
Chapter 87

  Lilo got dressed in an elegant mini red dress. Her hair was rolled into curls dancing at her back beautifully. She wasn't called the best model/ fashion icon for nothing. She stepped out of her apartment in a white Rolls Royce.

The maids at the palace arranged the dishes, for the dinner their prince asked of. The palace felt busy as everyone was occupied with one thing or another.

Ruben sat on his bed thinking of his rose, he wondered what she would wear for tonight's dinner. He couldn't wait to see her, as she has been the only thing in his mind since he last saw her.

Her words and actions were just so unique and different, the kind he's never seen or heard before. There was a Sudden knock on his door and he wondered who it was. "Come in!"

"Sir, Mother wants to see you!" The maid bowed and left immediately. Ruben sighed, he wondered what his mum wanted this time.

At the garden of the large Castle, Lily walked along side the man she loved. Dowson wanted to show her that leaving in a castle was not a bad thing at all. Maybe she hated the castle cause of how her family treated her, and he was here to guide her through it. 

They could live here, but in a more civilized way, or they could go out and livd peacefully in a peaceful environment. "It's so beautiful and the scent is divine!" "You like it?" Dowson smiled. "It used to be my favorite back at home, i made sure our maids planted this in my room!" She smiled.

Dowson plugged the flower and placed it on her hair. "We should head back in, to prepare for dinner!" He suggested to see her smile. She thought she'd hate this place as the day went by and then it would be more suffocating that their palace back at home.

But it seems everyday in this place was really breathtakingly fascinaing. She has gotten more aquainted with Ruth, even if the woman loved shopping and out going, she was one of the best mother's in the world. 

People may misinterpret her actions as rudeness, but all she cares about is her children, she just wants the best for them and nothing else. Dowson escorted Lily to her room before going to his own room.

A black car drove to the entrance of the mansion and Princess Annabelle got out of the car as stepped into the mansion, her heels gave loud click on the floor. She was not in a good mood as her mother had called for her to return immediately for their family dinner and that an important announcement would be made tonight.

   Antonio finally woke up from his sleep, his throat was sour and he needed water but there was no one in the room. Turning to his bedside table, he saw a jar of warm lemon juice, he smiled. Filling the empty glass, he emptied it in his stomach.

He got off the bed and slowly got to the lounge, to find the place dark. The only light in the room came from the television. His family were engrossed in watching toons, he chuckled.

Bella felt a hand on her waist and when she turned around, she saw Antonio who smiled at hee. She returned it. He quickly placed his hands on his lips for her to shut up so as not to distract the girls from their movie.

Even if his previous memory was faint, he could still recall her taking good care of him. He could still hear the worry in her voice.

Bella knew what to do, her mother was a local nurse so she knew few things about these stuffs.