
Chapter 102: Food Crisis?


The open space on the eastern side of the town.

127 elven refugees sat under makeshift shelters, with blankets laid on the ground and piles of clean water and dry food.

There were old people, children, and pregnant women among them.

Initially, they were anxious and vigilant about everything.

But at this moment, they were too preoccupied with food and water to care about those sensitive emotions, even forgetting to say thank you.

All of this had been provided by the local populace.

Voluntarily, or semi-voluntarily—it was Heine who had asked Jones to make such a plea.

"You are all so passionately in love with elves, aren't you?"

"Then come on, show your love."

There were half-elves and humans among them.

They didn't leave right away but watched from a distance.

They had seen elves fleeing before.

But it was the first time they saw the elves' abject state so closely, widely, and unabashedly.