
Themyscira's women not letting me go

The image is not mine as well. I got it from online. It was a cover of some comic or page. I don't know. And also please read the note first as well, A boy born in Themsycria by a perverted god who gave him a system. A system that he lost. "We will send him out of Themsycria when he becomes 14." When he becomes 14 years old. "We cannot let a boy be corrupted by the world of men," "Yeah, he is too innocent." "Let's keep him here." Alex who wanted to leave his room "Please, let me go." "Forget about that, here let me hug you." ------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer None of the characters belong to me or anything. The image is also not mine as well.

phantompain · Cómic
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34 Chs


Diana was looking down, her fists clenched.

Derion was quite but her surroundings were cackling in red energy.

Nubia eyes were glowing and she was smelling of ozone.

Artemis was slowly turning green with rage.

His death had somehow effected them all personally. They had seen a loving father die. Even for a little bit, it had managed to change their perspective.

A scene had played in their mind. Was this considered acceptable. Were all good men fated to die like this. They wanted to learn more about his story, they wanted to know why he was exiled from the tribe. But they realized that if he had not been exiled then he would never have thought Aloy or raised her.

A scene played in each of their mind, seeing their Alex die in a similar way. What was unacceptable. They were not gonna let such a thing happen at all. And so they had stared at Alex with determination in their eyes.

Alex had felt something prick him in the back of the neck but he ignored the feeling as he continued watching the story.

Aloy had woken up and the truth regarding her descent was revealed. All her life, she had desired to know where she came from. Who her mother was. And then the truth came out. She had been found in front of a metal door in front of the sacred mountain.

She had been named a seeker and so she had left to find answers. Donna was happy, at this point she was finally free and could explore the world. She had seen a variety of machines and could finally explore the world. There was a desire inside her heart to hunt a few machines. And so she had left, and had seen a giant machine. It was called a thunder jaw. She had seen it and attempted to fight it. She set up some traps in her vicinity and then used a sharpshooter bow to launch a devastating strike against it. The machine was not effected, all it did was manage to enrage it. Her arrow had barely pierced its body.

ANd so it had charged her down. Launching laser and machine gun fire from its jaws. It went through the trap and was damaged a little but is momentum did not change. Soon it was upon her and she had died. Her first death.

Alex had nodded to himself. You needed better weapons and equipment to deal with this monstrosity. Find better gear to deal with the threat and the like. Alex had nodded to himself and looked at the time. It was almost midnight and hence time for him to close.

Donna had gotten up and her own death fresh on her mind.

That was until Alex had announced. "The shop is closed for the day."

Hippolyta was satisfied. This would be a way for the amazonians to sharpen their skills and the near death experiences would serve to humble them. This may also make them ready to open themselves to the wider world.

Hippolyta may have been queen but even she had to follow the whims of her own people. While the isolation had served to protect them but it had allowed hate to fluster inside their hearts. The last scene they had remembered was getting killed by Hercules man. This long term isolation had closed them off from the outside world and maybe from a reality. She hoped that this experience can open their eyes a little bit and allow her to open Themsycria up to the rest of the world.

Alex had a few notifications that popped up infront of him as well.

[Training room unlocked. Time period - one day]

Alex had decided to enter the training room the next day. Hopefully, it would be fun.

The shop had started to shut down and Alex had left the building. It was time for him to return to the palace. Apparently, he had to sleep there for tonight.

The amazonians had left the building and Alex had followed them out back to the palace. Meowth by his side.

Hippolyta had looked at Donna and asked her. "Is there anything you desire for the moment." She paused slightly as she said. "Daughter."

"Only to know my own family better." She had replied to her and Hippolyta had nodded at that.

Alex had coughed out loud to get attention and had then spoken. "So, can I be led to my own room."

Alex had on purpose emphasized the word own room. Hippolyta was thoughtful for a moment and then had agreed. She and her advisors had alot to discuss upon this night. Plans would need to be drawn, and they would as a whole need to change as well.

"You will be led to your own room Alex." She had said as she had turned to her own advisors and generals and informed them to meet her insider her solar.


Alex had been led to his own room by Donna. She was accompanied by Diana as well.

Alex had thanked them as he had retired for the night. As soon as he had fallen on the bed, he fell asleep.

Alex had felt some rustling near him as he had woken up. A little bit groggy, he had tried to move but had found himself constrained. In his vision, he had seen a face, Donna's. She had enveloped him inside a hug as she was sleeping. Alex had felt his entire body and realized that the number of limbs were not right. He had felt a pair of breasts at his back as well and someone's breath at the back of his neck. He had turned his face around and seen Diana as well. He was sandwiched between both of them.

Alex had gotten a hard on as he had looked down and seen that they both were naked as well. He also only had the sheets covering him as well.

At this point, Alex could not control himself at all. He did not care about anything and if you looked at the situation right now, they both had wanted this to happen as well. There was no doubt about that.

Alex had grabbed Donna's breast and started to squeeze them. He had heard a moan and looked up to see that her eyes were still closed but she was blushing red.

"I will make you both open your eyes and stop this pretend game." Alex had said out loud.

(Just before.)

Donna and Diana had both wanted to sneak into Alex's room and so they had found themselves just in front of his room.



"What are you doing here Donna."

"The same thing you want to do sister."

They both had gotten in each others faces as they had a stare down.

"Leave now Donna. This does not concern you." Diana had gotten her winged armor out.

"I am sure it does. The queen would not appreciate your actions." Her eyes had turned into a sharingan. "I suggest a compromise sister. It would not do to lose what opportunity we have with our brother for a spat would it."

Diana had reluctantly agreed as she sighed. "No, sister. It would not."

They both had entered the room and stripped. Both of them had removed the covers from Alex gently. Diana had floated him up as Donna had removed his clothes. And as they were done they had gotten into the bed with him. Both of them wet and excited.

That was until they had felt him stir. Both of them had closed their eyes and pretended to sleep as Alex had woken up.