
Chapter 99

  This is the best place for a relaxing vacation!" Bella sipped her drink feeling it's flavour on her tongue. "You think!" Tina opened her lobster arm sipping the air cause of the spice, before chewing it. She loved and enjoyed eating spicy food alot.

"Mummy I need that!" Jasmine pointed at the lobster Tina was having. "Thought you hated it baby?" "Aunty Tina loves it so I love it too!" Jasmine said for her mother to smile at her. "You'd have some tomorrow!" The little girl went back to eating after her mother's words.

"This place has been so busy since we got here!" Bella's said as she darted her gaze around staring at the entertainment before her. "I'm so sorry ma'am, we had trouble getting here!" Edmund said with a bow as he looked like one that was in a hurry.

"It's alright Edmund, you can take the girls back home, we need some time alone!" Bella said for the man to do as he was told without any further complaint. She could leave the girls under his care since he had been the one taking good care of them anyway. 

Edmund took the two little girls to their room as the ladies continued with their little chit chat.

"Hallo wundershone Dame!"

Hello beautiful lady!"

A man greeted with a cute smile on his lips. "Hello!" Lucy greeted the young man and waved her hands for him to leave. "I never told you I was attracted to young guys?" Lucy muttered under her breath. "Excuse me!" Bella rushed into the restroom.

She got back after few minutes with Lucy staring at her wierdly and Tina who couldn't keep her gaze on her. "Are you alright mother?" Bella sat on her chair.

"Why did not lie about your pregnancy?" "Don't you there lie further Bella, Tina already told me everything!" Lucy was quite upset. Bella glared at her friend "Mother please don't get upset, I would have told you, but I wanted it to be a surprise!"

She couldn't think of any other explanation at that point in time. "Please don't tell Antonio yet mother, I want to be the one to tell him myself!" She tried convincing the woman and luckily the woman gave in.

That night she just couldn't stop puking, neither did Lucy sleep without checking up on her over and over again. "Let's go to the hospital Bella to know your health issues and know if we could also stop this vomiting.

This was totally unbelievable for Lilo. She could not believe her childhood friend could try to blackmail her into doing things on their terms else her sex tape would be licked out.

All Lilo had to do was leave Antonio for good but, she just couldn't find herself doing what they want.

She sat on the bed thinking of a way out, there must always be a way out. Maybe even a good negotiating can settle everything, but Sage didn't look like one that wanted to negotiate.

If anyone had to find out about that video and about her life, then all her years of hard work would be ruined within seconds. She passed her fingers through her hair as she thought deeper into it.

"I want to break off the engagement with Antonio and let the imposter be with him!" "Are you stupid Lilo? Do you know what you're doing?"

"I'm very much aware mother