
The Xovunides

The dc universe and marvel universe will be as one. The Xovunides are an alien race that has not been discovered yet until now

silverxp · Cómic
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

One year has passed and in that time all of Earth's heroes and villains have gathered to fight against Galactus that's going to happen in 4 months.

(Paradise Island). 9,000 9,001 and done well I have been training for a year. But I haven't been able to activate my insight it may have been a one-time fluke. Well, that's a pain I wonder how Hakari has been doing on his training. Darkness said her hair was now reaching her legs. I better first get a hair cut I know you're there so come out. Darkness said. Well, I guess that's the new move you've been working on. an Amazon woman said. No, I just smelled sweat and dirt, and the move you're talking about I call it domain. If I used that then you'll be unable to get close to me. Darkness said. Oh, then you used your time well here Darkness training all day you Xovunides are great warriors. Your bodies are made for combat and can fight almost forever. But enough of that what are you going to do now? The Amazon woman asked. Now I can check up on my little brother and see if the brat got stronger. Darkness said flying up in the sky. Make sure to tell everyone that I said thank you. Darkness was now flying away from Paradise Island. Okay, where are you, little brother? there you are Darkness said using her super hearing.

*Huf *Huf *Huf. Hakari and Ursaal were breathing hard laying on the ground. Looks like I finally won this round hehe. Hakari said tiredly. Yeah, and it only took you the 311 time you finally got a little stronger. But that will be your only time. Ursaal said exhausted. Both of you did good let's take a break now we'll resume in 7 days. So get rested up and be ready. Clovis said walking out of the training room. I'm finally getting stronger maybe I can give Darkness a challenge hehe. I doubt that I bet she's been training all this time and got crazy strong. Hakari said sitting up. Yeah, when I first saw your sister I could feel that strength of her. It was overwhelming It felt like if I fought her she would have killed me. Ursaal said standing up. Well, I'm about to visit the Xavier Institute. I bet professor cyclops is mad at me since I haven't been there for a while. You can come if you want but I don't think you'll like it. Hakari said standing up and walking to the exit. It's better than spending time in this empty room or with humans. Ursaal said. Or you can go home I bet your dad is wondering where you are. Ursaal didn't respond to Hakari. Hakari was flying with Ursaal following him.

(Xalvadora). Okay everyone we have four months till Galactic heads in our solar system. And all of you have improved so I think we're going to be ready. Chiaroscuro said to an Army of 200 Xovunides. Are you sure Chi you said this threat is universal. I just want to make sure we can protect our home. the king of the Xovunides said. Don't worry with our army and the earth's help I like our odds. We're going to win it won't go as it did with the xenomorphs. Mai said. I like fighting especially in war I find it satisfying it gets the blood boiling. A Xovunide woman with crazy hair due said. That's the Xovunide blood coursing in your veins our instinct is to fight after all. The king said. (I should go visit Hakari and Darkness and see how their training is going). Chi thought.

