he heard this.

Just then, a meteor fell from afar, plummeting directly ahead, followed by the sudden rise of a hot and blinding pillar of light, its brilliance piercing the clouds and illuminating the entire night sky.

It was truly "daylight."

So this was the railgun they were talking about...

Even without sticking their heads out, those inside the carriage could see the spectacle outside the window for an instant.

"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about," Teacher Xia remarked with emotion. "When I crawled out of Seventh Master's tomb, I witnessed this scene, it was too shocking."

"What happened after that? Did the Holy Light scorch the ground?"

"This was the first generation Holy Light Railgun, unlike the one in Ashen Plains, it doesn't leave residual radiation."

"That's a relief..."

Listening to their conversation, Heine felt a mixture of emotions.

The Bone Burial Ground was flattened by the Holy Light, even the lake water was dried up, surely Teacher Xiya La was...

That joke about "next time for sure" had somehow turned out to be prophetically true.

He quickly snapped out of his sorrow and whipped the horses to speed up the carriage.

Amid the severe jolting, he started to think about the "hustler" and Master Baigu that the other party mentioned.

The latter was Gale, the principal, but who was the hustler?

It seemed like the encounter at the Bone Burial Ground tonight might be the work of an insider?

Heine was not very familiar with this world, despite his efforts, as books and reading were luxuries reserved for the higher-ups, and knowledge correlated directly with social status.

He merely had a vague idea that to the east of the mountainous area was a forest, and beyond the forest was the Golden Folk, the followers of the Holy Light.

Before he could figure it out, a howling came from the shrubs beside him, and pairs of green eyes suddenly lit up!

Heine was startled, it seemed the beasts of the forest had also been disturbed by the Holy Light.

"Prepare for battle!"

He called for his two skeletons to leave the carriage, with Zhuo Yang vigilantly by his side and the other climbing onto the roof to watch the surroundings.

"Whoa, here we go, an ambush!"

"Brother Yang, you protect that horse. The wolves will certainly go for the horses first. This guy clearly lacks any combat experience."

Heine thought to himself, right, the horse must not get spooked!

But he couldn't just follow their advice directly, so he jumped onto the back of the horse himself.

"You take my place!"

He told Teacher Xia on the roof to jump down to his original position, coordinating with each other.

Brother Yang chuckled, "See, that's something you didn't think of, right?"

"Alright, I take that back... watch out!"

A shadow suddenly pounced from the side. The horse, spooked, almost turned to the right when Heine quickly yanked the reins.

Just as the wolf's snout was about to make contact with the horse's rear, a flash of sword light crossed, blood sprayed, and the beast was decapitated before it could even let out a pitiful cry.

Heine and his skeletal soldiers were all stunned!

He was amazed at their fighting ability; typical students' skeletons might even be embarrassingly dragged away by grey wolves, and the undead fare even worse, with hyenas and crows eyeing them as well.

As for the other two guys:

"Damn, isn't the sharpness of this sword way too high?"

"And the strength! The guy's got at least 8 strength points! Invincible!"

"That high? I also want to try out my own attributes. Damn, my hands are itching to..."

"Assist mode is like this, think on the bright side, at least it's not passive mode... Be careful!"

Another grey wolf pounced, this time aiming for the femur that Teacher Xia had accidentally exposed.

It must have been starving.

"Speak of the devil!"

Teacher Xia dodged the wolf's bite with a misstep, and his twin daggers danced like butterflies through flowers, precisely stabbing the wolf's belly, lifting the howling beast as if skewering fish, then in midair, with hands crossing, he tore and twisted it to death!


The grey wolf's belly was instantly opened up with a large hole, its internal organs pouring down like a rain waterfall, spreading a thick, putrid scent rapidly.

"Awesome! 8 agility points, I'm sure it's the speed of having 8 agility points, and about 6 strength points too! These two daggers rock, they're at least the entry-level weapons from the Brotherhood!"

"With this combat power, wouldn't we just steamroll through the low-level dungeons?"

"If you were tanking, sure, no problem, but are you sure you won't expose yourself?"

"Right... forget it, as if I never said it."

Heine had no time to pay attention to their conversation, his focus was entirely captured by the wolf that had just been killed.

He hadn't noticed the first one dying so close, but this time he saw it.

Two green, glowing light points drifted from the wolf's body and merged into his own, a very faint warmth spreading from his chest.

Could this be...


It was very much like the experience orbs in MC, accompanied by the pleasant sounds of dings and dongs.

He hadn't gotten this when he killed wild boars in the past.

Suddenly, his gaze focused on the Skeleton.

Could it be them...

"Bad news, Brother Yang."

"What's wrong?"

"We've killed the monsters but didn't get any experience, no System, no panel, nothing's been activated, it's really turned into a hardcore, nostalgic server... "

"Well, having transmigrated into skeletons, do you still care about those things?"

So they can't see this?

Heine suddenly had a strange thought, could it be that only the creatures his summons kill would give him experience?

He placed his hand on the stun Magic Wand at his waist, eyeing the woods beside him, ready to make comparisons.

However, with the first two wolves dying such gruesome deaths, the trailing pack had already given up on this hard-to-gnaw bone, scattering quickly after the alpha's howl.

Waiting half a day for no more wolves seeking death, Heine felt rather disappointed.

"Well done! My skeleton is way stronger than those other schmucks' summons."

He praised it, then as if struck by a thought, his expression suddenly turned wistful.

"The academy... the academy should still be there, right..."

He somewhat irritably directed his Skeleton back into the carriage, then returned to his seat and fiercely whipped the horses as if to vent his anger on the poor creatures.

In the increasingly jolting carriage, the two transmigrators stayed silent for a long while.

"This guy's kind of pitiful," Teacher Xia said. "He got expelled for not being able to summon undead, and now that he's shown them all, the school's gone..."

"True, he's even started talking to us, must be a lot of pressure."

"Well, who hasn't talked to furniture before?"

There was silence for a few seconds.

Zhuo Yang: "Ah?"

"Ha, haha, of course not, just... just a joke..."

"Hahaha, thinking about it, who really talks to furniture, right..."
