
The Xovunides

The dc universe and marvel universe will be as one. The Xovunides are an alien race that has not been discovered yet until now

silverxp · Cómic
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7 Chs

Chapter 3.

It's been one week since Hakari left Xalvadora. Darkness was flying through the sky. Now Hakari is gone i have to find a new punching bag. Darkness said irritated. Then something caught her attention. Who's that now using her super sight. It was a male Xovunide fighting a monster. Darkness now flies at the battle kicking the monster in the head hard enough to kill it. Hey that was my kill now you owe me lunch. The male said pissed. Then next time don't struggle to kill it. Darkness said in a harsh tone. Whatever why are you even here? this is the monster woods so why don't you go home and live your sweet life. The male Xovunide said smirking. Darkness now pissed off. Oh yeah how about you make me leave you weakling. Darkness said with death eyes. Both Xovunides now were pissed and getting into a fighting position. I'll show who's weak the male was charging at Darkness.

(The Royal Palace). My lord with Hakari gone we can't keep an eye on him. This could hinder our plans. The left hand man to the king said. No this doesn't affect the plan now with the earth's defenders on our side we have a better chance. the king said. You may be right but we should keep are guard up. the right hand man said. hmm

(Asgard). It's been a while Odin. Chi said. Chiaroscuro yes it has why have you come? Odin asked. Just to see an old teacher and i met your son Thor. Chi said. Oh looks like he finally visited Xalvadora how's he doing? Odin asked doing well but the real reason i came here because you might have heard that we are trying to settle peace with the Viltrumites. Chi said. I can't interfere with your people's problems I'm sorry. Odin said. I know you can't but i want to talk to Heimdall.

(Hakari flying through the city of new York). Damnit looks like my super hearing or sight is not kicking in. Weird how my super smell works I wonder if Superman would train me. (Justice league tower). I told you to wear a mask when you're out flying. Hawkman said. It's not like anyone can see me I'm too fast. Now where's Superman i need him to teach me. Hakari said. He's not here you're going to have to wait till he's back. And shouldn't you be at the Xavier institute. Hawkman said. Yeah the school for how to control your powers. But i already know how to control my powers. Hakari said in a cocky tone. yeah this is not control. Hawkman said while showing videos of Hakari stopping crime. It was only 4 men with no powers but you made it seem like a war. Bunch of buildings destroyed and millions of dollars of property damages. Hawkman said irritated. hehehe Hakari rubbing the back of his head. Well i was holding back tho. Maybe that's holding back on Xalvadora but earth is different. Now head to the school I'll tell Superman you need him. Hawkman said. Alright fine. Hakari is now leaving the town heading to the institute.

(Darkness vs the male Xovunide). Take this the male Xovunide threw a punch at Darkness. Darkness caught it and swung him to the ground. The male Xovunide caught himself and flying to Darkness headbutting her. *thud ouch damn that's a hard head Darkness now holding her bloody nose. Okay but let's see if you can keep up tho *swoosh Darkness moving faster was behind the male Xovunide throwing a fury of punches ending it with a kick to the face. *crash The male Xovunide was now on the ground barely conscious. *gaww. Well thanks for the warm up Darkness said flying to the city. I guess I'll go ask the king for a mission. (Royal Palace). So you want a quest to complete? the king asked. Do you have something for me? Darkness asked. The king pulled out a piece of paper from the pile of paper. The king handed the paper to Darkness. I have to investigate the planet Apocalypse. Are you crazy. Darkness said in a confused tone. We have to keep an eye on Darkseid we have enough to deal with. Just sneak in and keep a watchful eye. the king said. Okay but I'm getting paid double. Darkness said now flying out in space. you sure that was a good idea my lord she is only 11. but she is a one of a kind prodigy she can handle herself against an elite guard. I believe she can handle this. the king said.

(Earth). Hakari was now listening to a teacher to control his powers. Okay Hakari you're going to punch this tree but don't send it flying. Cyclops said. Okay that's easy. Hakari said while throwing a punch. *boom the tree went flying up in the air. Oops i guess i should hold back more of my strength. Hakari said while rubbing the back of his head. Okay let's try this again. Cyclops said upset.

(A spaceship landing on the planet home to the Yautja). I only came here to ask for a request. I want you to assassinate this woman the masked man said while handing the paper that had the picture of Chiaroscuro on it. The Yautja were now making clicking noise. Don't worry there's a huge award. The maskman said smiling wickedly.

(the planet Apocalypse). Okay i just got to make sure not to get spotted. Darkness said while looking at an army of Darkseids elite guards. Okay where are you Darkseid there you are. Now I just got to listen and report. Darkness said writing down what Darkseid says and does.

(In Space). Chiaroscuro was flying through a meteor shower doing her warm up. Okay looks like that's enough training for the day. *Boom a Green energy blast hit Chiaroscuro. Ouch the hell okay i was going home but i guess i can play with you. Chiaroscuro said while flying to the spaceship. *bang Chiaroscuro punch the force shield protecting the spaceship. That force shield is made of uru I'm guessing your Yautja. I was not expecting to run into assassins let's go to that dead planet. Chi said now flying to the planet smiling.

(Xalvadora). Hmmm looks like Chi ran into trouble i think she can handle this but I'm going to keep an eye on her. Hakari's father said using his super sight.

(the Xovunide scout team). Well it looks like that's all the eggs. One of Xovunide said using his telekinesis to destroy the last egg. Okay let's head back and report this to the ki.... gaww the Xovunide was stabbed by a Xenomorph from the back. Nooo you bastard. The other Xovunide said flying to save his comrade but was ambushed by 4 Xenomorph stabbing him with their tail killing him. And now the 4 Xenomorphs were walking towards the other Xovunide. What the hell are you? Xovunide asked looking at a Xenomorph was bigger and looked more advanced with spikes on its back and tail and was a lot bigger. The Xovunide now was trying to use his telekinesis but the Xenomorph cut his head off with its claws. *roarrrrr the advanced Xenomorph roar out loud and a bunch Xenomorph came out from a secret den. Now all were eating the Xovunides bodies.