(Darkness pov). I hope Hakari gets stronger I want to test my new strength on him. Darkness thought as she was flying over the ocean. This Planet does have some nice clean water. For an overpopulated race *grrrr well I haven't eaten for 3 months I guess it's time for a snack. Darkness dived deep into the ocean looking for a snack. It's so dark down here good thing I've been working on my super hearing so I can hear this whole planet. Whoa, now that doesn't sound like a normal fish. Darkness thought. There you are Darkness now heading towards the sound. Whoa, now that's a tasty snack Darkness saw a monster that was 33 feet with razor-sharp teeth and Horns on its head. It looks like a snake but a big one I doubt you're not from this planet but that won't be a problem. Come do your worst!!!!! Darkness yelled to get the snake monster's attention. Luckily I can hold my breath for a month. The monster was turning its body and heading towards Darkness opening its mouth. Darkness was in the monster's mouth flying through its body. *Roarrrrr the monster roared that it made the water vibrate. Still huh but I'm not in the mood to play anymore. Darkness now was heading towards the monster and kicked its head off killing it. finally, I can eat. Darkness now was heading out of the water carrying the monster on her back. Where can I cook this I'll try a volcano then I'll head to Hakari. 30 minutes pass that was good but I overcooked it a little. Darkness got into a meditation position and closed her eyes using her super hearing to find Hakari's heartbeat. Hakari pov I'm sorry professor but I had to go with my father for training. Hakari was apologizing to Cyclops. It's alright Hakari glad you're okay it seems you've gotten taller. Well, you are 6 now I got you this for your birthday. Cyclops said handing Hakari an application paper. What's this I can't read that well yet hehehe. Hakari was rubbing his head. A vain Pop onto Cyclops' head. It says that you're enrolled in this school Hakari and starting tomorrow. You're going to be doing a lot of studying. Hakari looked confused. Hehehe I rather not trying to explain what studying is to this idiot. He's only good when it comes to battle. Ursaal said. Who are you? Cyclops asked. I'm Ursaal Hakari's somewhat fiance. Cyclops was shocked. You two are engaged. Yeah but not for long I got to get stronger to change my destiny. Hakari said clenching his fist. Well, we can discuss this later Hakari head in the building the professor would want to talk to you. And Ursaal if you like you can join our school as well. Cyclops said. Okay, I got nothing else to do besides I got to keep an eye on Hakari. Ursaal said. All of them Head to the front door of the institute. There you are little brother it's been a while. Everyone turned their heads looking at Darkness. Darkness!!! Hakari yelled heading towards his sister throwing a punch but was caught by Darkness. It seems like you got a little strong Hakari. Darkness said pulling Hakari for a hug. It's good to see you I'm glad you're doing well. Darkness let Hakari go. I can tell you got stronger even Dad would have to try a little against you hehe. Hakari said rubbing his head. The siblings were now descending. I guess this is your sister Hakari wow you two look alike. So do all Xovunides have white hair and blue eyes? Cyclops asked. Yeah, all Xovunides mostly look alike because our bloodline is pure. It's been that way for millions of years. But the Viltrumites want their blood to mix with ours to make the perfect warrior. We Xovunides have dominant genetics the same as the Viltrumites if both come together they'll get rid of all weaknesses. That's because our Gene balances with each other. Darkness said. So a hybrid can become stronger than pure blood and take out any flaws the Xovunides and Viltrumites have. Cyclops said. Yeah, pretty much that's why she's here to give the Viltrumites what they want. Darkness said. Don't worry I don't attend to follow my father's orders and I don't want to carry this idiot's kid. Ursaal said heading inside the building. What did you say you know calling someone an idiot makes you an idiot idiot!!!! Hakari yelled following Ursaal. Everyone was heading inside the institute.

(Xalvadora). One million. Chi said doing one-thumb handstand pushups. I got to keep my stamina and balance up. Are you going to keep on staring Clovis or are you joining? Chi said turning her head to a tree. Well, it looks like you're back to that monster strength of yours and you seriously need a haircut. Clovis said looking at Chi's hair that was covering her face. Clovis now moved the white hair that was covering Chi's face. I like to see your face more. Clovis's hand was cupping the left side of Chi's face. Then you should come to see me more idiot. How's Hakari and Darkness? Chi asked grabbing Clovis's hand. Hakari's okay he's got the warrior's heart but your personality so he can be gentle. *Boom Chi punched Clovis in the stomach. And violent. Clovis said in pain. And Darkness I haven't heard from her but the Amazons said she's doing well. That's good we got to make sure Hakari's off this planet. he's like you Clovis so he's always going to fight anything even if the odds are stacked against him. Chi said. Darkness takes more of you always ready to help her family and on guard all the time. And that temper she's got is the same as her mother. Clovis said putting his arms up. Hahahah she does doesn't she and a natural leader and fighter. A rare prodigy. Gets that talent from her great Grandpa. Chi said looking up into the sky. Things weren't as peaceful as they are now. But of course, peace can't always be forever we're going to make sure we win this. Or the galaxy will be history. Clovis said holding on to Chi.

