"It's a long story, so I'll give you the Sparknotes version. I confronted him when I found out he lied about the whole being in a bar fight thing and he freaked out. Then, I told him it was over because he'd lied to even after I explicitly told him that was one of the three things I wasn't going to tolerate. He then proceeded to get more mad and told me that I wasn't allowed to break up with him. He stormed out before I could get my final word in, so I texted him that he wasn't the only one who got a say in the relationship and that it was over. I didn't even give him a chance to reply because right after it delivered I immediately turned my phone off and went to bed."
She chuckled. "You two are one hot ass mess of a couple. I just want to remind you, though, that anything Ken wants he always finds a way to get it. You know this, Penny," she stressed. I didn't miss the concerned twinge in her voice.