

Leach gives a curt nod—and perhaps raises his eyebrows ever so slightly. But he says nothing, and opens one of the Cadillac's rear doors for you.

You, Winston, and your assistants climb into the back of the Cadillac. Winston passes his assistant his tablet. "The press releases," he says. Miss Nakamura brings several documents up onto the tablet's screen, and hands it to you.

"We've taken the liberty of preparing several contrasting press statements," Winston tells you. "Each one is ready to go live on our company website. We only need you to decide which strategy you want to back, and to announce it at the press conference a few minutes from now. We'll release the corresponding documents as soon as you've announced your choice."

You glance through the preprepared statements. They variously exercise caution, or expansion; innovation, or reliance on tried and tested methods. Their tone paints you as either encouraging and inspirational, or a stern figure capable of making tough decisions at a tough time.

"I'm completely underprepared for this," you tell Winston. "You can't possibly expect me to decide this company's strategy for the coming year in just a few minutes."

"As I told you, it's this media circus that has pushed the controlling shareholders to come to a consensus concerning your appointment. Maybe they should have done so earlier. But they didn't, and we just have to get on with that." He leans forward. "Mr. Kick, this statement is just a public-relations exercise. Announce whichever strategy you think will make MetaHuman look good. Consider the short-term and long-term impact of whatever you say. And remember you'll be free to change your mind later, behind closed doors."