
Chapter Five


I came in the next day with a blocked nose and a throbbing headache. Blowing my brains out wasn't the way I wanted my day to go, and even though I'd had some tea before I left the house this morning, it did little to relieve the pressure I was feeling in both my ears and my face. It was a few hours into the afternoon now, which meant I should be clocking out soon if the time was going fast enough. I blew my nose into my handkerchief and hastily stuffed it into the pocket of my skirt, where I then pulled out a bottle of hand sanitiser to wash my hands.

“Hey, Storm. There's someone outside asking for you,” said Jessie, a student who frequents the library and whom I'd recently become friends with, as soon as she spotted me looming over the history section.

“Who is it?” I turned in time to catch her pensive green eyes as I quickly hid the sanitizer away from her.

“Don't know. Says it's a friend.” She shrugged it off.

“Thanks. Tell them I'll be right out.” I said dismissively.

“Sure thing. But are you all right? Your face is a bit puffy. Are you ill?” She started to pull closer.

“No. I'm fine. Just a little cold.” I sounded confident to myself. Jessie didn't seem to be buying it. She crossed her arms.

“I don't believe you. I suggest you see a doctor. You look like you're going to faint.” She said.

“A doctor? Oh, no. I'd consider it, though, if things get worse, which I hope they won’t. And thanks for looking after me.” I said, quickly wrapping myself around her and heading for the front. I wasn't prepared for the conversation to drag on much longer.

“Hey,” Jacob said with his eyes as soon as he saw me. When Jessie had told me that someone was waiting for me, I hadn't expected it to be him, but then again, I didn't have that many friends. A quick wave and a bright smile away, I bridged the gap between us and he swallowed me recklessly in a bear hug.

“What are you doing here?” I said in a whisper.

“Nothing. Just checking.” Jacob pulled away from the embrace, his eyebrows furrowing. “You don't look well. Have you caught a cold?” he asked, scrutinising me with his azure eyes.

“No. I'm fine, or will be soon.” I smiled and patted my forehead. I did not believe a single word I had said to him.

“Sure you don't need to see a doctor? I have a good relationship with the guy at the school clinic. He'd be happy to help, as long as I show him my student card.”

And put you through all that trouble? “No, it's fine, believe me. I am fine.” I said.

It took a nauseatingly long minute of silence before his lips opened for his next words.

“If you're absolutely sure, then fine, I won't push. But do you have a minute? There's something I really need to get off my chest. It's urgent.” His tone struck me as a little desperate.

I nodded gently. “I guess we could sit outside for a bit?” I fought not to sneeze as he pulled me by the hand towards the front door in the breeze.

We made it outside and it was relaxing to feel the warmth against my cheeks as we sat down on the steps. With the sun out, it was only a matter of time before my temperature returned to normal. I turned to my right and asked, “What did you want to tell me?”

Jacob's silence gave me the creeps, as he pulled his phone out of his denim jacket and stared at whatever was on it for an outrageously long time.

“Are you going to tell me why we're out here?” I urged.

“Well...” His voice trailed off as he looked up from his device and then locked his eyes on me. “I told you most of it last night.”

“You did?”

My eyes flicked from him to me. Shocked didn't even begin to describe my current view of things. What had he told me last night that I had missed?



There was only one way to make Hayes pay for refusing to give me information about Emmett last night. Give him work to do.

I hummed along to a song that was playing in my head as I adjusted my cufflinks and got ready to work. Even though it was late in the day, I couldn't stand another second of sitting around doing nothing, waiting for Hayes to finally come up with the report I desperately needed. He'd been at it for hours and the mere thought of waiting made my pulse race.

“Where do you think you are goin’?” Hayes asked, suddenly bursting into the sitting room.

“The office. Why?” I asked, looking up from tying my shoes.

“Scratch that. Here's the girl's detailed report. I can't believe you let me work on this all morning only to bail out at the end.” He said, throwing the file at me.

I fumed. “Is that any way to treat your Alpha? Maybe I should write to the pack elders to get me a more competent Beta.” I growled at him. Though underneath he could tell I was teasing.

“Suit yourself. I'm happy to retire anyway.” He slapped his hand in the air and walking away from me to the sofa in the living room, where he sat on his butt while I scanned the document in my hand.

“Fatherless at age of 13. Presently 20 years old. No mention of her mother. Library assistant?” I looked up from reading to see him scratching his head.

“Yes. Looks like she had a pretty rough childhood. So now you know where she lives and where she works. Can I finally get some peace and quiet in this house?”

In your fucking dreams, man. I flicked my eyes back to the pages. “Why does it say she has two jobs, but there's no address for the other place?”

“Because she's just been offered a job as a waitress in some bar. My guess is that her bestfriend, who's called Jacob, dragged her out to spill the details over a few bottles at the club last night,” he informed.

“Why there? What was he going to do with her after that?” My eyes darkened as realisation set in. My fist clenched. I hated a man who drew strength from a woman's vulnerability.

“I don't know, man,” Hayes said as he stood up. “Maybe you can ask that when you see her, or vice versa. But if it ever crosses your mind to spy on her, go see her in this new place and not in the library.”

“And why not?” I growled at him.

“Well, because...” Hayes stopped and scratched his head. I know this trick from long ago. He usually does it when he's got something to hide. “You can't make that much noise in a library.” He mumbled in the end.

“I see.” I let out a sigh and jumped to my feet. “In that case, change of plans.”

“Uh?” He blurred.

“Go. Put some clothes on first.” I said.

“Why?” His eyes glowed suspiciously.

“I think it's time I got a proper look at the town and you can’t say no. You're so coming with me.”

“Shit.” Hayes shook his head, then buried it in both hands as I gave him a mischievous grin.


“What? They agreed to hire me for the job?” I jerked off the step, looking at Jacob as if he'd just mentioned the abominable. “Well, why did you waste so much time telling me that?”

Jacob looked stunned for a minute. “I told you, you just didn't pay enough attention at the time. Besides, you are screaming now.” He whispered his last words.

“Am I?” Was I? I snapped my eyes round and covered my mouth with my hand. I sat down beside him again. “I guess I'm overly excited about this news.”

“I can see that,” Jacob said with a laugh. “Let's hope the grumpy librarian gets it.”

His comment forced my hand to move. I smacked him playfully on the shoulder. “She'd better not hear you say that.”

He laughed even harder.

“So they called and said I had to report to work immediately?” I was far too eager to hear the details of my new job.

“Wow! Speak of the devil and he shows up with a new pair of glasses.” Jacob said, losing me completely.

“What?” My eyes darted to his quick way of getting up and flying down the stairs. I jumped up as well. “Where’re you going?”

“Be there at 6:15, all right!” He called from the bottom of the stairs.

Six fifteen? But I clock out at six. How am I supposed to get there in time?

“Jacob, wait!” I called but he'd got on his bike faster than I could blink and drove off in a dash.

I let out a frustrated sigh and spun around to make my way back into the library. I wasn't quick enough to avoid the piercing eyes of Mrs Gallagher, who was peering over my shoulder.

“What are you doing out here at this hour talking to that boy?” She scowled.

“Oh, Um... He. Well... Er... nothing. I'm going back inside.” I said in a rush as I hurried past her.

Why didn't Jacob give me a hint or anything like that?