(Xavier Institute). Well, it's good to see you again Hakari glad you're finally in our school. I can sense that you're going to do big things in the world. Professor Xavier said. Yeah, Hakari you better not disappoint anyone. Especially me if you don't want your bones broken. Darkness said seriously. Hehehe I'll try to live up to everyone's expectations. Hakari said rubbing his head. Good now let me read your schedule. You'll be doing science, mathematics, ethics, elective leadership, math, accounting, gym, and Geology. You'll be doing tons of studying so you can get caught up. So we'll be heading to the library to get your textbooks. Cyclops said reading off a clipboard. I think you might want to slow down if you don't Hakari's Brian is going to fry. Ursaal said pointing at the confused Hakari. Oh, Ursaal and Darkness if you guys want to enroll in our school it's always open to the gifted. Xavier said. Okay, I'm in it might be fun and I can see how Hakari's going to figure out math hehehe. Ursaal said laughing. No, I have to head back to Xalvadora for some information I'll be back Hakari. Darkness said rubbing Hakari's head and leaving the building. Okay, you two follow me we're going to the classroom so you can meet everyone. Okay, both said following Cyclops to classroom 2 with 25 students. Hello Professor Beast these are the new students. Cyclops said to the blue beast man. Well hello, you must be Hakari and your Ursaal the professor told me you were here. Class meet Hakari and Ursaal. Beast said. Whoa!! everyone said looking at Hakari. Looks like a rival for you Wayne. A Student said. Ummm I'm not looking for a rival in looks but in strength. He doesn't look very strong so I'm not worried about him. Wayne Scott said. Another pretty boy oh great now I'll never get a girlfriend. One student said in his head. That girl sure looks tough and she's good looking she'll be interesting to toy around with. One Student said. Sup everyone I never heard of this school thing but I hope to improve myself. Hakari said with a smile. All the girls were in a trance looking at Hakari. Looks like you're going to be popular after all Hakari. Ursaal said patting Hakari's shoulder. Okay everyone let's get back to this problem class. Beast said pointing at his chalkboard. Well, let's go get your textbooks. Then I'll show you both your rooms. Cyclops said walking out of the classroom with Hakari and Ursaal following. Those new students are interesting mostly Ursaal her aura is green. Meaning she's hiding something as for Hakari his aura is yellow and bright like the sun. A Student said his eyes glowing all colors. Hey, Ralph what were their aura's? a Student asked. They're not bad people or Hakari's not let's watch out for Ursaal she's hiding something. Jason make sure to use your touching mind-reading power and See what she's hiding. Ralph said. Hey, you two pay attention! Beast yelled. This place is big and there are tons of people. Hakari said. Maybe because there's a lot of superpower people on this planet. Ursaal said irritated. All arrived at the library. Is this where all those textbooks are? Hey, can you show me where those texts are? Hakari asked a student that was studying. Hakari don't bother anyone and keep your voice down. your textbooks are right here. Cyclops said pointing at a stack of books. I doubt Hakari can read even one book. So I'll help him out this one time. Ursaal said. (Sometime later). This studying thing is boring where's the fighting at? I thought this was going to be fun it's time for some sparring let's go Ursaal. Hakari said flying out of an open window. Beats sitting down all day. Ursaal is now following.

