
The Youthful Age of Youths

In every corner of the world, a new project was about to be launched in the countries of Stellar. It was called "The Youthful Age of Youths". A program that aimed to revolutionize the world of sports and entertainment. With a primary focus on youth sports, the project aimed to provide a better training environment and promote Youth sports globally. They were looking for individuals who possessed not only exceptional skills but also a burning passion for their chosen sport. Only athletes who are professional in the five chosen sports; Tennis, Basketball, Volleyball, Basketball and Soccer, will be qualified to join the national youth team. As the young athletes trained diligently in the camps, their daily lives was monitored and watched by citizens who supported them. Out of the 120 participants of each camp, there are only fifteen that can reach the qualifier. Read as these youths fight to reach their dreams. Enduring hardship, overcoming challenges, and shearing laughter together. This book is all about friendship, passion, and entertainment in sports. PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK.

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8 Chs

Chapter 4, Journey to the Camp

Lu Cheng was lucky to catch another bus after he ran to the bus stop. The bus was very crowded so he could only stand to the front and hold on to the handle bar. "Excuse me, Sir. I'm going to Lu's residence on Bernard Road, 21st street. I'm new here and don't know the way. Is this the right bus?"

The bus driver looked at him with surprise; he then chuckled; "It's rare nowadays to see such a polite young man like you. Rest assured you're on the right bus, just stand still, when we reach your stop, I'll let you know."

"Thank you, sir." Lu Cheng thanked the driver sincerely.

"No problem."


At the Lu's resident:

"Xiao Cheng's not here yet?" The old master asked the servant who came to report.

"He hasn't arrived yet. Should I send people to look for him?"

"How will they look? Xiao Cheng doesn't have a phone so you can't track him. That cheap son of mine refused to get him a phone."

"Old master, let's wait a while longer, maybe the bus is delayed. If he's not here in an hour, I'll send someone to the train station.

Old master Lu wave his hand and dismissed the head servant. "Go, you make the arrangement."

While the head servant was thinking how to start searching, the bus arrived at Bernard Road and put Lu Cheng at the 21st street bus stop.

The Lu family mansion was over the hills so it was easy to locate. To make thing even easier, the name *Lu's mansion* was written in bold letters. After taking a few wrong turns, he finally arrived outside the gate of Lu's mansion.

*Knock knock knock* A loud knocking sound echo throughout the courtyard startling the servants.

"Grandpa, your favorite grandson is here!" Seeing that no one responded after he knocked on the door, Lu Cheng couldn't help shouting.

"What are you guys standing for? That is the eldest master son at the door."Only after the head servant spoke did the others react.

The guard reacted and opened the gate to let Lu Cheng enter. Old master Lu was standing at the door.

"Xiao Cheng"


Lu Cheng ran and threw himself into the arms of his grandfather he hadn't seen for two years. "Grandpa, I miss you so much."

"Grandpa misses you too." Old master Lu hug his grandson and ask after a moment: "Why are you late?"

"I missed the bus, while playing tennis. So I had to wait for another bus."

"You play tennis on your way here?"

"Yea, someone asked me to play as his practice partner."

"Come on in." Old master Lu led Lu Cheng into the house and ordered the head servant. "Tell the kitchen to prepare the dishes, Xiao Shen had a long day.

After Lu Cheng was shown around the mansion, he took a shower and had dinner with his grandfather.


In every corner of the world, a new project was about to be launched in the country of Stellar. It was called "The Youthful Age of Youths," a program that aimed to revolutionize the world of sports and entertainment.

The project organizers sent out invitations to various schools, seeking the most talented young athletes in the country.

The opening ceremony of the youthful age of youths is in two days. Printed T shirts were distributed to chosen students. Some people have already started to go to camps. Especially those that live miles away.

The whole country has expectations towards this new project. The youths are so passionate about sports! Now that there will be a country league for the nationals, they can finally become more professional players.

Not just a few amateurish ones who play on street corners. But real pros! The best players in the world have to compete with each other! The young adults are now ready to make a name for themselves.

