

Privilege for two chapters only two coin! is available! and more. check it out for preview chapters! Elie Griffin is not your average teenager. He's gone through a lot which broke him and destabilized him mentally, but that's not the point. Elie was special. People saw him as a Freak but only if they look a little closer. Which was what Christy Evans a curious newbie did! It started with a little bump, then secrets where been shared and first kiss was been made. But the problem only got worst. Elie Griffin still had the things in him, those vicious creature from hell, Christy is totally helpless as it wasn't physic. They both had to make a choice but a very difficult one. Stay together or sacrifice there love for the sake of Love. READ TO FIND OUT! SEASON TWO is out and completed! SEASON THREE is going on.

oluna15 · Horror
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131 Chs

Chapter 37 END


"Ugh! Why is baking so hard?" John groaned as he steer the mixture in the glass bowl, looking all worked up.

"Is better than using your phone 24\7" I said with an exhausted smile. He just rolled his eyes.

Since John turn to a teenager that's how he's been, though I don't live with him but he still remain that bratty little boy. I got an apartment in new York where I'm schooling, it wasn't easy to convince Mum but I did and she finally understood that she couldn't keep the chick in the nest for ever. I'll be having a doctorate degree very soon, I'll soon have a job of my own. God has been faithful to us and thanks to him Elie is doing more than great, he sent me pictures during his first year out of town, he looked great and happy with his new foster parents. We kept chatting though and he seem to be improving. Each time I had asked for a picture he would deny my request. Bizarre.