(Darkness pov). I hope my mother and father are there I have a lot of questions. This feeling I'm getting is growing more intense. Darkness was now flying at full speed to Xalvadora. (Xalvadora). Hey, it's Darkness let's follow her. A female Xovunide said to a male Xovunide. Mother! Darkness yelled to get Chi's attention. Darkness looks like you're done with your training. Good because we're going into war and we'll need as many people to fight this threat. Chi said. So the rumors were true and that insight vision was true. Is that why you want to keep Hakari on Earth for now? Well, Mother I can see you got some new strength and so did I. Darkness said. Let's head to the training grounds I've been wanting to stretch my arms. Chi Said flying with Darkness following. Okay, how do you want to do this Darkness? Chi asked. Till one of us lands a hit how does that sound? Darkness asked. *Swoosh Chi was in front of Darkness throwing a punch. Darkness side step dodging the punch and jumping away. Chi followed and was again in front of Darkness throwing a spinning kick. Damnit she's fast I can't find my footing I'm going to have to use the dome. Darkness thought. A force field expanded from Darkness. *Boom!! Chi's kick landing on the force field. Wow, Darkness seems like you got a new trick. But you aren't the only one who's been improving. Chi said as her body was glowing blue and her eyes glowing. This is energy manipulation with this my physical strength and speed are off the Charts. *Swoosh. Chi was behind Darkness and chopped the back of the neck. I see you have been training hard but you haven't been through enough hardship to push yourself. Chi said holding Darkness on her right shoulder. Hey Darkness!! the female Xovunide and male yelled. You guys must be her friend's mine taking her back to the city? Chi asked. Sure I'll take her. The male Xovunide said putting Darkness on his back flying back to the city. *Cough *Cough. That sure puts a lot of strain on the body I can only hold it for 10 minutes any longer and my life force would be drained. Chi said wiping the blood from her mouth. I better go see Hakari after all this I wonder if he's gotten stronger. (In the city of Xalvadora). I didn't ask for you to follow me or to carry me put me down. Darkness said to the male Xovunide. Okay okay, we're just helping. the male put Darkness down. Darkness it's been a while we haven't seen you at the academy we all thought you died. the female Xovunide said. Well, I'm still alive I've just been on earth doing so training. Hero, Ethan, did you two see me and Mom fight? Darkness asked. Kinda we got there when your mom knocked you out. She was moving faster than anyone I have seen. Ethan said. Her body was also glowing I have never seen that before. Do you think it was a technique she learned or something? hero asked. Whatever she did it increased her speed. Not even my dome couldn't sense her Looks like I'll never surpass one of the legends. Darkness said irritated. You shouldn't be worrying about that when our planet maybe the galaxy is in danger. You should be here fighting this battle I heard of a rumor that the Viltrumites were planning to attack then they saw the opportunity. Ethan said. Looks to me that you guys will do fine with Earth's help and the legends of Xalvadora are coming back I heard. Darkness said. At least come to the academy to see everyone. They would want to see the top student in our academy again. Fine, but I'm not staying long I got to get back to my training It looks like I still have a lot to learn. all now we're flying to the academy.