Two days later, it was finally the opening day of the four camps. Those that received invitations make their way straight to the site of the camp. Some take the bus to get to know their acquaintance.

For these athletes, today is a day in a lifetime. This is a day that no one will forget. The first step to becoming a youth national team.


Once the camp bus was full, the bus driver inquired if everyone was settled. After getting their replies, the bus drove off. The bus would arrive in two and half hour or so at their destination. The boys looked at their surroundings.

Zhang Yuanfen sat in the left corner of the bus. He was tall and his muscles could already be seen even under his shirt. His dark curly hair flowed down his shoulders and he had a pair of sharp eyebrows.

Next to him sat Chen Liang. He was a little shorter than Zhang Yuanfen and had long black hair that fell down his forehead like a curtain. His light green eyes scanned around the bus. He has a soft beautiful feature and can be mistaken for a female.

His skin tone is pale but very fair. He has dimples when smiling. He could probably be considered as perfect for the female role. However he didn't have the attitude that attracts girls. He was constantly wiping his hands together due to nervousness.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yuanfen said to Chen Liang. He noticed that Chen Liang's forehead was covered with sweat. "You're always wiping your hands. Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Chen Liang replied "It's because I'm anxious." His voice was very soft, smooth and gentle, making Zhang Yuanfen's heart skip a beat.

Zhang Yuanfen smiled and shook his head while thinking, 'Guys like this are the ones that can endorse people into committing crimes.'

"You don't need to be so nervous. Although the competition might be difficult, it hasn't even started yet. No pressure. If you keep worrying, it might affect your performance later." Zhang Yuanfen encouraged him.

"You're right! Thanks!" Chen Liang said with a bright smile. He wiped his forehead again then continued to look outside the window. The scenery outside the window became blurry. He rubbed his eyes until the blurry images stopped forming. As soon as he opened his eyes again everything was fine. "Are we still in S city?" Chen Liang asked when he saw the natural environment outside the windows.

Zhang looked around "Yeah we are. Maybe this is the outskirts of the city. I've never been here before."

Chen Liang nodded, "That makes sense. This place is claiming."

A thought suddenly occurred to him and a pink blush appeared on his cheeks: "We've been talking for a while now and I haven't even introduced myself. My name is Chen Liang. What should I call you?"

Zhang smiled sweetly, "Zhang Yuanfei, you can call me Yuanfei."

"Ohh..." Chen Liang's eyes lit up "It's nice to meet you Yuanfei." He extended his hand to shake Zhang Yuanfei's hand. Chen Liang had such pretty eyes. Like clear crystal green water, they were breathtaking and mesmerizing. When he happy, his eyes shine along with his smile.

The present he gives off is very weak. His aura of strength is concealed behind his soft exterior. He's actually quite shy. Just by his appearance, he look more like a scholar than an athlete.

"What school are you studying at, Chen Liang?" Zhang Yuanfei asked after they had shaken their hands.

"Me?" Chen Liang looked at the ground in embarrassment and said softly: "I'm studying at Scholars Academy. I was just lucky to get enrolled, it's no big deal."

"Really? You must be really talented to get into such an academy." Zhang Yuanfen was surprised and then smiled "They have the best students and are very strict with their studies. It's very difficult to pass the entrance examination. You must be a prodigy student on scholarship to ger enrolled."

"Uhhh..." Chen Liang rubbed his neck nervously, "well I...um..." He scratched his ear. He had no idea what to say about this situation. "The Scholars Academy is not that amazing. I think other schools with more freedom are the best." He shrugged and smiled.

"I'm praising you. you don't have to be modest." Zhang Yuanfen teases him.

Chen Liang giggled. "You must be joking. Thanks for calming my nerves. I feel better now." He replied

"You're welcome. I'm sure everyone on this bus has their own worries as well. Don't let it consume you." Zhang Yuanfen said.

They spent another few minutes talking about different topics. There were still two hours before the bus arrived.