(Earth). Again!! *boom again!! *boom again!! *boom. Several trees were sent flying across the sky. Damnit this is stupid why do i have to do this shouldn't I want to put down my enemies. Hakari said. So you're just going to kill anyone that fights you it's important for a warrior to know how to hold back. That's called discipline if you don't teach yourself this then how can you become a true warrior. Cyclops said looking at Hakari. I know you're only 4 Hakari but it's important for you to learn to control your powers while you're young. Professor Xavier said rolling to them. Okay I'll try again Let's do this!!! ahhhhh. Hakari yelled.

(the dead planet). *swoosh *swoosh *swoosh Chi was dodging most of the strike that the Yautja was striking with their spears. The Yautja now throw their spears at Chi. Chi now puts her hand up and stops the attack with her telekinesis. Is this all you go... Chi stopped mid sentence because a Yautja was behind her and threw an attack with it's claws. *Slash Chi tried to dodge but was slash in her left eye. Ouch i let my guard down. Chi said now her left eye started to heal. Okay try this Chi now flying up and using her telekinesis to carry the Yautja ship. One of the Yautja pulled out a device and it started to glow then a shockwave came from it hitting Chi. Then she started falling to the ground landing on her feet the same time when the Yautja ship hit the ground. What hell i can't fly or use my telekinesis oh that must be NTH metal. This may be more than a workout hahaha. Chi laughed menacingly. We Xovunides are always up for a battle. It doesn't matter if we're at a disadvantage this only excites us more. *swoosh Chi moved so fast that she left an afterimage now was behind one of the assassins and leg sweeping and punching him across the ground leaving a trail. So show more of your abilities and strength. Chi said smiling.

(Xalvadora). Well it looks like Chi is now getting excited good thing that she's far enough for the planet. Hmmm i wonder what Hakari's doing. The father said now looking in a different direction using his super sight.

(Earth). Hakari has his eyes shut focusing and taking a deep breath. Okay i got this. Hakari throws a punch at the tree. *boom *vibrate. Yes i did it it didn't break finally after the 300 time. Okay cyclops i did it now let's get to the next training phase. Okay Hakari now it's time for studying. Cyclops said. Eh what's that. Hakari said confused.

(Justice league tower). Oh Superman Hakari was asking for you. Hawkman said. I bet it was about training I'm going to have to talk to him later. We need to focus on vought ever since they came more people with powers have shown up. Superman said to the league. How does that have to do anything with a company probably more people with the x Gene have shown up. Shazam said. that could be a possibility but not many people can get the x Gene especially not this many. Batman said. Okay then I'll go look into this more from the shadows they won't even see me. Flash said. Superman keep an eye on the Homelander that guy looks dangerous. Batman said. Okay cyborg try to hack in vought without them knowing and Aquaman try to get information on the seven. Superman said. Okay I'll go ask the avengers if they know something about vought. green lantern said.

(vough tower). We need to get my fucking numbers up. The Homelander said yelling at Ashley. I have an idea that can boost your ratings more than they were before. Ashley said. Okay let's hear it oh and if i don't like or it doesn't work then i will fucking crush your head till it looks like jelly. Homelander said. gulp i was thinking that the 7 would team up with the avengers to stop the recent supervillains that have been popping up thanks to the leaks of compound v. Ashley said scared that the Homelander would kill her. I like it i like it hey calm down. homelander said holding the shaky Ashley. now go and make this happen right now and don't bother coming back if you fail.

(Dead planet). *Swoosh chi counter a spear attacks and claw attacks punching and kicking them. *huf *huf chi was now breathing hard after fighting 4 assassin's for hours. Guess i should give y'all some points for effort but it's time to end this. Chi said her wounds now started healing fast. *vanished chi disappeared her voice now echo. This is your end i was going to ask some questions but I don't speak Yautja so I'll just kill you. Chi said one of the assassin's head was missing now. that's one. One of the assassin's used it's invisible cloak but chi used her super hearing punching her hand threw it's chest. That's two. Chi was now behind one of the last two assassin's saying to bad your not fast enough to keep up. Chi grabbed it's head crushing it with ease green blood was now all over chi and dripping from her hands. Chi turned her head looking at the last assassin. The Yautja was now aiming a Lazer gun at chi and firing it. *Blasted smoke now was showed. Now that hurt points for that now don't expect mercy or anything because were not like those hero on earth. chi said now was in front. *Boom chi punched the assassin's head clean off blood was pouring out of the headless body. man that was entertaining. Chi said falling down on the ground exhausted I wonder if i should visit Hakari.

(planet Apocalypse). (In Darkness head i should have asked if i have a future but it's good to know that Hakari will Survive this soon to be war). (Flashback. So what do you want to know. The mysterious Xovunide with the ability insight asked. Will this war be the end of our and people and my family. Darkness asked seriously. The mysterious Xovunide eyes glowed white. Well you're in luck because your brother will survive but i can't see anything more than that. He said. What a waste of time. Darkness said flying away. Flashback ended). What a pain now im just spying on someone that hasn't done anything for hours. Darkness said sighting. I have to find a way to change this outcome even if i have to kill every single Viltrumites in the universe.

(The Planet Xalvadora). Assassins are now targeting Chi i have to assumed that someone is targeted us from the shadows. Looks like it's time to teach Hakari to kill so he can survive on his own. Hakari's father said flying in the direction of earth.