*Boom!!! *Boom!!! Hakari and Ursaal were clashing blows moving faster than the eye can see. Ahhhh!!! Hakari was throwing punches and kicks. But we're blocked by Ursaal. Hey, you two!!! Cyclops yelled pissed. Oh crap, I think he's pissed. Ursaal said. No, he may not be that mad hahaha. Hakari said nervously. (Sometime after the lecture). Well, Hakari if you got another idea to kill time keep it to yourself. Ursaal said irritated. I'm thinking about flying to Xalvadora to see how everyone is doing. Hakari said. I rather not with that mind reader and all these superpower teachers I'll be tuff just to sneak out. plus didn't you say that you'll live up to everyone's expectations? Ursaal said. There you two are I have been looking for you I have to tell you that little stunt you guys pulled earlier was awesome. I never knew that the universe had powerful fighters. Wayne Scott said. Who are you? Ursaal asked. I'm Wayne Scott but call me Wayne I'm one of the top 10 students in this school. Why are you telling us unless you want to fight? Hakari said standing up. I'd rather not I'm more interested in Ursaal here *Whoosh!! Wayne was in front of Ursaal. He's fast both said in their head. I See that fast and I can sense that you're strong but I'm not interested in you so go away. Ursaal said annoyed. All I want to do is test my strength against you. And see what your Worth means if you're qualified to make it at the top. Wayne said. Stop right there Ursaal isn't the only one strong here how about you fighting me? Hakari said. Yeah if you can beat Hakari then I'll fight you. Ursaal said. Okay, but it's going to be over quickly well I'll call it a warm-up before the actual challenge let's go to the training room. Wayne said walking out of the library with Hakari and Ursaal following. Okay, this is where we train our abilities and gym class two. Well, let's get this over with so I can fight Ursaal and prove my strength. Hakari was stretching his muscles. Don't think you're going to win this I'll end in 10 seconds. Wayne Scott said both are getting into a fighting position. *Whoosh! Wayne was behind Hakari throwing a kick to his head. Hakari then dogged the kick by ducking throwing an uppercut landing. *Boom!! Wayne was sent to the roof. That hurt Wayne said rubbing his chin. It's been passed 10 seconds and I'm still standing your way too cocky for someone who can't land an attack. Hakari said with a cocky attitude. *Boom!! both flying to each other creating a shockwave. I see that your strength rivals mine are you a Kryptonian? Hakari asked. No, but I do get that all the time I'm from a distant planet that was destroyed by a black hole. Wayne said his eyes were turning red. Hakari put his hand on Wayne's face covering his eyes as red beams came going through Hakari's hand. Hakari grabbed Wayne throwing him to the ground. *Boom!! tch didn't think that he was this strong I guess I underestimated him. Wayne said standing up. I guess laser eyes can hurt me if I'm not Careful. Hakari said his hand was healing. Both now were looking at each other and then heading to each other both did a battle cry. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Both seem equal in power but when it comes to combat Hakari's got him beat. He'll be a good training partner for us if I'm going to beat Darkness I need to find stronger opponents. Ursaal said watching Hakari and Wayne fight in the air. (2 hours later). Both fighters were exhausted barely standing looking at One another. *Huf *Huf *Huf I guess I should give you some credit Hakari you manage to get me to use a hundred percent of my power. Wayne said. hahaha, your using a hundred percent now I guess should start doing that as well. Hakari said. Your bluffing I know you've been trying hard to knock me dow... Wayne stopped mid-sentence as Hakari was now in front of Wayne punching him in the stomach and sending him flying out of the room crashing into one of the classrooms. *Boom Hhhow he really was holding back. Wayne said passing out. Wayne, are you okay how is he hurt I thought nothing could hurt him? He was sent flying across the classroom. Students of the classroom said looking at Hakari. oops, guess I overdid it there I'm in big trouble after this heheheh. Hakari said rubbing the back of his head. (So Hakari was holding back his power I didn't think he was this strong I'm going to have to make sure he doesn't get ahead of me). Ursaal said in her head. Sometime after Hakari gets a lecture by Xavier and Cyclops. Well, that was an earful looks like we're banned from the training room for a month. Wayne said. I'll just use outside for now but I have a question who are the top 10 in this school? Hakari asked. We're the students that have powerful abilities that's what the 10 ten. But it's All about getting into the elite class where the most promising students are. Wayne said. The elite huh I'll have to check them out hey what rank are you? Hakari asked. I'm ranked 10 and if you're thinking about fighting the Big 5 forget it they have special powers that can kill you. It said that they can rival the elite and the new X-Men. Wayne said. This school may not be a waste of time after all first I'll beat the top 10 And this big 5 and this elite class. Before my eleventh birthday, I can't wait to fight all them time to train!!! Hakari said running into the hallway screaming. ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ Hakari stopped as his danger Sense went off looking up into the sky.

(Xalvadora). It's here it's too early we had 4 months. Everyone get ready!!! Galactic is here. Chi said looking at a giant figure approaching Xalvadora. This planet will make a fine source of energy I can't wait to consume every last of it!!!!! Galactic said.

Okay, next chapter the fate of Xalvadora. I wanted to get everything in order and tell some backstories. next will Galactic destroy Xalvadora or can they overcome this entity?