

Life is dope when you're the forgotten middle child to a single mother. As for my father, that's for my mother to know and for me to find out. No, seriously, sometimes I also forgot my own birthday after getting it forgotten conscious times. Welcome to my perfect little world, where I am not even the protagonist in my own tale... that's if I even have one.

I am fourth out of four children. I live with my mother and so do all my siblings. My eldest sister, Esmeralda, had a liking for the little devil's spawns that came after me. She was in campus, a one-hour drive from home and to solve that, ma thought it was a fantastic idea to buy her convertible! I mean... a normal saloon car would have sufficed but it always had to be extravagant for her 'Little Esme who grew up a little too fast'.

Now to the devil's spawns a pair of twins. Alex and Alexa, the latter born two minutes before the prior. I would get into them but I think I've already accumulated enough bad karma for one person just thinking about them. And of course, this being my senioryear, they are in my school in their sophomore year.

So Esme would drop us off in school, on her way to campus, where I was in paradise because I low-key loved school. Yes the little demons were there bit it's not like we talked. They wouldn't dare. They were the 'Perfect Pair'. Both of them played basketball and were both loved by fans all kver the state. Alexa and Alex were both team captains. Big jocks like those would never be caught dead talking to a senior with a social score of zero. I had none but one friend, Freddy, the iguana from the Science Lab. Well, he didn't talk much but he was a fantastic listener.

Whenever we got off Esme's car, they would walk rather slowly greeting and exchanging pleasantries with every Tom, Dick and Harry. That was my perfect chance to slip away to a place I would be less conspicuous, I mean, everyone was mostly oblivious of my presence, but walking into school with them would have everyone up in my business. Reminds me of the time when I was a sophmore and a few girls found out Alex was my brother... bottomline of the story, they wanted to use me just to lay their heads on his 'beautiful' chest. I mean, he was younger than us!

I waltzed into the science lab happy to have some alone time to vent out to my 'best friend'. But then I froze when I saw someone right next to him... feeding him...talking to and smiling at him... I don't do well with people so I turned around to leave, well, especially because of the person who was there. "Hi, I'm Eli. I'm new here," he tried to introduce himself. I walked over to him and shook his outstretched hand. "Hi, I'm Taylor. Nice to meet you, New." He got the pun intended and laughed sweetly. "You're funny. Meet...""Freddy," I cut him short." Yeah, I think I know him rather well and I cab tell he likes you," I added. "I can tell that I like y..."

"Hey weirdo,what on earth are you doing staring like that!" Someone exclaimed on the background. That sure snapped ne out from my petite reverie. "Oh, sorry," I said rather shyly. Just then, Alexa came in. "Thank God I've finally found you." "Hi, I'm Eli Rudolf. Best quarterback around," Eli said to her smirking as if he'd not just shouted at me mere seconds ago. "Okay," Alexa said disinterested then turned her attention to me. "Hey siz." The minute the letter 's' slipped from her lips I knew she needed something.

"What now?" I asked as she pushed me into the lab and locked the door. "I need you to cover for us. We'll be home late. Tell ma we have a mean gane next week hence we won't make it home early...please," she pleaded her case. "And where will you be going young lady?" I asked. "I bet its to Dj..." I tried to speak but we both hushed him. "It's a trip to...to...to... to Dj Khalil's party." she admitted. One look at her, and the next thing I knew, she was begging.

"Please, please, please I need to go. You know invites like those are not easy to get." "Dude, it's like in a different state! What about school today?" "Ethan's dad let him go and he'll be flown by their private jet. We're going with him. Just cover for us in school as well, they can't reach ma. I'll explain when we get back." "No way, it's still too risky. I'm not getting into trouble with ma cause one day or another, it'll end up being my fault."

We pulled to and from and eventually I gave in. "Fine but you owe me. And I'm not covering for you again this term. " "We owe you big time!" she exclaimed hugging me tightly.. " Okay, that's enough hugging for one day," I said wafting her off from me.